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  • Elders of Zion is my fav MMORPG.
    "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


    • The Puppet Masters

      Last edited by Rocky Bleier; November 7, 2016, 11:17 AM.
      I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


      • I was just going to remark on how attacking "international bankers" and "globalist elites" had undertones of historical anti-semitism...but Rocky decides: why toy around with mere undertones? Might as well be overt. The Alt Right, ladies and gents.


        • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
          I wouldn't go that far. Trump had a shot in this one. If Hillary was playing Lloydball than Trump was playing RichRod ball. In Llloydball you think that you can win with brute force and no imagination. In RichRod ball you think that you can win with imagination only and no brute force. Trump spent next to zero money on advertising or building an infrastructure. He had next to zero support from his own party. He participated in at least one (that we know of) debate that was rigged. We have irrefutable proof that numerous media outlets have been colluding with the Clinton campaign and acting as a propaganda arm of the Democrat pary. His entire campaign has been his twitter account and his private jet. Somebody running a campaign like this virtually all by himself is unprecedented. That he has made a contest out of this one speaks volumes about the power of the message itself. Which, of course, the Republicans will ignore and chalk up his loss to him not having been politically correct enough ala John McCain and Mitt Romney.
          The flip side is that Trump's only close because Hillary was a horrible and utterly compromised candidate. If Trump were running against Obama, this wouldn't be remotely close. So as far as "the popularity of the message" goes, you're wrong.


          • Hey, the 1121st richest person in the world pulling the strings.

            The Rothschild family is rich, but claims that they have a net worth of $500 trillion and own 80% of the world's wealth are grossly exaggerated.

            Besides, I much prefer Carlos Slim as my behind the scenes puppet master. So much good Telenovela plots available.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              The flip side is that Trump's only close because Hillary was a horrible and utterly compromised candidate. If Trump were running against Obama, this wouldn't be remotely close. So as far as "the popularity of the message" goes, you're wrong.
              Obama had his major issues too, but nobody outside of about three or four right wing talk radio hosts ever spent time talking about them. He came in with every bit the sleaze factor that Hillary Clinton has, albeit not on the same scale since a "community organizer" can't shake down as much money as the Secretary of State. He's a guy who probably couldn't get a security clearance if he ever applied for one as a private citizen. He is further away from the American center than any other President in US history and this was never exposed. By design, he had almost no voting record to speak of. He got away with "Hope and Change" because nobody ever bothered to bring up his past or challenge him on his ideology. . Especially McCain, who was a hilariously perfect candidate for Obama to run against. McCain was a wet dream candidate for the Democrats -- a guy who will let the other candidate present himself as a blank slate and a nice guy. An aggressive candidate who mentioned the name "Bill Ayers" in attack ads and used Obama's own Marxist language against him (e.g. the private sector as "enemy territory", an interview where he laments that the Supreme Court didn't take on the redistribution of wealth as a civil rights issue, etc) would have done a lot of damage and made the election a lot closer. Just reading select quotes out of his autobiographies would have been worth a couple of states. Probably wouldn't have been enough to win but it would have galvanized opposition to Obama a lot sooner and given him less of a mandate.
              Last edited by Hannibal; November 7, 2016, 01:44 PM.


              • Seriously... Hillary has this won. It hasn't been a race for months. It has been drama for TV
                Yup. Agree totally.


                • When FBI Director James Comey told Congress on Oct. 28 that he was reviewing additional emails pertinent to the case of Hillary Clinton’s email server, Clinton …

                  Still, if you look at our win-probability graphic, while Clinton’s chances were slightly declining already after she came off her post-debate peak, the rate of decline began to accelerate a couple of days after Comey, once we began to receive some post-Comey polls. Now the decline has leveled off, and her lead has held steady over the past several days. One advantage of having a model like ours that’s pretty quick to detect changes in the polls is that we can potentially make better inferences about the cause of polling shifts. And while it isn’t proof of anything, the pattern is at least consistent with a “shock” caused by a burst of negative news for a candidate, as opposed to a more gradual decline.

                  In fact, the shift looks pretty similar to a period in July after Comey reprimanded but did not charge Clinton for her email server and testified before Congress about it. That period produced about a 2-point swing against Clinton.
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Hannibal: Do you think that the Rs will investigate Hillary after the election (which she is going to win). I don't think they will. They'll do the same as they did with Obama: nothing, for fear of alienating the black vote.


                    • They been investigating her for 30 years. Why stop now?
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Lord almighty. I just had my third call today by Bo's and Harbaugh's wives telling me to remember to vote for Ron Weiser for Board of Regents at UM. If Trump had had half the ground game for President as Weiser does for Regent, he'd have a chance in MI.

                        Harbaugh is a Republican. Believes in competition.


                        • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
                          Hannibal: Do you think that the Rs will investigate Hillary after the election (which she is going to win). I don't think they will. They'll do the same as they did with Obama: nothing, for fear of alienating the black vote.
                          Here are my predictions for the next four years. Bookmark this post.

                          1. Hillary wins tomorrow. Trump makes a respectable showing but it's not enough. He wins all of Romney's states plus Ohio and Iowa. Exit polls show that Trump got more support from blacks than George W., McCain, or Romney, and about the same support from Hispanics as McCain and Romney. The entire media still celebrates it as a defeat of "racism" and as a positive mandate for open borders, BLM, etc.

                          2. Hillary will bat 1.000 on Supreme Court nominations (LMAO at anyone who thinks that the Republicans will filibuster them).

                          3. Amnesty will pass in 2017. Republicucks like John McCain and Mitch McConnell will boast about how wonderful it is that they are working with Hillary Clinton tlo pass bipartisan legislation. There will be some sort of token conciliatory language in there to try and appease the people who think that rewarding illegal immigrants for breaking our laws is a bad idea. They will take the form of extra requirements (fines, learning English, etc) that will absolutely never ever ever be enforced. That includes promises to finally police the border. It will never happen. Ever. Absolute 100% guaranteed.

                          4. Clinton's scandals will be talked about by talk radio folks but nothing will ever come of them legally.

                          5. In 2018, thanks in no small part to a wave of a few million or so new Hispanic voters, Democrats will retake the house. I think that Rs will narrowly hang onto the Senate.

                          6. In 2020, the Republicans will nominate the most spineless wimp in recorded history. He will grovel endlessly at the feet of women and minorities. The Democrats will successfully paint him as RACIST-HOMOPHOBE-BIGOT-HITLER and he will not fight back. That candidate will get 150 electoral votes as Hillary wins in a landslide.

                          7. Economic growth will average about 1.5 % per year, at best, with at least one actual recession in there.

                          8. There are currently 95 million people out of the work force. By 2020, it will be well over 100 milllion people. Unemployment will continue to hover in the 5% range, thanks to the low work force participation.

                          9. The budget deficit and government spending, as a percentage of GDP, will grow every year that Hillary Clinton is in office. Republicans will put up some brief token opposition to this as well, but will back down in their usual cowardly fashion after a short standoff.

                          10. By 2020, we will still have a significant military presence in the Middle East, fighting whatever incarnation there is of what ISIS is now.

                          11. By 2020, we will be sporadic events of civil unrest similar to what is being experienced in places like Stockholm, Paris, Caen, Munich, and Brussels. The response to this unrest will be for Democrats and Republicucks to blame white "racism" and double down on open borders. This is 100% exactly what has happened in Europe.

                          12. In the next couple of years, there will be bipartisan legislation to double down on Obamacare and kick the can down the road. The Republicans will never repeal it. They will not force Hillary to use a veto on that.

                          13. The Republicans will force Hillary to use her veto power on a token abortion bill.

                          Did I leave anything out? I think that just about covers it.
                          Last edited by Hannibal; November 7, 2016, 02:23 PM.


                          • LOL @ Rs losing the 2018 midterms.

                            Bookmark this: Rs control both the House and the Senate after 2018 midterms.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • If amnesty somehow gets blocked, then I think that I would agree with that. But I'm predicting that it won't.

                              Anyhow, my predictions are my predictions. I think that they are all measurable. Save them for the future and feel free to laugh at them if they are wrong.

                              If #3 is correct then you are witnessing the last legitimately contested Presidential election of our lifetimes.
                              Last edited by Hannibal; November 7, 2016, 02:13 PM.


                              • In 2020, the Republicans will nominate the most spineless wimp in recorded history.
                                So Marco Rubio gets his shot.

