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  • The problem with Trump losing is that the GOP would then (probably) be stuck with Cruz. That's like putting John Wayne Gacy in charge of Boystown. I'm beginning to think that Trump winning the nod and then getting hammered by the Hiltron 4000 might be the best thing to happen to the GOP. That would force it to a) splinter b) rethink it's extremist inflexibility/idiocy c) reform their selection process so that in the future 17 clowns don't come out of a single yellow VW bug.

    I'm looking forward to the same thing happening to the Dems in 2020. All the Bernie-bots are earning their chops and gaining experience for elections to come. I fully expect the Hiltron 4000 to be a one termer - being the first sitting President to lose in the primaries. I just hope the Dems can find someone worthy of the office and prevent a repeat of the shit-show we call 2016.
    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
      Geezer, uninsured people showing up to the ER and having that cost spread out amongst the insured was/is part of the problem. It's not a solution.


      Again all of the doomsday scenarios about the Affordable Care Act that were put forth have not materialized. It has been a success. If the Republicans get their with a full repeal it would cost 340 million according to the CBO.


      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

        Again all of the doomsday scenarios about the Affordable Care Act that were put forth have not materialized. It has been a success. If the Republicans get their with a full repeal it would cost 340 million according to the CBO.
        In a perfect world they'd realize that only a fraction of the country is as lathered up about the ACA as they are, admit defeat, and fashion an honest bi-partisan committee to improve it. It can be improved, starting at the conceptual level, and the Right has good ideas that can help people. But when they vote 48-0 against things and fight them every single step of the way, we get flawed legislation.

        In other news, my Unicorns go on presale tomorrow.


        • Truthfully, I'm shocked that talent is annoyed by the condescending mockery Obama deploys on occasion. With some of the nonsense he has had to deal with, it is appropriate. He doesn't use it enough in my opinion. If anyone would be appreciative of understated condescending mockery I would think talent would be the guy.


          • I'm always on the side of the angels.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Talent looks to Obama and sees himself...too much of himself. Lol

              Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


              • Yeah it is similar to a parent and a child that constantly bicker because they are too alike.


                • The many faces of Talent...

                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
                    In a perfect world they'd realize that only a fraction of the country is as lathered up about the ACA as they are, admit defeat, and fashion an honest bi-partisan committee to improve it. It can be improved, starting at the conceptual level, and the Right has good ideas that can help people. But when they vote 48-0 against things and fight them every single step of the way, we get flawed legislation.

                    In other news, my Unicorns go on presale tomorrow.
                    Not much chance of that. Every Republican candidate, for any office, south of the Mason/Dixon runs on a platform of repealing Obamacare and stopping Obama's ""liberal agenda".

                    If it wasn't so sad, it would be comical.
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post

                      Its "fart" in your general direction.

                      damn it.. you're right.
                      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                      • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                        The affordable care act has had variable but not complete success. That is because of two things:

                        (1) Some Governors refused to extend Medicaid coverage in their states. The net result is millions of uninsured who seek care in the only place they can get it. In Emergency rooms which directly increases the cost of care for insureds.

                        (2) Some of the ACA's more significant provisions were removed by Congress to get it passed. For example, a provision to allow the federal government to compete drugs to be placed on the Medcare and Medicaid formularies was removed. This reflects only the tip of the iceberg WRT the pricing of pharmaceuticals in the US.

                        My position universal health care is that the provision of basic health care is the responsibility of government and how that is paid for is up to that government. I support rationing of it as it is the only sustainable and affordable way to provide it.

                        I wouldn't have designed it this way from scratch but we have an employer based health care delivery system. Therefore, any universal health care program in the US must be employer based. Universal Medicare appears to be easy to implement but the cost, in the current environment and circumstances for health care delivery is unaffordable.

                        Pharmaceutical companies manufacturing drugs and insurance companies in the business of underwriting health insurance need to be regulated.

                        The current system of establishing what a procedure or medical treatment should cost (generally Medicare formulas for this adopted by commercial insurers) is a poor way of determing costs despite a lot of tinkering with this system to make it fair.

                        What is driving pricing is unrestrained profit motivation and competition among them on the part of health care delivery entities. You fix this be redesigning the delivery system at the patient care level. I would go as far as considering Nationalizing it if regulatory approaches proved to be ineffective.
                        anyone whose rates have gone up do the act does not think it is a success... Both sides are looking at what they want to support their opinion. for some, it has been great. Others, not so much.

                        IMO, it's a failure because I don't think it solved the biggest problem: the continue rise in cost of care. Keeping people out of the hospital should be the goal. But I have high expectations. Hoss is correct, the republican need to help make the current act better... but politics is not about solution finding.
                        Last edited by entropy; March 31, 2016, 02:50 PM.
                        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                          The thing about the reporter is also quintessential Trump. It's ticky-tack shit, but his campaign manager clearly grabs her and does so with considerable force. It should be nothing. She raises with it with Trump, probably wants some sort of apology -- probably settles for off-the-record -- and it goes away..."Hey, didn't realize I grabbed your arm so hard, my bad."

                          But the notion of Trump apologizing for anything or acknowledging any wrong is preposterous. So, instead it's a total smear job on her -- she gets fired. And NOW she's pissed. And now you get charges -- the DA would never file them if she didn't file a complaint.

                          All of this could have been so easily avoided with even a modicum of basic human decency and/or a measured response. But that ain't Trump.

                          very true. He's a reality show. Amazingly, I know a few people who say they're still voting for him because he's not a DC insider. I think that anger runs deeper than I previously believed...
                          Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                          • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

                            I've never met a person who was denied care in an ER because of their economic status.

                            so true... many cities even help fund certain hospitals that take in a large portion of people without insurance. So acute care is always provide and it's a lie that people are rejected.

                            What doesn't happen without insurance is preventative care... or what I consider the "health" part of Healthcare. That is the problem, not being turned away from the ER.
                            Last edited by entropy; March 31, 2016, 02:51 PM.
                            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                            • Your mother was an Osborne and your father smelled of elderphillips.


                              • I burst my pimples at you, you rancorous carriage ride participant! Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
                                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.

