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  • Do they give them the Obama phone before or after they are bussed in from Massachusetts?

    Ha ha what a crank.


    • Da Geezer.. that video clip, imo, is the worst form of racism.. worse than the KKK. KKK is just hate. what you highlighted is a suggestion of "not being able to"... I think that is more dangerous in the long run. JMO
      Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


      • Nate Silver has Clinton starting to move up a bit

        66.9% this morning
        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


        • Somewhat important election news but Philly apparently settled its transit strike this morning. Some Dems were worried that it was going to depress turnout in the city.


          • Somewhat important election news but Philly apparently settled its transit strike this morning. Some Dems were worried that it was going to depress turnout in the city.


            • I expect the Trump campaign will chalk that up to more rigging.


              • [ame][/ame]


                • Seriously, Trump took time to stop in Minnesota and deliver one of his most racially charged and xenophobic rants yet. Assured Minnesotans that 'everyone' knows about the 'disaster' in Minnesota...their 'Somali problem'...and not to worry because he will fix it. He will deal with the Somalis...


                  • Seriously... Hillary has this won. It hasn't been a race for months. It has been drama for TV

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                    • Correct.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Da Geezer.. that video clip, imo, is the worst form of racism.. worse than the KKK. KKK is just hate. what you highlighted is a suggestion of "not being able to"... I think that is more dangerous in the long run. JMO
                        Yup. That is what I thought too. When we were debating voter registration or ID's in this forum, I asked the question of someone who was against ID or registration "is it that you think black folks are too lazy to register, or is ti that they are too stupid?".

                        About 10 years ago, the school where I was the President of the Board decided to upgrade security. School was roughly 90% black, 94% free and reduced. The system necessitated a driver's license for a visitor to get into the school, and would print a wearable sticker with name and reason to be in the school. The sticker had a bar code that was necessary to get out of the school. School had 400 students. We had only one parent who did not have a drivers license. And "my" parents would have acted just like the black folks did in the video if anyone had asked them if they had ID.

                        Ignorant. That is the word. Ignorant and racist.
                        Last edited by Da Geezer; November 7, 2016, 01:17 PM.


                        • VOX, of all places, had an article on Voter ID where they acknowledged studies show minimal impact on turnout, but still thought it was bullshit because of racist intent.

                          I've never really bought the "black folks can't figure it out" line. I've always thought it was fucking paternalistic racism at its worst.

                          In any event, it's pretty clear that reasonable voter ID stuff is, well, reasonable. Especially when combined with early voting on the front end and provisional ballots on the back end. You'd have to be pretty damn incompetent to not be able to vote. And I certainly don't attribute incompetence by race.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by entropy View Post
                            Seriously... Hillary has this won. It hasn't been a race for months. It has been drama for TV
                            I wouldn't go that far. Trump had a shot in this one. If Hillary was playing Lloydball than Trump was playing RichRod ball. In Llloydball you think that you can win with brute force and no imagination. In RichRod ball you think that you can win with imagination only and no brute force. Trump spent next to zero money on advertising or building an infrastructure. He had next to zero support from his own party. He participated in at least one (that we know of) debate that was rigged. We have irrefutable proof that numerous media outlets have been colluding with the Clinton campaign and acting as a propaganda arm of the Democrat pary. His entire campaign has been his twitter account and his private jet. Somebody running a campaign like this virtually all by himself is unprecedented. That he has made a contest out of this one speaks volumes about the power of the message itself. Which, of course, the Republicans will ignore and chalk up his loss to him not having been politically correct enough ala John McCain and Mitt Romney.
                            Last edited by Hannibal; November 7, 2016, 10:47 AM.


                            • Hilliary all the way. All hail, George Soros! Otherwise, Comey would still be combing through 650,000 emails. Imagine the threats he got in the last week. "James, does the name Vince Foster ring a bell?"
                              I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


                              • Are you sure it wasn't the Elders of Zion Rocky?

