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  • God knows medicine is a money making business and motives for doing the right thing for the patient often clash with what big pharma and certain medical establishments wish for.

    Theres going to come a day where you wont see primary care--you talk to AI figure who will diagnose you over a computer. I work with a doctor from U of A who just carries around his phone. When he talks to patient it filters out all the BS extra conversation and goes straight into a concise proper history an exam (hich he can edit) then formulates an assessment and plan autoimatically transcribing onto Cerna (his medical record) all the stuff you need to properly document and get reimbursed by whoever is paying. He can see 40-50 people plus in a shift. he think the days coming where radiologist will be obsolete--AI will take over. reading all images. The only way you will survive in medicine is if you are doing hands on stuff. the day is coming where the rest of it will be AI generated information gathering and formulating a plan. Providers may have a piece in examiningt he patient kind of all they will be needed for . And you can pretty much figure out 90% of whats going on just by asking questions without the exam.

    When it gets to that point I dont see as many medical lawsuits--dont know how you can argue with a computer directed diagnosis and plan--wont be as much malpractice i would think. I would think all the extra money that is spent for consultations and additional testing would disappear with also AI. The more tests you run the more tests you have to run can be a viscious circle

    Medical costs across the country could crash while at the same time a lot of medical jobs will also disappear.

    All this in 10 years the way things are going.

    glad i'm getting out now


    • well....then get out...

      ...and stfu...
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • This makes three high level Federal prosecutors that have resigned in protest over being ordered to drop the charges against Eric Adams. One at SDNY, two in DC.

        Driscoll first started at DOJ in 2006. He became head of the Public Integrity unit in Trump’s first term.


        • WINNING!!!!!!11111
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • The prosecutor who resigned in New York is a member of the Federalist Society and clerked for Antonin Scalia

            Danielle Sassoon

            In other words....A RADICAL LEFT MARXIST!!!!!!!!!!111


            • CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!!!!!1111
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Bannon knows the base as well as anyone. And he’s well aware that contrary to the popular opinion around here, they’re not a bunch of rugged individualists with no need for govt assistance. No, a bunch of them are on the dole.


                • If you don't like Trump doing a quid pro quo with a corrupt Democrat like Eric Adams, then you're a RINO

                  Sassoon obliterates sleazy Trump lawyer Emil Bove in her resignation letter.

                  READ: Resignation letter from acting US attorney in New York and DOJ’s response | CNN Politics
                  Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; February 14, 2025, 07:38 AM.


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                        • Ukraine: I stopped regularly following the ISW reports on RA and UA operations because nothing significant was happening on the ground for either side. Two things are clear: The RA is measuring its advances in meters not kilometers and simply has more infantry to do that, in some cases sacrificial. The UA continues to defend key terrain and cities and is focused on Russia's capacity to replace lost equipment by striking oil and manufacturing facilities deep into Russian territory. IOW things have not changed much on the ground.

                          What has changed is the contextual dynamic within which the two sides are waging war. Trump is responsible for this change and press reports are focusing on his foray into direct negotiations with Putin. Let me be clear. Putin has not changed his goals of using military force to facilitate the collapse of the Zelenski government. This Trump foray into direct negotiations is not going to change that. The Europeans seem to recognize this fact and continue to argue that if diplomatic negotiations involve ceding the whole of the 20% of Ukraine's legitimate and recognized pre-2014 borders to Russia, Putin wins.

                          I think what Trump is trying to do is to induce, or leverage as the case might be, the European leadership (by extension NATO) to assume the burden (cost in dollars and war fighting material) of keeping Putin from achieving his goals in Ukraine. Trump wants it to be up to them, not the US. Trump's desired outcome in this matter is far from assured. Its a gambit in which Trump is working to change the contextual dynamic within which the war is being fought in order to shift the burden of defending Ukraine to those countries that are most threatened by an imperial and expansionist Russia. The US is not directly threatened by that outcome. It's global standing, OTH, may get diminished by an unfavorable outcome for Ukraine as China and Russia work to replace the US as the dominant global power. Let's see how this gambit pans out before we pay much attention to press reports that, not unexpectedly, megaphone speculation that suggests interested parties are going to let Zelenski hang out to dry.
                          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                          • It appears the D's still have no idea why they took a political beating in November that resembles the physical beating the Chiefs took in their Super Bowl loss to the Eagles.

                            For both postmodern progressive Democrats and the Chiefs, their respective losses were historic, devastating, and realigning -- in the sense that things won't be the same AFTER those losses as they were BEFORE.

                            The difference is that the Chiefs, very likely, will carefully study everything about their loss, learn from it, and make adjustments that will improve their chances of winning in the future.

                            Progressive Democrats, not so much.

                            I don't know what the top brass Democratic funders and strategists are thinking. But in terms of ordinary postmodern progressive Democrats on the streets, they seem to be doubling down on the socialism, bureaucratic control, tribal-identity politics, sex-obsessed lunacy, and unhinged Trump hatred that Americans overwhelmingly rejected in November.​
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • This is now the 6th or 7th federal prosecutor to resign over this Eric Adams business. The line near the end is pretty good. You’ll eventually find a big enough fool or coward to file the dismissal but it won’t be me.


                              • The last boss I had at the Bell System would have told me, "If you can't do your job the way you have been told, then so long".

                                The Bell System got rid of a lot of good, knowledgable people that way. They hated the concept of seniority. At one time, seniority people were an honored asset. At the end, they were considered an enemy of the company. Probably because they knew more about the company than the bosses did.

                                And so it goes ....
                                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

