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  • Politics is an enduring feature of human life, but political parties are mortal. This week we watched the beginning of the end of one of the United States? great, illustrious parties. The Republican Party, as we knew it, is dying.

    The death of a party is not so unusual. Scholars divide U.S. history according to six distinct party systems, each responding to a particular political era. Sometimes parties retain their names but morph ideologically, like the Democratic Party, which went from being Southern, pro-slavery and pro-Jim Crow to the opposite. On other occasions, parties collapse entirely, as did the Whig Party in the mid-19th century, torn apart by divisions over slavery. (In fact, in an interesting parallel, the fall of the Whigs was hastened by the rise of a party called the Know-Nothings, dedicated to stopping what was then seen as uncontrolled immigration.) Whatever the form of the Republican Party?s collapse, it will be messy.

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    Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


    • Trump's Ohio campaign splits off in an ugly divorce from the state GOP


      • That Milwaukee County Sheriff that Fox loves to parade on tv is calling for riots in the streets should Trump lose



        • I read in the WSJ today that the Estate/Gift tax takes in a total of $ 19 Billion in one year. Not much as percentage of total revenue.


          • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
            I think your last sentence is probably more accurate than the desperation example...I mean, how many people are really desperate? Times are good.

            People aren't falling for a despot because they're desperate; they're doing it because they're mad. They're mad because of twenty years of the wingnut media whipping them up into a frenzy over muslims, immigrants, gays and liberals. Donald Trump has popped the cork out of the bottle of civility that kept them, at least nominally, shamed enough to stay in the shadows.
            The President agrees.

            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


            • [ame][/ame]


              • That damn liberal media...
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • I can't believe, well I can since it's him, a presidential candidate is commenting on an SNL skit. How thin skinned do you have to be.


                  • His talk of the election being rigged is fucking dangerous. I am seriously worried about how the Trumpsters are going to react when he loses the election.
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • "The media is rigging the election."

                      Here's what's going to happen. If you've been paying attention, sometime in the mid-September time frame, stories appeared in the print and broadcast media that Russia was behind the hacking of the DNC HQ servers.

                      I listened to an NPR piece last week in an interview of a former CIA Intelligence Analyst who either wrote several of these print media pieces about Russian Cyber space activities or appeared on various News Talk Shows to outline them.

                      He's now written a book about how Russia will influence the outcome of the US Presidential Election in 2016. In it he talks about how Putin, as skilled in directing a cyber-warfare strategy than anyone on the planet, will create chaos on November 11th such that a Clinton win will be challenged in every venue where a challenge to that outcome can be mounted.

                      It's not about rigging the the Dieboldt voting machines depicted in a 2006 HBO Documentary film, Hacking Democracy. I't about the vulnerability of the servers and desk-top PCs where the voting reports are constructed from Voting Machine - considered to be relatively secure - tallys. The goal of such a Cyber attack is to create some level of doubt - the higher the better - of the outcome of the vote tally.

                      This is done by removing a script which collates any portion of a report rendering a report suspect. It's quite easy. Any would be hacker can do this sort of thing. It gets harder to do it undetected and without leaving any finger prints on the hack. Moreover, the entity that is hacked leaves itself open to revealing how they detected they were hacked. It is a long standing cat and mouse game played by the NSA in the US and by the various agencies in other countries that perform similar functions.

                      The bottom line is that the Russians will see to it that the 2016 Presidential election results will appear to have been tampered with. Given that perception, the losers will go to court and the ensuing chaos will be destabilizing. Pretty much what Mr. Putin has been doing just about everywhere in the world where it serves his national interests and those of Russia.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • Originally posted by The Oracle View Post
                        I can't believe, well I can since it's him, a presidential candidate is commenting on an SNL skit. How thin skinned do you have to be.
                        At least he managed to restrain himself until six o'clock this morning to tweet about it. #progress


                        • Rudy was on the morning shows today stating flat out that massive voter fraud is going to take place in Philly and Chicago and you'd be a moron to believe otherwise.


                          • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                            "The media is rigging the election."

                            Here's what's going to happen. If you've been paying attention, sometime in the mid-September time frame, stories appeared in the print and broadcast media that Russia was behind the hacking of the DNC HQ servers.

                            I listened to an NPR piece last week in an interview of a former CIA Intelligence Analyst who either wrote several of these print media pieces about Russian Cyber space activities or appeared on various News Talk Shows to outline them.

                            He's now written a book about how Russia will influence the outcome of the US Presidential Election in 2016. In it he talks about how Putin, as skilled in directing a cyber-warfare strategy than anyone on the planet, will create chaos on November 11th such that a Clinton win will be challenged in every venue where a challenge to that outcome can be mounted.

                            It's not about rigging the the Dieboldt voting machines depicted in a 2006 HBO Documentary film, Hacking Democracy. I't about the vulnerability of the servers and desk-top PCs where the voting reports are constructed from Voting Machine - considered to be relatively secure - tallys. The goal of such a Cyber attack is to create some level of doubt - the higher the better - of the outcome of the vote tally.

                            This is done by removing a script which collates any portion of a report rendering a report suspect. It's quite easy. Any would be hacker can do this sort of thing. It gets harder to do it undetected and without leaving any finger prints on the hack. Moreover, the entity that is hacked leaves itself open to revealing how they detected they were hacked. It is a long standing cat and mouse game played by the NSA in the US and by the various agencies in other countries that perform similar functions.

                            The bottom line is that the Russians will see to it that the 2016 Presidential election results will appear to have been tampered with. Given that perception, the losers will go to court and the ensuing chaos will be destabilizing. Pretty much what Mr. Putin has been doing just about everywhere in the world where it serves his national interests and those of Russia.
                            Scary stuff Jeff. Slipping on the tinfoil wonders how all the talk of a Clinton win leading to war with Russia plays into- or off of- this as well. How orchestrated is all of this? And is Putin really going to play a game this dangerous?


                            • Jeff I don't know how all of that translates into tampering with the actual process of voting and counting the votes. And just because Putin is sinister we should not overestimate their capabilities. Never attribute to malice what you can to incompetence.

                              Anyhow, Trump is disgusting and so is Rudy. Incredibly damaging behavior. This exists now, however, and can be shared around, FWIW: I think it's important to remember that it's all fine and good to say the election is rigged, but we can stick to the numbers and the facts. People who think that should be invited to think about how exactly that's gonna happen and what makes this a feasible claim. Urban blacks will of course be blamed, but we'll be able to do the math after the vote and see the size of that voting bloc in comparison.


                              • Newt is fanning the flames of voting fraud on ABC this morning. Also claiming that the media has stolen the election, and that Trump would be up 15 points if not for the media.

                                I just cannot believe that a former Speaker of the House is on television saying these things. But maybe I shouldn't surprised.

