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  • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
    Obama had his major issues too, but nobody outside of about three or four right wing talk radio hosts ever spent time talking about them. He came in with every bit the sleaze factor that Hillary Clinton has, albeit not on the same scale since a "community organizer" can't shake down as much money as the Secretary of State.
    I don't expect to find much common ground on ethics/values issues, and reasonable people can differ, but at the very least can we not agree on the facts? There has been not a whiff or hint of any form of corruption from minor to major for the duration of Obama's career. The closest anyone could come is that he took money from Tony Rezko. THAT'S IT. He has NONE of the sleaze factor Hillary has, and you have absolutely nothing to support your statement that he does. If three or four right-win talk-show hosts talk about any problems, that doesn't make them right or brave or anything. It makes them, for whatever reason, part of a very meager and unsuccessful propaganda effort that only lives on because rather than sticking with facts people are willing to have bullshit spoon-fed to them.

    One of the reasons why we have such a shitty choice this go-round is that people don't want to put up with the bullshit that comes with running for office. We never got Colin Powell, and man he would have been the right man at the right time both in terms of military leadership and personaly integrity, but because he and his wife didn't want to deal with having his name dragged through the mud on false pretenses we lost out on that opportunity. We got much poorer leadership instead, and as a result the pointless death of thousands of young people, and corruption on a massive scale. The modern reality is that no matter what facts there are, people will still make up false reasons to shit on your name, life and work, just in order to wider their own profit margin. This has to stop.
    Last edited by hack; November 8, 2016, 02:13 PM.


    • Trump campaign got laughed out of court in Nevada. Their lawsuit fails miserably. Might be the first of many though


      • The system is rigged!


        • Originally posted by hack View Post
          I don't expect to find much common ground on ethics/values issues, and reasonable people can differ, but at the very least can we not agree on the facts? There has been not a whiff or hint of any form of corruption from minor to major for the duration of Obama's career. The closest anyone could come is that he took money from Tony Rezko. THAT'S IT. He has NONE of the sleaze factor Hillary has, and you have absolutely nothing to support your statement that he does. If three or four right-win talk-show hosts talk about any problems, that doesn't make them right or brave or anything. It makes them, for whatever reason, part of a very meager and unsuccessful propaganda effort that only lives on because rather than sticking with facts people are willing to have bullshit spoon-fed to them.

          One of the reasons why we have such a shitty choice this go-round is that people don't want to put up with the bullshit that comes with running for office. We never got Colin Powell, and man he would have been the right man at the right time both in terms of military leadership and personaly integrity, but because he and his wife didn't want to deal with having his name dragged through the mud on false pretenses we lost out on that opportunity. We got much poorer leadership instead, and as a result the pointless death of thousands of young people, and corruption on a massive scale. The modern reality is that no matter what facts there are, people will still make up false reasons to shit on your name, life and work, just in order to wider their own profit margin. This has to stop.
          Great post Hack.


          • Pic of the day so far:


            • Last time the Republicans won the Presidency without carrying Florida: 1924


              • Thanks, Froot.


                • Originally posted by *JD* View Post
                  Pic of the day so far:



                  • Buford T Justice got at least one vote for Platte County Sheriff.

                    Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk


                    • Not looking good for DJT in Florida


                      • Yeah things not trending well for Trump in Florida at the moment. Lots and lots of SE Florida votes not counted and Clinton's with Huge lead in Orlando; decent one in Tampa.


                        • If the exit polls in Virginia are correct then he doesn't have much chance in Virginia either. Independents exactly split. D's supporting Clinton more than R's supporting Trump. Clinton's lead with women double that of Trump with men.


                          • HRC closed as -400 favorite in Florida and almost -800 nationally. That's 80% and almost 90% favorites.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Closest betting race is NC. Trump roughly 53% favorite.
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • Yeah her lead in the three big Dem counties is currently ahead of Obama in 2012. Maybe Orlando too, I haven't looked back at that one.

