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  • Diversity of thought is critical. Using race, gender, nationay origin, etc as a proxy for one's thoughts, at least minority thoughts, is not. Unfortunately, we do the latter.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
      Diversity of thought is critical. Using race, gender, nationay origin, etc as a proxy for one's thoughts, at least minority thoughts, is not. Unfortunately, we do the latter.
      Yep. Diversity of thought. Which is why the govt tries to make sure every Division of Goldman Sachs is represented.


      • Also, I believe Rs have picked up nearly 1000 seats at the federal and state level since 2008. The Rs dominate states totally controlling something like 26 to 6 for the Ds. The Rs are near an a House majority high since FDR. They managed to hold the Senate.

        I'm unclear what the Electoral College has to do with any of that. There is clearly a dominant party at the moment, a clear winner. If Ds want whistle past the graveyard, then that's their choice. Sure seems like that's the plan.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • DSL:

          I was more taking issue with Geezer and general stuff. For example, I like public schools because your cohort is typically diverse in opinion. I'm not sure how important it is at a micro level in the Cabinet. But, whatever.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • It's been interesting watching the D's go from a party protecting minority voices to the party that now wants majority rule.

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            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


            • Thanks, gents.


              • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                Also, I believe Rs have picked up nearly 1000 seats at the federal and state level since 2008. The Rs dominate states totally controlling something like 26 to 6 for the Ds. The Rs are near an a House majority high since FDR. They managed to hold the Senate.

                I'm unclear what the Electoral College has to do with any of that. There is clearly a dominant party at the moment, a clear winner. If Ds want whistle past the graveyard, then that's their choice. Sure seems like that's the plan.
                Last person to have mentioned anything related to the electoral college was me. If you're responding to that, well, I don't think it does. Geezer mentioned the vote we just had, not anything going back to 2008, and I responded. The Ds gained seats in the Senate in November and the popular vote was pretty decisive. Any reading of that equating the Rs as dominant would have to acknowledge the way the system is set up to overvalue some voters.

                If I were the Ds, I'd have a plan to make the system more representative of the people. At some point this'll stop. That can be sooner or later, depending on how stupid the Ds continue to be.
                Last edited by hack; December 10, 2016, 06:31 PM.


                • The electoral college isn't going anywhere. Unless 38 states can agree to amend the Constitution.

                  In the meantime, Rs control just about everything. That will change as the electorate oscillates. And it will change again. And again.

                  The Ds real plan is to bank on Trump being a spectacular failure. That's a prudent plan. Far more prudent than amending the Constitution. And it could help them win back a few states just in time for redistricting.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • The Ds real plan is to bank on Trump being a spectacular failure. That's a prudent plan. Far more prudent than amending the Constitution. And it could help them win back a few states just in time for redistricting.
                    That's correct. 2017 is going to be analogous in many ways to 2009. Obama came in after a failed presidency and he spent his political capital on nationalized health care. 2010 was a wave election (and led to redistricting favoring the Rs). It all comes down to what Trump chooses to emphasize his first two years. If he goes for the economy, he'll be fine. If he goes for health care, he'll be beating his head against a wall. The questions "Do you like your son-in-law?" and "Do you like your health insurance plan?" generally have the same type of answer.


                    • I didn't say they should abolish the Electoral College. If that's what it takes, it sounds highly unlikely to me too. I said that the Ds should have a plan to make the system more representative of the people. That means a ton of things, and it's possible to get started with some small cracks at it before you swing for the fences.

                      What I myself would do is obviously point the finger where it belongs, first and foremost at the financial sector, but also find a few candidates willing to run for house and senate seats on a Cities First platform. We've seen how you can whip up some anger in this country, and I don't see it aimed at the rural pork barrel very often. Tell urban and suburban voters they've been picked on long enough, find the most egregious of Farm Bill subsidies, show how much GDP and tax revenue is generated in cities rather than rural areas, and tell them you're gonna be on their side. Pander to them in the way that Rs have pandered to rural voters in the past few decades.
                      Last edited by hack; December 10, 2016, 07:36 PM.


                      • Get rid of delegates? Super delegates?


                        • I assumed the discussion was focused on Presidential elections. I'm not sure what can be done in that regard other than an Amendment. States can allocate votes as they see fit, but that doesn't address the fact that electoral votes include 2 for Senators. I don't find it a particularly tenable aim, but I'm unimaginative and haven't considered options.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Oracle's superdelegate comment reminds me that HRC won the popular vote in the 2008 D primary, too....and the bulk of traditional D states. But she was snookered by the setup. She won by 0.8% or so. One snake-bitten woman.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Interesting social network analysis based on political affiliation.

                              When Donald Trump rode to victory in the Electoral College on Nov. 8, perhaps no group was more surprised than journalists, who had largely bought into the polls showing Hillary Clinton was consistently several percentage points ahead in key swing states. But there may be another reason they didn’t see it coming: Journalists spend a […]


                              • That is pretty interesting, DSL. Thanks.

                                All of this paints a bleak picture of online political discourse,
                                Yeah, those of us on Twitter and FB that with followers on both camps could have told you that. Right now the Progressives are gumming up both my feeds at the higher, more annoying rate, but in the summer it was the Trumpians.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

