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  • The rationalizing is going to be interesting. There are people that think that with Trump in office there will suddenly be a revival of manufacturing in their left-behind towns. That's obviously not going to happen. Apparently someone with the campaign just said on some channel that they'll double GDP growth and create 25m jobs. At some point Trump voters will need some very creative excuses for why it never came to pass.


    • It will be Obama's fault
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • If an endorsement by a celebrity is a repellent to some voters, it's a poor reflection on those voters.


        • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
          It will be Obama's fault

          The playbook of both parties... deflect blame

          Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
          Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


          • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
            If an endorsement by a celebrity is a repellent to some voters, it's a poor reflection on those voters.

            Froot.. I was mocking them. Hack got it, hence his laugh.

            Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
              If an endorsement by a celebrity is a repellent to some voters, it's a poor reflection on those voters.
              We should deport them to real theocracies.


              • I'm pretty sure Obama took full credit for one of the longest economic expansions in history in the middle of a global recession as well as Obamacare.
                To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                • hack asked:
                  Are you suggesting that when politicians address the 330m people known as Americans, they do so in a particularly coded language tailored to the needs of less than a third of them who apparently have redefined some very common words?
                  Well, if the politicians actually want to communicate with the 1/3, I guess they would have to either use ordinary words as what they mean in common parlance, or alternatively, to use words that the 1/3 understand. Progressives are absolute geniuses at redefining common words to mean almost the opposite of what they mean in ordinary English.

                  Two examples I've used recently are (1) fairness and (2)health. By all means look them up in a dictionary.

                  Fairness: I used when discussing what Progressives called the "fairness doctrine". Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? But what it was was a governmental requirement that broadcast stations meet requirements regarding content or lose their licenses (it had little to do with the rental of the airwaves as you suggested). And, of course, only "fair" content was approved, which meant censorship at best, propaganda at worst.

                  Health: Instead of health meaning health, progressives have taken this to mean whatever emotional state that can possibly justify abortion. This is in the longstanding tradition of Josef Stalin (a typical socialist) who not only killed his opponents, but also sent many of them to mental hospitals. They were clearly mentally ill, because they opposed the "people". Certainly, mental illness is real, but "feeling" like you don't want a baby is not an illness.

                  "Wanting to control their own bodies" is another, related, abuse of language. Forget about the rights of the fetus, I just wonder why it is improper to ask these women why they didn't want any control of their bodies when they were copulating.

                  All political correctness, in all its forms, is abuse of language. This election was very much about the left's insistence upon redefining ordinary words.


                  • That's complete nonsense. You're smart enough to know that Orwellian language is common from all sides. You're using it yourself in that very post. This isn't the kind of exchange I'm interested in.


                    • Apparently someone with the campaign just said on some channel that they'll double GDP growth and create 25m jobs. At some point Trump voters will need some very creative excuses for why it never came to pass.
                      Doubling GDP growth will be no problem (two times almost zero is almost zero). No way Trump's plan creates 25m jobs. Remember, Reagan's plan didn't kick in until 1983, and boy were the political class howling during 1981 and 82.

                      What will be interesting is if the labor participation rate rises. That means reform of the disability system. Gads there is a lot to do.


                      • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                        hack asked:

                        Well, if the politicians actually want to communicate with the 1/3, I guess they would have to either use ordinary words as what they mean in common parlance, or alternatively, to use words that the 1/3 understand. Progressives are absolute geniuses at redefining common words to mean almost the opposite of what they mean in ordinary English.

                        Two examples I've used recently are (1) fairness and (2)health. By all means look them up in a dictionary.

                        Fairness: I used when discussing what Progressives called the "fairness doctrine". Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? But what it was was a governmental requirement that broadcast stations meet requirements regarding content or lose their licenses (it had little to do with the rental of the airwaves as you suggested). And, of course, only "fair" content was approved, which meant censorship at best, propaganda at worst.

                        Health: Instead of health meaning health, progressives have taken this to mean whatever emotional state that can possibly justify abortion. This is in the longstanding tradition of Josef Stalin (a typical socialist) who not only killed his opponents, but also sent many of them to mental hospitals. They were clearly mentally ill, because they opposed the "people". Certainly, mental illness is real, but "feeling" like you don't want a baby is not an illness.

                        "Wanting to control their own bodies" is another, related, abuse of language. Forget about the rights of the fetus, I just wonder why it is improper to ask these women why they didn't want any control of their bodies when they were copulating.

                        All political correctness, in all its forms, is abuse of language. This election was very much about the left's insistence upon redefining ordinary words.
                        Agreed, hang that bitch and targeting " renegade Jews" needed to be reintroduced into the lexicon.


                        • That's complete nonsense. You're smart enough to know that Orwellian language is common from all sides. You're using it yourself there, in that post complaining about it being tool of only those with whom you disagree. This isn't the kind of exchange I'm interested in.
                          Where did I use it myself?


                          • When Wisconsin removed that fan with the costume of Obama being lynched at Camp Randall, it was a definite left wing overreach. That evangelical was merely expressing free speech in a language we couldn't understand.


                            • I'm pretty sure Obama took full credit for one of the longest economic expansions in history in the middle of a global recession as well as Obamacare.
                              That would be the "expansion" that produced a current family income lower than in 1999 for 50% of the population? Hey, maybe for you it was high times and caviar, but not for we folks in flyover country.


                              • The bottom fell out as he took office, you know that but Trump is your guy

