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  • Obama isn't polling much better against Trump than Hillary Clinton, I think Biden would have done better but I'm not sure of it. Even absent this latest foul Trump story, Clinton was starting to pull away and their is good reason to think the public polls might be off. When Obama won in 2012 he outperformed the polls by 3 percent, he had a great ground game. Clinton has a good ground game and Trump has nothing to speak of.


    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

      Are you saying SLF is insane and that consent is not a defense to rape? Interesting take.
      Dunno, man. Starting to think that you just like to say stuff.


      • I don't understand the part about "kicking out a leg of it's own stool", and there was no "shortage of solid investments" (iconic companies started or took off in the period 2002-2007)

        What I mean is that capitalism relies on people without capital for two things: to do the work, and to buy the products. When it was always the same people doing both, it worked. When it became people in low-cost countries doing the work and people in high-cost countries doing the buying, that was the equivalent of kicking out the leg of the stool. (I think you're right that new and high-quality opportunities came in the tech sector, but that wasn't nearly enough to compensate.) And it simultaneously boosted the supply of capital at a time when the universe of solid-return investments was shrinking (because consumers of manufactured products had less to spend).

        This is why I think it's important to filter all of this through the inequality prism. No matter how the pie is split, the world's richest people will still be the world's richest people and afford to do the things nobody else can. But if that happens in an environment in which everyone else has enough, then that's better. Even if you eliminate all ethical concerns, redistribution comes with the practical benefit that you won't have excess capital out there hunting for bubbles to inflate or masses of regular people to dupe and defraud until they need state assistance.


        • It is Hack's picture of reality that makes economists throw out the notion of Helicopter Cash. Redistribution as abhorant as that term sounds may be the only way to keep the pitchforks at bay. I think that's a ways off but it is nonetheless what is going to happen. There are plenty of reasonable ways to bring this about but I'd say the outlook for a reasonable and incremental process is grim.
          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


          • I gotta say, I was a bit befuddled by Kasich staying in the campaign as long as he did. But, man, his long con plan looks like gold, now. Build name recognition. Purposefully shit on the impending disaster anyone with a head on their shoulders knew was coming. And never back away.

            I haven't a clue if a moderate R can win the primary -- probably not -- but he's about as well-positioned as a moderate R can be to do so.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • "Unnamed sources" (so take those as you will) told CNN that Mike Pence and particularly Pence's wife flipped out when they heard about this new Trump scandal


              • Maybe they can pray the scandal away...
                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • Fox just reported that senior level Republicans are taking seriously the possibility of Trump dropping out of the race...the committee that awards the actual nomination has been put on "stand by".

                  Whether he actually quits is anybody's guess but knowing his character that seems like a long shot. And there's no procedure to force him out


                  • Damn, I hope not. Let this train wreck play out.
                    I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                    • It's a little too late for that GOP. He's one of your own.


                      • So far I've seen Mike Lee, Jason Chaffertz, John Huntsman, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Crapo, Carly Fiorina, and at least a few other Republican Congresspeople all rescind their endorsement of Trump. No real big names yet. Could be more to come.


                        • Congressman Joe Heck, the Republican running to fill Harry Reid's seat, just called on Trump to quit at a rally. Romney's there too. Saying same.

                          Crowd seems to half supportive, half booing and catcalls


                          • Yesterday he also said the Central Park Five should have been executed. That's the standard bearer of the GOP.


                            • Mentioned earlier than Paul Ryan told Trump he was no longer welcome at a rally in Wisconsin taking place today. Supposedly Mike Pence was going to replace him, but that's no longer happening either. Hmmmmm


                              • Trump's brain trust (Giuliani, Gingrich, Christie) are all reportedly at Trump Tower strategerizin'

