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  • It has been the primal scream against political correctness that Hannibal has always called for. He must have been thrilled with the debate performance of Trump.


    • Trump being an awful candidate, of course, has nothing to do with the increasingly Orwellian nature of political correctness.

      Heh, on a plus side, a friend of mine who is a researcher/faculty at OSU and is extremely liberal just recently had a "racism" charge filed against her by her secretary -- oops, administrative assistant -- pardon my misogyny. So, I can't imagine her being racist in this slightest bit, but OSU too the claim, ran up the flag pole, put in a series of new policies and procedures to prevent "it" from happening again and then, finally, informed her of that all this was going on. She still hasn't a clue how she gave offense, but that's ancillary. I chuckled. A lot.

      Anyway, back to how the Rs are a doomed party.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • LMAO...have fun Republicans





        • He's been shackled until now!


          • Comment

            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              I think by "locker room talk" they are just implying that this is how men talk when they are alone together.
              I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                To the point of cleaning out the Fox News "old guard"...I would not be surprised if after the election there's a minor purge.

                To that point, Bill O'Reilly's audience has a median age ranging from 70-72, depending on the precise year you look at. Fox overall skews much older in its viewership than either CNN or MSNBC. Is that audience being replenished? Signs point to "no". O'Reilly's audience continues to grow older with him. Which is why they've invested so much In Megyn Kelly.
                IMO, this is going to wind up with Trump starting his own Tea Party news network...and maybe that's been the goal all along. I suspect that Hannity already knows this, and is positioning himself as its star attraction.

                Maybe post-Ailes FNC makes a Center-Right move then, across the midline from CNN.


                • Well, I'm not sure how "Tea Party" Trump is -- I mean, he has no real interest in limited government. So, perhaps a "Trumpian Party" news network?

                  In any event, if there's a split -- which I sort of doubt -- but if there's a split and it results in a center-right party, then I have some real hope. I think there are a fair number of Ds that will need to find a home as it goes from D to P over the next 5-10 years. A center-right party with libertarian leanings would be pretty nice. Unfortunately, it'll probably be a center-right with the center part being economy and the right part being social shit.

                  But, Kasich lurks in the wings! Just waiting for an economic downturn to make 4 more years of Obama-Clinton untenable! WooOOOOOOT!
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • I don't think the Tea Party has any real interest in limited government either...its just extremist crackpots of various shades at this point. The Don is their Moses.

                    The notion of a president from Ohio makes me wistful for Trump. Heh.


                    • Your hatred of, amongst others, Jimmy Ballgame Garfield and my boy Billy H-Squared sickens me. SICKENS ME!
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • RESPECT RB Hayes.
                        "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                        • Word. The Birch always brought it Delco strong!!!!!
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Wow...

                            Maine Gov. Paul LePage stood by Donald Trump in a radio interview on Tuesday, saying that the United States might need someone like Trump to show “authoritarian power” and dismissing concerns over an audiotape leaked last week that showed Trump describing how he forces himself upon women.

                            The often-troubled Governor of Maine suggests that the Constitution is broken and maybe we need Trump to be a authoritarian to bring back "law and order" and rescue us from the 'autocrat' Obama


                            • David Plouffe said it will be one of those Black Swan events and the Republican party will quickly move on. It won't have long lasting consequences. The divisions will remain but they will have a unifying force in Hillary Clinton if she wins.


                              • I really don't know. If there's anything to take away from this cycle, it's that people are sick of mainstream politics and are ready for a change. That could be to the two-party system, or to the type of candidates we get and where they come from, or to where we go on the right-left spectrum. But people aren't up for more of the same.

