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  • Correct. I once heard that the world is round. Such nonsense.
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
      I'm sure there was a long line of people willing to get shot at and face life in prison to maybe give Trump a slight temporary bump in the polls. One that he'd squander within 48 hours anyway. Good god, you are so far gone.

      I share this sentiment. One of the major parties threw it's duly elected candidate overboard for in favor of a different person who has never received a single vote in a presidential primary. And this is the best part: That party say's we need to vote for them to "SAVE DEMOCRACY". It would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.
      Republicans bitched that the Dem primaries this year were rigged to prevent anyone from challenging Biden and now bitch that the Dem party isn't respecting the result of the so-called rigged primaries. Remember how Republican cretins vowed to sue and stop the transfer of Biden campaign funds to Harris? Another major GOP success story.


      • The storm that's brewing in the Caribbean could be a pretty big one by Thursday when it hits somewhere along Florida's NW coast.


        • FB_IMG_1727119923894.jpg
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • I know plenty of Bernie supporters who don't like how the Ds run their primaries, too. Bottom line is the party of SAVE DEMOCRACY literally installed a candidate after it was too late for anyone to vote on it. Period. I don't care what lawsuit someone filed. Now we'll likely be saddled with the absolute least qualified POTUS in history because her opponent is one of the worst politicians in history.


            • I hear far more bitching about how the Dems ran their primaries from Republicans than I do any Democrats. You're pissed because you went from a sure thing to now just an 80% chance of victory. All I ask is that you don't be sore winners.


              • STFU
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • CG,

                  I don’t put anything past anyone. There needs to be some solid evidence.

                  The following are two very different statements:

                  (1) I believe the second assassination attempt was faked.

                  (2) Knowing politicians, It wouldn’t surprise me if it was faked.
                  "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                  • So now the people who think that the Covid-19 lab leak theory is crazy tin foil hat stuff are saying that the assassination attempt was fake?

