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  • Clinton = Nixon. Trump = George Wallace but more pervy, less racist.

    But that said, the alt-right news stories exist in as much of a bubble as the "east coast elites", even more so because the alt-right bubble is much smaller. Drudge, Breitbart, Hot Air, Alex Jones...they all preach to the choir


    • Did you not ever laugh at the ridiculousness of a situation?

      Throw your hands up in the air and say WTF?

      That is what this was.

      Use your brain, man.

      BTW, that should have read, she wasn't laughing at the victim ( as Trump claimed)
      Last edited by CGVT; October 12, 2016, 09:11 PM.
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • Ok I'll give you guys that last 2 posts, were good examples. I have a very open mind :-)


        • Defending a person is not equal to covering it up. Rage on in the Breitbart world.


          • And by the way and I hate to say this, but Hillary will be (and should) be the POTUS

            Trump has just gone to far, and would be dangerous. I liked his first 8 months before I started questioning his overall sanity.


            • If Trump is less racist tban Wallace it's not by much. His housing policy in the 70s was clearly racist. Today he renewed his call for people to go into inner cities to "observe".


              • 'Law & Order: SVU' to air a Donald Trump-themed episode on Wednesday, Oct. 26

                episode titled, appropriately, "Unstoppable,"


                • So trump is a sexual predator... and Hillary has stood by and defended Bill... another sexual predator.

                  I've been told one is worse than the other... my response was HUH?

                  Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
                  Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                  • efz


                    • Bill is not running for president.

                      Trump is running for president.

                      One is worse than the other.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • Hillary helped cover up abuse, and IS running yes?


                        • No
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Here we’re fact-checking Trump’s claim that Hillary Clinton "viciously" attacked women who say they were abused by Bill Clinton.

                            What we found is that Hillary Clinton has been accused of threatening or shaming accusers of Bill Clinton. But all the accusations remain unproven, as do the specific allegations against Bill Clinton. In most cases, evidence Hillary Clinton intervened in any significant way doesn’t exist.
                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Hillary Clinton and Juanita Broaddrick

                              In 1978, Juanita Broaddrick managed a nursing home in Arkansas. During the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, Broaddrick came forward to say that he had raped her in her hotel room in 1978.

                              Broaddrick also said that she believed Hillary Clinton knew about the rape and tried to intervene.

                              She described an encounter to the conservative website Breitbart. Broaddrick said that soon after the alleged event took place, she went to a Democratic fundraiser that the Clintons attended. Broaddrick said Hillary Clinton approached her.

                              Clinton said, "I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him. Do you understand? Everything you do," Broaddrick recounted.

                              Broaddrick told Breitbart, "What really went through my mind at that time is ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.’"

                              Broaddrick did not go public with her story, even going so far as to deny that the rape occurred in a sworn deposition (as part of the Paula Jones case). Two decades later though, investigators with independent counsel Ken Starr approached her and she told it all. Ultimately, Starr’s team decided there was "inconclusive evidence" to press charges.

                              We found no evidence of Hillary Clinton viciously attacking Broaddrick, as Trump claimed, nor is there independent confirmation of the exchange at the fundraising event. Also, in a 1999 interview with NBC News, Broaddrick was asked if Bill Clinton or anyone close to him had ever done anything to keep her silent. Broaddrick said, "No."

                              Kathleen Willey

                              In 1993, Kathleen Willey was a Clinton supporter and a volunteer at the White House. Willey said that when she went to the president to ask for a paid position, he groped her.

                              Willey, now a Trump supporter, has said that Hillary Clinton "wrote the book on terrorizing women." Willey described what she believed to be efforts to intimidate her in an interview with the conservative website Daily Caller.

                              That list included "a dead cat found on her porch, a man she saw at night under her deck, and a stranger in her remote neighborhood inquiring threateningly about how her children were doing."

                              Willey also mentioned being told that Clinton insider Sidney Blumenthal said about her, "She may look good today … she’s not going to look good by Friday."

                              In the course of responding to a lawsuit in 1999, Blumenthal did say Hillary Clinton played some sort of role in the White House response to Willey’s allegations. She approved the public release of letters Willey had sent after the alleged event. The letters were characterized as "friendly" and, according to Blumenthal, Clinton thought they would undermine Willey’s credibility because the tone was at odds with the episode she described.

                              We reached out to Willey to get more details but have yet to hear back.

                              Paula Jones

                              In 1994, Arkansas state worker Paula Jones accused Bill Clinton of making an unwanted sexual advance. Clinton ultimately paid $850,000 to settle with Jones without admitting guilt.

                              Jones has harsh words for Hillary Clinton. She said Clinton was out to discredit her.

                              "She don’t care nothing about women. Because if she did she would believe what I had to say," Jones told Breitbart.

                              Jones said Clinton was an enabler of her husband’s transgressions. After Jones sued Bill Clinton, his legal team questioned her and looked into her background.

                              But, again, we found no evidence Hillary Clinton attacked Jones. The closest was in 1998 when Clinton said she felt that Jones’ lawsuit was part of a larger political agenda.

                              Other allegations

                              Long-time Washington journalist Carl Bernstein wrote in his biography of Hillary Clinton A Woman in Charge that in the 1992 campaign Hillary Clinton directed a special "defense team" to deal with allegations about "Bill’s history with the Selective Service System, women claiming to have had affairs with him, and other personal aspects of the Clintons’ lives."

                              One aide was sent to Little Rock, Ark., to dig for facts about the most worrying revelation from Gennifer Flowers, a woman who claimed to have had a long affair with Bill Clinton. The campaign hired a detective to look into the backgrounds of any women who had come forward.

                              The Trump campaign pointed to a New York Times article that described the work of that detective. The newspaper reported that in a memo, the detective said he would impugn Flowers’ "character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition."

                              Importantly, however, while Flowers claimed she had an affair with Bill Clinton, she did not claim she was abused.

                              In a 1992 interview, Clinton herself called Flowers "some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t even have much of resume to fall back on." And on another occasion, she said if she had the chance to cross-examine Flowers, she "would crucify her."

                              But the same New York Times article quotes a statement provided earlier this month by the Hillary Clinton campaign from James Carville, the 1992 campaign’s top strategist.

                              "Hillary wanted us to defend the governor against attacks," the statement said. "It’s just ridiculous to imagine that she was somehow directing our response operation. That was my job, not hers."

                              ABC News host George Stephanopoulos served as the communications director in Clinton’s 1992 campaign. Stephanopoulos wrote in All Too Human, that when Connie Hamzy, one of the first women to claim a sexual encounter with Bill, came forward Hillary said, "We have to destroy her story."

                              Hamzy said Bill Clinton propositioned her, but she didn’t object.

                              Lastly, no account of Bill Clinton’s transgressions would be complete without mentioning one-time White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Lewinsky aimed to get the attentions of the president and succeeded. When Lewinsky’s story came to light through the Starr investigation, Hillary Clinton forcefully rejected that there was any truth to it.

                              Clinton basically wrote it off as part of "this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president."

                              When Hillary Clinton said that, Lewinsky was still publicly denying her affair with the president.

                              Our ruling

                              Trump said that Hillary Clinton "viciously" attacked women who accused Bill Clinton of abuse.

                              Bill Clinton certainly has been accused of sexual assault and having affairs. The record shows Hillary Clinton played a role in defending her husband, and that the Clintons’ first presidential campaign deployed tough tactics to defend against stories of consensual sex.

                              But in the cases of alleged abuse by Broaddrick, Willey and Jones, Hillary Clinton was largely silent. The words she allegedly had with Broaddrick are subject to interpretation. Approving the release of Willey’s letters does qualify as an attack, but using a person’s words against them is a fairly tame tactic. And Clinton did not attack Jones directly.
                              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                              • Don't bother. Facts are irrelevant, only the emotions matters.
                                To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi

