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  • The DNC and establishment deserve all of the roasting. The establishment including the Cheneys. Like who thought wanting a Dick Cheney endorsement was a good idea a month ago? Nobody likes Dick Cheney on both sides. It was so stupid to involve them…

    Ds simply having Josh Shapiro as their choice would have made this entirely different IMO. You shouldn’t have gone with a guy that has egregious dementia. Followed by an unlikable VP while running the worst campaign.​ The campaign flip strategy a few weeks ago was the first red flag of how this election was going to go…
    AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


    • I'm of the opinion that only an insane person would want the job anyway. We had the choice of 2 of them.


      • Yeah not ideal either way …

        Campaign strategy flip to clarify. Harris going from hiding to full on panic mode to appear on many media outlets last month. Whereas Trump went to campaign in places like California. That’s when this election seemed to have turned.

        James Carville, Michael Moore… please retire… I need to revisit all of the terrible predictions.
        AAL 2023 - Alim McNeill


        • I thought Trump had a punchers’ chance but would lose a squeaker. This is turning into a red wave and and I couldn’t be happier about it.

          The Ds needed a heavy dose of comeuppance right upside the head. AMERICA DELIVERED.


          • I'm confident Wayne county can still scrape up a few hundred thousand Dem votes.


            • This should have never happened. Donald Trump was FINISHED politically after Jan 6th, and if the Dems would have been smart, they would have slammed and locked the door behind him. Instead, they let The Chairman hang around, KNOWING ALL ALONG that he would not be available for a 2nd term. They should have been grooming a centrist-leaning Democrat to take over for Joe no later than two years ago. But no. "Joe is our guy". Wait .. no he's not ... KAMALA is our guy .. er .. gal. And they didn't decide that until about 8 weeks ago.

              Still hoping Mike Rodgers can FINALLY give Michigan a Republican senator. Gary Peters is totally useless. Hopefully Wayne County won't pull the tricks they normally do in situations like this.

              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • Incoming Food and Health Czar RFK Junior already planning to ban the polio vaccine, no doubt.


                • Arizona enshrines abortion rights in the state constitution with over 60% of the vote.


                  • Both parties deserve a massive comeuppance, Mike. We’ll have to wait until 2026 and 2028 for the Ra to get their’s. By then maybe the Ds will run a decent candidate.

                    As DSL said, The Chairman and his circle well and truly fucked the Ds. I’d have more sympathy if the party wasn’t so willfully blind.
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • Trump was declared the winner less than 12 hours after the first polls closed. That's pretty good proof that mail ballots and early voting do NOT slow the system down that much if you know what you're doing. 2020 was an aberration. Unusually close and too many states using mail ballots for the first time. This election should put to bed a lot of the "It's election DAY not election WEEK" whining.

                      And I'll remind folks that the counting will still go on for days in every single state. The media projecting a winner is completely different from being done counting. The state everyone cites as a model for the nation, Florida, still has plenty of uncounted votes.


                      • And somehow the Ds didn't steal this election?

                        It's of no surprise that DJT's fear-mongering nonsense -- like almost all fear-mongering nonsense -- is utter nonsense.

                        And I'm actually gobsmacked at the breadth of the result.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Heavy CHEATING reported in Philadelphia!!! Law enforcement is ON THE WAY!!!


                          • I'm jaw-jropped at how close the Senate results are. It looks like the Ds will probably survive, barely, in Wisconsin, M and Nevada. But losing Pennsylvania is shocking.
                            JFC. I'm not gonna say it was Indiana-Nebraska bad, but holy fuck -- it was bad.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Yeah, losing Casey was bad. Those other three survive possibly due to female vote.

                              Anyways Trump's promised to cut my grocery bill in HALF within his first 90 days so I look forward to him delivering on THAT!


                              • Hope Hannibal didn't drop a few thousand on Harris on Polymarket like he was talking about.

