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  • I myself received two flyers today, both informing me that Sherrod Brown is the Debil. Trashed immediately.

    To your point, I'm not sure. I normally only glance at the mail to see who its' from. Phone calls and texts I ignore and then block. I hate people coming to my door too though so I get questioning their effectiveness.


    • I imagine door-knocking to talk politics in 2024 is about as effective as Jehovah's Witnesses converting people to their religion.


      • Quinnipiac (Oct. 7)
        MI: Trump + 3
        WI: Trump +2

        Quinnipiac (Oct. 21)
        MI: Harris +4
        WI: TIED

        KAMALAMENTUM! (kidding)

        Should be getting a Marquette poll of Wisconsin soon


        • My son is knocking on doors for Shomari Figures in Montgomery.

          It is not just random door knocking. Hell, that might get you shot in MAGA land.

          They have lists of registered voters that have have not voted but have been deemed as potential Figures voter, if they can get them to vote.

          He said that he probably has meaningful interaction with about 60% or so.

          My wife and her group are sending out post cards. They have a similar list of "dormant" voters. So far, they have about a 20-30 percent success rate. I imagine that will increase on election day.

          So. It is not useless. But I guess your door knockers have to be motivated and actually knock on the doors and not just report that they did to get paid.
          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
            To your point, I'm not sure. I normally only glance at the mail to see who its' from. Phone calls and texts I ignore and then block. I hate people coming to my door too though so I get questioning their effectiveness.

            I am pretty sure that it IS useless, at best. When you cross into people's personal space and/or constantly barrage them with your "message", you reach a point where people don't just stop listening, they start mocking you. When you cry "Wolf!!" too much, people will start cheering for the wolf.

            Well, I do at least.


            • voting this week so I get no more texts

              I think virginia will be the early indicator--if trump is close there where its not called for awhile within 2-3 points i think he carries 6/7 battlegrounds

              But Im getting sick of the atlanta/phoenix/philly/detroit/milwaukee elections officials already saying they wont have the count done--maricopa is saying 10-13 days

              Bet they don't let raffenberger back on the today show that morning

              and now you have biden just coming out and saying lock him up

              and another line of bullsh## from the atlantic they wait 5 years to unload that trump admires hitlers generals brought to you by the same morons that said trump called soldiers suckers and losers

              i hope its a landslide just to tell half my kids to eat shit--I swear the whole TDS is mind numbing

              Why that man is running for President is beyond me. Its scary what they are going to do next to try to take him out.

              Heard anything more about those two assasins and their connections? didnt think so


              • If I'm working outside and someone stops I'm ok with that. If the garage door is shut I don't want to entertain anyone (including family.).lol)


                • It is not just random door knocking. Hell, that might get you shot in MAGA land.
                  It might happen to you in the Cass Corridor too. Right smack in the middle of Giggles land.
                  "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                  • Thanks for that primer, CGVT. I think that kind of operation will ultimately save Harris since the Trump team is inherently lazy.


                    • A number of MAGA guys (Glenn Beck, Charlie Kirk, Jack Posobiec, etc.) have been making vague warnings to their followers a potential "deepfake" is coming soon and they should immediately disbelieve it. I don't know if they actually know something or what but it's odd that multiple people are talking about some sort of Trump scandal that is being shopped to various reporters but no one's bitten yet. Or maybe one has and it's just not dropped.

                      Anyways, all rumors. Not getting my hopes up.


                      • Yeah, the old "October Surprise" promise. Apparently, ghost stories aren't just limited to Halloween. First, they actually have the audacity to bring up a "Hitler" connection. Now, there's something, "unproven" and "hard to believe", that "could end the campaign". Whatever. Smacks of shameless and sheer desperation on the part of the Dems. More likely to be seen as such than it is to influence the impending outcome of the election.

                        Could have all been avoided if they hadn't played the Kamala card. Even they know that now.


                        • Thank god the Atlantic was able to finish their expose' on Trump being a fascist Hitler devotee just in time for the election. Only 5 years in the making, must be riveting stuff.


                          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                            Thank god the Atlantic was able to finish their expose' on Trump being a fascist Hitler devotee just in time for the election. Only 5 years in the making, must be riveting stuff.
                            I mean, John Kelley's been making these accusations for years. This was the first time he allowed himself to be recorded saying it as far as I know.


                            • With regards to Fred Upton, Harris will be in Kalamazoo on Saturday. He may very well show up with her. Probably grasping at straws for anything positive but in a race this tight maybe it can make a difference.

                              ICP will probably be the bigger endorsement FOR KAMALA!!

