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  • And why would they vote for Hillary? All of us would be fired if we sent company emails from our home email account. I just don't understand he lefts fascination with here... She is not Bill. She's power hungry and will do or say anything to gain that power. She's not a leader

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    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


    • Originally posted by The Oracle View Post
      Why is Christie not getting more support, not far enough right? Is that Obama photo still haunting him from 4 years ago? In my untrained eye, he seems the most sane to me.

      Christie comes off as the mean spirited bully who pulled the legs off frogs in elementary school. His inyourface attitude hinders whatever merit his positions may have. He compounds the problem with callus public treatment of others. Bluster and Alpha Male Syndrome may work in NJ, but the rest of the nation ain't the Garbage State.

      My mental picture of his office has this photo framed on his desk.

      “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


      • Originally posted by Ghengis Jon View Post
        Christie comes off as the mean spirited bully who pulled the legs off frogs in elementary school. His inyourface attitude hinders whatever merit his positions may have. He compounds the problem with callus public treatment of others. Bluster and Alpha Male Syndrome may work in NJ, but the rest of the nation ain't the Garbage State.

        My mental picture of his office has this photo framed on his desk.

        Are you kidding??? The entire panel of and the entire Republican party sounds like a bunch of idiot meat sockets. The 2 "frontrunners" Trump and Cruz sound worse and they don't even have the Jersey excuse. At least Christie has a reason.


        • LOL. At the both.


          • And why would they vote for Hillary?

            You have to understand most of the left already has their mind made up. Just like Obama they don't care (or even know) what policy's are good or bad for the country. She has the black vote, latino, women, and all the many thousands of bleeding hearts liberals. All she has to do is keep it simple as possible and not fall for the gotcha questions. She is not a good debater

            GOP is a three man race Trump, Cruz, Marko. Carson is toast, just what the GOP wants he's an outsider like Trump. He was doing very well until his crazy stores from his book came out and his comments after the Oregon shooting. I agree with Liney, I think Trump jumped in but wasn't that serious until he was so popular, his ego loves it. I don't really think he really wants the job that bad, but loves proving he the smartest guy on stage.

            Cruz and Marko are very good debaters, much better than Hillary. But people have their minds made up, only thing that could bring her down is one of her scandals escalating big time.


            • Bernie is further from most of my views than Hillary, but I would trust him to be a decent human being and to be who he says he is...

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              Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


              • Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                • Putin in his 60s. Although his arms are a little soft looking, he's got a great mid-section for all the Vodka he probably consumes. But, yeah, good looking horse.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                  • a little old, but a classic in honor of Star Wars..

                    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                    • Originally posted by entropy View Post
                      And why would they vote for Hillary? All of us would be fired if we sent company emails from our home email account. I just don't understand he lefts fascination with here... She is not Bill. She's power hungry and will do or say anything to gain that power. She's not a leader

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                      Couple things...she isn't the first cabinet member to use private email; its a trend that's goes back to the previous decade, minimum. She is however, the first to do so and make a presidential run against a hostile congress.

                      As a Lefty, I don't personally know anybody who is "fascinated" with her....certainly not as much as the Right is anyway. She is married to the most popular Democrat since RFK, has both very high-level experience in both legislative and executive branch politics, and is the only candidate with any name recognition.

                      Its a weak field on both sides.


                      • IMO, the Republicans are a profoundly stupid party
                        When it comes to presidential elections. The Rs have done a fantastic job kicking the shit out of the Ds in state and local politics. And those are the elections that really matter -- though, with the continually increasing executive power, the presidential election certainly matters, too.

                        The confounding thing is that the Rs have this extensive "farm system" of candidates working their way up through state government and they're being beaten by Trump. So all their national dominance isn't doing much good producing a winning presidential candidate.

                        And, of course, they're up against it in the Electoral College. They need Florida and Ohio. Which is why they probably need someone like Rubio or Kasich at least on the ticket if they want to have a shot.

                        Now, the follow up on your point re Ds -- they're fucking incompetent in huge portions of the country. Ohio, e.g., is a legitimately purple state and they are dead and buried as a statewide party. Yeah, they can carry the state for the President (and a Senator up for election in a presidential year will win), but they have almost no chance statewide in off years.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                          The confounding thing is that the Rs have this extensive "farm system" of candidates working their way up through state government and they're being beaten by Trump. So all their national dominance isn't doing much good producing a winning presidential candidate.
                          That's because the modern GOP is really two separate parties, held together at the polls by their hatred of Barack Obama (and soon, Hillary Clinton) but which are moving apart in most every other measure.

                          If I was running the D party, my No. 1 priority over the next four years would be in finding a means to drive a wedge into that crack. I'd start by revamping the party's stance on guns, which has turned into their version of the Right's' gay marriage albatross...a brick wall that they keep butting their head against. (Its not like the Coastal Democrats will start voting Republican if the stance softens) I think Bernie has revealed into a strong undercurrent of anti-corporatism that could also be used to pry moderate Republican voters away from the GOP in purple states.


                          • Well, I disagree on the two separate parties thing. Or, alternatively, I think the Ds are herding more cats than the Rs.

                            IMO, the Ds come across as ambivalent, at best, toward working class/poor white folks. I see them continually amping up their identity politics game and, IMO, it does them no favors with voters that SHOULD be D. For example, it's one thing for your "coastal Ds" to flog themselves over their "privilege;" it's another to do it in such broad terms as to include a families in, say, Chillicothe, Ohio firmly on "the draw" and mired in shit spiral of despair. But those folks are punchlines. These are people that voted for Hillary in 2008 (when she had more f'n primary votes than Obama) and the ones Obama mocked as clinging to their "guns and religion."

                            So when it comes to the Ds I think there's a wing of the party that has no fucking interest in this particular class of voter. I think that Obama would be front and center on that cause. I think traditional Ds do care about them. But, unfortunately for the Ds, they're not a group-think lock-step bloc that the Ds can occasionally pander to and then ignore. It frustrates me a bit because those are votes they CAN win.

                            I think, unfortunately, Trump has tapped into this group -- the HS educated white demographic. And he does it by being irreverent. He literally won't kowtow to the "elites" in any way shape or form. You catch him in an absurd lie, he won't walk it back one lick. He'll tell you to fuck off. That's appealing to a lot of people, IMO. Especially those who probably feel mocked and marginalized. I dunno -- it's a possible partial explanation. Heh.

                            But I'd really like to see the Ds tamp down shameless identity politics and put some effort into big tenting working class/poor white folks. Poor is poor. If you're a fucking progressive poor ought to know no racial distinction.
                            Last edited by iam416; December 17, 2015, 03:17 PM.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • STFU
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • For every issue I ask myself, "What would The_Wizard do?" And I then I advocate execution for all those who would do as The_Wizard and lengthy torture and execution for all those who would do The_Wizard.

                                I believe my anti-Wizard policy remains politically viable.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

