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  • "Me, I'm sitting home today. There are no worthy candidates on either side of the aisle."

    I agree with the last part. Trump is awful but Cruz and Rubio are worse. Kasich would worry me mainly because I definitely lean left and don't want an R choosing the next Supreme Court justices, but he is at least not crazy.

    I was a staunch R until Reagan started ramping up the arms race and the cold war. A book that came out at the time was entitled "With Enough Shovels", discussing how to survive a nuclear war. In those days most people had no concept of a nuclear explosion: "Just a big bomb". I got heavy indoctrination on nuclear weapons when I served as a physician in the USAF. About the same time the anti-nuclear movement was born, and a powerful documentary entitled "The Last Epidemic" came out that described what would happen if a 1 megaton bomb were to explode over San Francisco. I ordered several copies and showed them to as many friends and colleagues as possible.

    But Reagan redeemed himself and turned out to be a not half bad president with the detante (sp?) with Gorbachev. Avoiding another war has always been my litmus test in presidential politics and my obsession. (you can imagjne how I feel about W). I started a local chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility in the early 80s which was devoted to educating our local public about the dangers of nuclear war.

    I detest Hillary and IMO she would be WORSE than any of the Rs! Many poorly informed people have no idea what her priorities are. She is as dangerous, and probably a worse war-monger than any of the Rs. And she is shrewd in how she disguises her true positions.

    So that leaves Bernie. Of course, he’ll never be elected and he is too old. But I voted for him, mainly as a protest. He just doesn’t have what it takes to lead the nation.


    • Now, as for colonoscopy. It's no fun. I've had several, and after age 75 my gastroenterologist said there was no need to continue these. The worst part, of course, is the prep.

      But colonoscopy has saved MANY lives! In the early days we had rigid sigmoidoscopy which was entirely inadequate to assess the entire colon but a lot of unsuspected cancers were found and treated. When flexible scopes entered the diagnostic options we had, for the first time, an accurate way to assess the entire colon. But there is quite a learning curve to mastering these procedures.

      Colon cancer is one of the top causes of cancer deaths in the USA. It has something to do with diet, and there are pockets of civilizations where the disease is almost non-existent. The western diet has been implicated. Too many saturated animal fats is thought to be factor, and, oddly, this western diet also correlates with arteriosclerotic heart disease.


      • I voted for the least evil.


        • PolitiFact is a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and others on its Truth-O-Meter.


          • Wiz: .. of course, you know I hate you ....

            I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, its usually my ankle


            • Trump wins Michigan. Dems too close to call mainly because no one knows how Wayne County will play out.


              • Though I try to not read, I saw they posted Clinton was beating Sanders 56-31 in a recent poll. Maybe that was Sunday?

                I didn't expect this to be close in Michigan.
                AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


                • Bern up 4pts with 35% in.


                  • Sanders has been maintaining a 13,000-15,000 vote lead for a while now. Hillary's eggs are mainly in Wayne County.

                    I presume areas like Grand Rapids, Lansing (MSU), and Ann Arbor will be heavily pro-Bernie and those areas aren't reporting many votes yet. Wayne County is reporting at 19% and Hillary's lead isn't huge there.


                    • 42% in, Sanders up by 22,000 votes. Hillary's margin in Wayne only 3% with 23% of the votes counted there. Guess it depends where the outstanding votes are.


                      • Big pockets of votes from Wayne all come in and the race now very tight


                        • Sanders has a 25,000 vote lead as of 11:40 with 91% of Wayne County reporting...are there enough votes for Hillary there to overcome Sanders? I'm guessing no at this point, but we'll prob know soon


                          • It's over, Bern for the win.


                            • Keeps Sanders in the race for God knows how long. Possibly June. Gives him an actual chance to win Ohio, Missouri...who knows.


                              • Just pointed out on CNN but I'd noticed it earlier: Hillary is easily winning states where Democrats have no shot in November. She's losing or struggling in states that are supposed to be reliably Democrat or swing states (Massachusetts, Michigan, Colorado, New Hampshire, Minnesota).

                                Next Tuesday is huge, obviously. But look beyond that and see which states are voting:

                                March 22: Arizona, Idaho, Utah
                                March 26: Alaska, Hawaii, Washington
                                April 5: Wisconsin
                                April 9: Wyoming

                                That could be a bad stretch for Hillary unless she blows Sanders out next week

