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  • What in the actual fuck...


    • Detroit's city clerk had a press conference a little bit ago and she said they expect city turnout to surpass 2020. Bit of good news for Harris. Liney will appreciate hearing that too.


      • I'm thinking about dropping a couple grand on Harris on polymarket. I think that she's going to win pretty easily.


        • Thought crossed my mind too, just not a couple grand.


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            Detroit's city clerk had a press conference a little bit ago and she said they expect city turnout to surpass 2020. Bit of good news for Harris. Liney will appreciate hearing that too.
            Oh. So the "late arriving paper ballots from Outer Drive and 8 Mile, found in the trunks of democrat poll workers" will need to total about 40K instead of 20K.

            They can handle that.

            I never realized that driving that distance took so long.
            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


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                  • you can watch raffenberger on the today show say 98% of the votes were in and biden was too far behind to recover--Past footage comes back to haunt you

                    Ive gotten to the point I dont trust anybody who opens their mouth to speak either as politicans or media

                    nothing will surprise me next tuesday wednesday or however long this drags on

                    after its over I''' will still get up go to work and know that family/fun/sports/travel are all more important then listening to politicians, journalists and wiz and dsl

                    the only thing that sucks is watching people get really poor because of idiotic governing while the stockholders/bureacrats/and top 3 % keep adding it up


                    • I’ll only get a fraction of what I put into Social Security back. I so wish I could have paid 75%-90% of what I paid into it as an actual named tax and they had only rebated me 25%-10% to invest for myself over the decades. I would have gladly agreed to forfeit all checks. I would have made exponentially more with as little as 10% of my outlay than I will receive as a SS payout and I would be spared listening to people act like I’m getting a entitlement-charity with my monthly SS check.
                      Last edited by AlabamAlum; October 31, 2024, 03:53 PM.
                      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                      • It has always been a Ponzi scheme, AA. You knew that when you were 18.


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                          • The debate was almost two months ago and the one crack about his rallies has lived rent-free in his mind ever since.


                            • Trump's final campaign stop will be Grand Rapids, which is where he finished in 2016 and 2020 too. Harris will end in Philly


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                Well, Green New Deal spending is $ 1.7 trillion.

