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  • Jesus Geezer if your coffee buddies think of you as liberal they must be to the right of Hitler. Course since they thought Trump won that debate, it could be that they are just incredibly stupid and ought to be neutered.


    • I don't think I'll ever understand the people who are tired of career politicians thinking the Presidency is the place to start. Maybe they have watched Dave too much.


      • Jesus Christ...Rudy Giuliani removes the last few shreds of his dignity to say today that Hillary's clearly too stupid to be President if she didn't know Bill was banging Lewinsky.

        This coming from a guy who cheated on his wife in public, while mayor of New York, then informed her he was divorcing her in a press conference. Oh wait, that was before he became "America's Mayor". Rudy's a swell guy

        Oh and he's advised Trump to refuse to show up to the next debates


        • "The plan is to have me as the Republican nominee, so she can be President of the United States. I know it sounds crazy, but we're all part of the kleptocracy. The bumpkins will believe anything we say or do!"

          I'll let you ban hate speech when you let me define hate speech.


          • America's Mayor, great surrogate or greatest surrogate ever?


            • Geezer I agree that for those sorts of people process is primary. I would argue that the same goes for democracy: it is a way of doing things that can be used for several different outcomes. It's a means, and not an end. You're an outcomes based person, and so am I to an extent, but I sure do appreciate the importance of the means sometimes. The developing world is trying to copy the model used in the West, and fails most of the time thanks to half-baked plans submitted by bigwigs who do not want to submit to a process run by mid-level weenies with their checklists and meetings. For me that's been a lesson in appreciating process, even if I want no part of it myself. We are where we are in this world in no small part because our forefathers appreciated the importance of the means as well as the end, IMO.


              • [ame][/ame]

                Robert Smith talks about kneeling and the flag
                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                • [ame][/ame]


                  • [ame][/ame]


                    • [ame][/ame]


                      • Originally posted by SeattleLionsFan View Post
                        Good thing you don't drink when any politician lies. You'd be dead in 15 minutes.
                        "Your division isn't going through Green Bay it's going through Detroit for the next five years" - Rex Ryan


                        • When I was in 3rd or 4th grade, my Dad, brother and I were trying to move the cattle from one field to another. Suddenly the herd of 30+ cows started to run in a perpendicular direction to our guidance. My Dad shouted at me to turn them back. I was able to get in front of them and I tried to stop them. I was completely unsuccessful.. Most ran around me and a couple tried to run me over (literally). Soon my Dad caught up and told me the following: "You can never stop a herd by standing in front of them. Yes, a few may stop, but most will just run by you as if you didn't exist. And if you're unlucky, a few will run you over. If you want to change the direction of the herd, you have to come in from the side and guide them to where you want them to go." After saying I understood and telling Dad I was alright, he then added "And son, the same applies to people".

                          That has always stuck with me. And I think about this often in light of the national anthem protests.....
                          Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                          • Originally posted by hack View Post
                            ....... We are where we are in this world in no small part because our forefathers appreciated the importance of the means as well as the end, IMO.
                            And damned lucky for that.

                            Trump may be an outcomes kind of guy (and I'd challenge those that think he is a successful business man) who, as an outsider, has the capacity to get people to sit around the table and come up with a plan as he is fond of saying, harping on the meme that, Washington can't seem to do that.

                            What Trump does is he listens then just beats up on and bullies anyone that disagrees with him and the direction he wants to take. That is his style. It is the style of plenty of business folks who call themselves successful, e.g., Carl Ichan and Jack Welsh, for example, all three are more like General Sherman in his March to the Sea ..... total devastation left in his wake without a care; that is a kind of outcomes orientation that no one should admire or aspire to.

                            The difference in my view between someone like Trump and someone like, lets say, Google's Larry Page, is that Google's success is largely related to his leadership style and the culture he has created around that company. There's one guy making informed plans and policy but everyone around him feels like they are a big part of that.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • Ent - That's some pretty sound advice from you Pop.
                              “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                              • Originally posted by UKBB View Post
                                Politicians lie, but I don't agree with lumping them all in the same category. They run the gamut from fibbers to habitual liars to completely dishonest. And the numbers show that Trump is worse than the worst of them. (Before he even potentially becomes, in a formal sense, a politician).

