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  • It is truly bizarre, he and his yes men are convinced that Trump won the debate. Like they actually believe their yarns about online polls. when Mitt Romney cleaned Obama's clock in the first debate, the Obama team all knew it even if the candidate didn't at first. As a result Obama prepared much better for the second debate. In contrast it sounds like Trump is going to bring out the Lewinsky affair.


    • Brilliant tactic.


      • Where is everyone on the ``Does he actually want the job?'' question? I came away from the debate thinking he actually does. He knows that saying something utterly ridiculous sinks him, and he didn't do that. I don't think ``that makes me smart'' on taxes or the housing-crisis comment rise to that level.


        • This election is a redux of 1968, minus Hubert Humphrey. Trump isn't overtly racist like George Wallace, but otherwise a close comparison


          • Originally posted by hack View Post
            Where is everyone on the ``Does he actually want the job?'' question? I came away from the debate thinking he actually does. He knows that saying something utterly ridiculous sinks him, and he didn't do that. I don't think ``that makes me smart'' on taxes or the housing-crisis comment rise to that level.
            I don't think Donald Trump could answer that question.


            • Has anyone been following the doings with Deutsche Bank? I heard on FBN today that Deutsche Bank has $ 60 TRILLION dollars in counterparty paper. It is the biggest bank in Europe, I believe. I doubt if the US will impose the $14B fine, and everyone seems to think the Germans will bail it out, but what if that doesn't happen?


              • The Deutsche Bank situation is a huge conflict of interest for the Trumpster. Their bad deeds have not been given a ton of press in the US.
                Last edited by froot loops; September 29, 2016, 09:08 PM.


                • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
                  Any 97-1 vote- short of declaration of war following a sneak attack- is a sure sign that's its a bad idea...especially during an election year. Populism run amok.
                  ...and as I said. Tards.

                  WASHINGTON ? The White House blasted what it called "rapid onset buyer's remorse" after House and Senate leaders conceded problems with the 9/11 lawsuit bill Congress just enacted into law over President Obama's veto.

                  House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., suggested that the House might take up a bill to fix problems with the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, or JASTA, after it comes back from its election recess. He acknowledged Obama's concerns that the bill could subject U.S. service members to lawsuits in foreign courts.

                  "So I'd like to think that there's a way we could fix so that our service members do not have legal problems overseas, while still protecting the rights of the 9/11 victims, which is what JASTA did do," Ryan told reporters Thursday.

                  "Nobody really had focused on the potential downside in terms of our international relationships," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said. "I think it was just a ball dropped."



                  • I like how they blame it on Obama.
                    To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi


                    • Future Jastafarians have got to be concerned about that.

                      Agreed on Deutsche Bank. Very interesting situation. Systemically important.


                      • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                        I like how they blame it on Obama.
                        Well, of course. I mean, he vetoed their bill but did not explain their bill to them.

                        Then of course, we don't want to repeal the bill...we want adjust it as so our citizens can sue other countries, but citizens of other countries cannot sue us. I am sure that the rest of the world will find that perfectly reasonable once we explain American Exceptionalism to them.


                        • His staff hid his phone for a while but he got up in the middle of the night and found it. This is the topic that keeps him up at night.

                          His surrogates keep (rightfully so) trying to turn the conversation back to real issues but he can't help himself.





                          • He should continue pressing his case on this, he is in the right!


                            • again.. this elections should be over. Trump is that bad.
                              Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                              • Originally posted by Wild Hoss View Post
                                Well, of course. I mean, he vetoed their bill but did not explain their bill to them.

                                Then of course, we don't want to repeal the bill...we want adjust it as so our citizens can sue other countries, but citizens of other countries cannot sue us. I am sure that the rest of the world will find that perfectly reasonable once we explain American Exceptionalism to them.
                                He did explain the problem. He just didn't do it "forcefully enough" to require them to listen instead of immediately and reflexively rejecting anything he says
                                To be a professional means that you don't die. - Takeru "the Tsunami" Kobayashi

