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  • Originally posted by entropy View Post
    Think of the hypocrisy of the left when they bashed Bush for his lack of timely response...
    That's stupid as fuck too. Don't care which direction "they" are from.


    • [ame][/ame]


      • old white guys like hats
        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


        • Originally posted by The Oracle View Post
          That's stupid as fuck too. Don't care which direction "they" are from.

          agree.. If you were critical then, you need to be now. If you were not, then you shouldn't now.

          but that's not how politics or the media works
          Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


          • Originally posted by entropy View Post
            old white guys like hats


            • The criticism of Bush came from the photo op and the obvious breakdown of Fema and the local authorities. When the storm passed they said the worst was over a day later the levee broke. There was good reason to criticize the Federal response in the case of Katrina. Bush was the one saying, "Brownie is doing a heck of a job" when crazy crap was going down at the Superdome. Some of the public statements by Fema regarding the Superdome were delusional, it was on TV and they acted like it wasn't true.

              If there is a case to be made about the current President and his administration response then make it. But complaining he is not down there to make a photo op is a flimsy case.


              • I worked Katrina. It overwhelmed local, state, and Federal resouces quickly. At the time, FEMA had 3200 employees scattered across the nation. 480 were in Sec VII. Guard was activated, and FEMA had pre-positioned some personnel but until the storm passed not much could be done. With the levee breaks came the flooding which hampered rescue and delivery of supplies to the thousands who stayed behind (a New Orleans' tradition).

                I fault FEMA for not having a more proactive incident commander, but I'm not sure that the levee and storm drains are sufficiently fixed even today (this info goes back to the 1970's). In other words, if another "perfect storm" hit New Orleans, I think we'd see the same things today, regardless if an R or a D were behind the name of the president.

                That's just the opinion of someone who was born and raised in NOLA, and worked the storm. Doesn't make me an expert. As always, your mileage may vary.
                Last edited by AlabamAlum; August 21, 2016, 09:42 PM.
                "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
                  I worked Katrina. It overwhelmed local, state, and Federal resouces quickly. At the time, FEMA had 3200 employees scattered across the nation. 480 were in Sec VII. Guard was activated, and FEMA had pre-positioned some personnel but until the storm passed not much could be done. With the levee breaks came the flooding which hampered rescue and delievery of supplies to the thousands who stayed behind (a New Orleans' tradition).

                  I fault FEMA for not having a more proactive incident commander, but I'm not sure that the levee and storm drains are sufficiently fixed even today (this info goes back to the 1970's). In other words, if another "perfect storm" hit New Orleans, I think we'd see the same things today, regardless if an R or a D were behind the name of the president.

                  That's just the opinion of someone who was born and raised in NOLA, and worked the storm. Doesn't make me an expert. As always, your mileage may vary.
                  I was running the Coast Guard station at Dauphin Island when Katrina hit. We were the last station on the Gulf Coast to the west that was able to get operational after the storm. Everything to the west of us was wiped out. The logistics of getting supplies, fuel, food, etc, even for use on the edge of the damage were daunting. People had/have no idea what was involved and what it took to get assistance to the places that needed it.

                  IMO, most criticism was not justified. Just because Sean Penn could get his ass into a pirogue for a photo op, didn't mean that real help could get where it was needed.

                  Trump's photo op this time was nothing more than that, a photo op.
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                    I was running the Coast Guard station at Dauphin Island when Katrina hit. We were the last station on the Gulf Coast to the west that was able to get operational after the storm. Everything to the west of us was wiped out. The logistics of getting supplies, fuel, food, etc, even for use on the edge of the damage were daunting. People had/have no idea what was involved and what it took to get assistance to the places that needed it.

                    IMO, most criticism was not justified. Just because Sean Penn could get his ass into a pirogue for a photo op, didn't mean that real help could get where it was needed.
                    I agree. 100%. Re: Trump. I'm sure he had ulterior motives, But I think the trucks he brought, the check he wrote, and the fact that he brought his own security (and didn't tax local law enforcement) was appreciated regardless.
                    "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                    • Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects

                      Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                      The criticism of Bush came from the photo op and the obvious breakdown of Fema and the local authorities. When the storm passed they said the worst was over a day later the levee broke. There was good reason to criticize the Federal response in the case of Katrina. Bush was the one saying, "Brownie is doing a heck of a job" when crazy crap was going down at the Superdome. Some of the public statements by Fema regarding the Superdome were delusional, it was on TV and they acted like it wasn't true.

                      If there is a case to be made about the current President and his administration response then make it. But complaining he is not down there to make a photo op is a flimsy case.

                      It's sucked. There's my response.

                      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                      • It's not much of a response. Maybe some details about what the federal government hasn't done that it could have that Obama thwarted. There were real things that the Katrina response that I detailed. You have posted an Internet meme.


                        • Just in case it pisses anyone off, here's a gallery of photos of bureaucrats at their desks. Yes, Talent is one of them:


                          • State work, baby!
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • As for Katrina, concur with AA and was pretty obviously a disaster and the political points against GWB were pretty shameful. In that regard, I don't much care if Obama catches "blame" for Baton Rouge (or not). It's politics. GWB is an R, so he hates black people so when the disaster struck black people the blame was easy and embraced. Not the case for Obama.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • froot.. I'd love to answer your question, but BO would need to do something first. When the only difference between my involvement and his is who is giving us the update, I think he could do more.. be presidential and supportive.

                                But hey, maybe if Bush would have done nothing and stated he was getting updates, you'd now be saying he did a great job.

                                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.

