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  • I guess we won't be hearing from froot or CGVT now?
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
      For reference, all discretionary spending last year was about $1.7 T. Almost half of that went to the military.

      You cannot cut $2T from the budget by eliminating “waste”. You will have to do something deeply unpopular like deep cuts to SS, Medicare, or the Pentagon.

      The Departments of Education and Commerce have a combined budget of $25B so even if you wipe out entire departments you won’t come close to the goal.

      I'm afraid you're probably right. I see no fix that will ever happen no matter who is in charge.


      • have to increase revenue and freeze spedning. Increasing revenue through lower taxes is always the double edge sword.

        they can cut a lot though with just the regulations, green spending and overseas spending.

        but yeah medicare and social security need to be reimagined especially medicare

        I read 50% of all medical expenses are in your last 6 months of life

        Last edited by crashcourse; November 8, 2024, 03:32 PM.


        • I wish you were in your last 6 months of life


          • saving wiz the trouble


            • thanks
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • God bless the Internet.


                • STFU
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • This dude’s legacy is going down in flames.


                    • LOL. Queue the Biden with eagle wings GIF!


                      • More Loonacy


                        • I'm loving the loon-acy....heh
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Rather than trying to understand how they have alienated and repulsed so many of their fellow citizens, progressives continue to denounce those who didn't vote for Kamala and to mock the suggestion that Trump can or will make America great.

                            Here, they seem to misunderstand something important, which should be no surprise.

                            The single greatest obstacle to human flourishing in the United States today -- the heaviest weight, the greatest burden -- is our own government.

                            From endless taxes to inflation to regulations to restrictions to licenses to fees to permits to shabby socialized education and healthcare and housing, etc, our own government is crushing the American people -- except, of course, for those who are politically connected. Hunter Biden isn't being crushed; he's depositing your money into his checking account.

                            IF Trump is successful in scaling back the administrative state, or what he calls the "deep state" -- IF he can drain the swamp of bureaucracy, even just a little -- THEN ordinary Americans will be freer, more prosperous, more productive, and happier.

                            When that happens, ordinary free Americans -- liberated from the oppressive weight of bureaucratic control and crony corruption -- will make America great. Free Americans will improve the United States, not Donald Trump.

                            Trump alone cannot make the United States or any nation great. He can, however, as President, do some things that help fellow U.S. citizens be freer, and therein is the key to making America better.

                            Progressives seem to be incapable of understanding this. Rather, they continue to vent about the personal imperfections of Mr. Trump, and mock and ridicule all those they wish would vote for a Democrat next time. That's right: They are making fun of the people they need to woo, wow, and attract. If you're thinking that's not a very smart thing for them to do, you're right. It's not very smart.​
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • And the anger that progressives are venting toward "trumpers" is misguided.

                              The electorate in America is divided into three blocks. You have the wacko far left block which stays hard left. Then you have the wacko far right, which stays hard right. In the middle, you have people who don't fully buy into either extreme. That middle block slides left occasionally (Clinton, Obama, Biden) and then it has slid to the right, (Bush I, Bush II, Trump).

                              In the 90's with the election of Bill and Hillary, it slid slightly left, and created the edge he needed for 8 years. Clinton fatigue set in, and the middle block slid slightly right, and gave us 8 years of Dubya. Then along comes Barack and Michelle, with the help of the MSM, and the block slid back left, just enough to give him his edge.

                              In 2016, Hillary decided to "deplore" a good portion of that middle block, and we got Trump I. In 2020, it slid back left due to Covid, and help from the MSM, and we got Chairman Joe.

                              Now in 2024, people have seen what sliding too far left brings, and we've (for now) slid slightly back to the right.

                              The conclusion is, its not the hard left, nor the hard right that decides elections. Its that middle block, that slides back and forth.

                              So ...

                              If the progressive left would wake up and realize that they need to get that sliding middle block to stay on their side, they need to stop considering a large portion of that sliding block to be "garbage". As long as they look at a large block of voters with such disdain, they will continue to lose elections.
                              Last edited by lineygoblue; November 9, 2024, 12:42 PM.
                              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                              • In 2020 we also got over 10 million votes to Biden out of thin air that no one seems to be able to explain.

                                The simple truth is the D party was hijacked by the loons in 2020...the R party became more a party of the common man and common sense. The D's became a party of the elite starting with the Obama's...George Clooney had more clout than the party's nominee. They did this to themselves...and now refuse to accept why.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

