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    • Between this and calling for free govt-paid IVF, Trump is really gambling that pro-lifers won’t abandon him no matter what.


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        • Can he count on your support now?


          • Originally posted by Mike View Post
            Can he count on your support now?
            Nope! He’s a piece of shit and I’m too happy and well-adjusted for that!


            • Yer a piece of shit.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Did someone say piece of shit?

                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                • Someone mentions piece of shit...and CGVT shows up! How ironic.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • I say again: Stupid burns really hot! And there's no shortage of it.

                    For four years in a row, food production expenses have increased greatly, while profit margins across the food industry — including wholesale producers, grocery stores, and restaurants — have steadily gone down.

                    And that does not include the tens of thousands of restaurants across the United States — approximately 75,000 — that could not survive Tim Walz-style government lockdowns, shutdowns, and social distancing restrictions.

                    Wrap your brain around that figure: 75,000 American restaurants, gone forever.

                    Some economists predict we won't get back to 2019 numbers of restaurants until 2028 or 2030 at the earliest, and that's IF there are favorable economic conditions, which means lower tax burdens, lower regulatory compliance costs, less inflation, and more genuinely free markets in the whole realm of growing, harvesting, transporting, distributing, preparing, and selling food.

                    In 2023, profit margins for grocery stores dropped to 1.6%. For every thousand dollars of food sold, a grocery store earns $16 of profit. Tyson Foods, the world’s largest chicken, beef, and pork processor, had a profit margin of about 8% in 2020. By 2023, that number had dropped to NEGATIVE 1.2% — meaning they lost money.

                    There are many factors in the U.S. food industry crisis, but two clearly stand out: Power-mongering progressive politicians crushed the restaurant industry in 2020 and 2021 by forcing restaurants to close and prohibiting patrons from going out to eat, and the fact that the U.S. government has been on a rip roaring money-printing bender, driving inflation up — which makes it more expensive to produce food — while devaluing the purchasing power of your dollars and everyone else's.

                    Then comes along our dingbat Vice President, who wants to become President, and she claims the problem is "price-gouging" by those in the food industry.

                    Really? These businesses that have dwindling profit margins, businesses that are LOSING money, and the tens of thousands that have been crushed out of existence by economically-illiterate political elites, are engaged in PRICE GOUGING?

                    My God she is stupid!

                    Her solution is to pass yet more laws, criminalize "price-gouging" — which no one can even define — and have unelected bureaucrats set prices.

                    Richard Nixon did that in 1971. Three results followed: He won a landslide re-election the next year supported by gullible American fools who "felt" Nixon was sticking it to the big greedy corporations. Then shelves in grocery stores became empty because food producers were losing money and stopped producing. Then, by 1974, Nixon's entire price and wage control bureaucracy was dismantled because it was a total failure.

                    Price controls have been tried all over the world, for over a century, by brown people, black people, white people, yellow people, racists, antiracists, pious religious believers, atheists, those who proclaim in public "we believe in science," heterosexuals, homosexuals, transexuals, and people who enjoy sexual intercourse with goats, and the results are ALWAYS the same: Stores with empty shelves.

                    Kamala Harris knows nothing about any of this. She has learned no lessons at all from history. Rather, she wants to try price controls, again, here, now. She probably assumes price controls can work, next time, if only we have the right DEI hires running the program!

                    (Maybe we can transfer some of those Secret Service women who don't how to handle firearms into a Bureau of Price & Wage Controls? What could go wrong?)

                    Through her academic career, professional career, and her many appearances in public, Ms. Harris has gone out of her way to show everyone how incredibly stupid she is. Has anyone been watching, or listening, or reading? She clearly knows nothing about basic economics or business or any related subjects, yet she wants to make and enforce policies that affect all those aspects of our lives. When she was younger, she invested time and energy in learning much about Willie Brown, not much else. And it shows. It really, really shows.

                    You people do what you want. I've seen some of you professing publicly that Kamala has restored your faith in humanity. Some of you “feel” she’s highly intelligent. Good for you. For me, someone could not pay me to support that woman because she is both stupid and bad, a disastrous combination.​
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Joy = Good!

                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • So if I as a homeowner...selling my home...wait until the market is in my favor and sell at an inflated I "price-gaging"? Is Komrade Kamala going to come after me? What say you?
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • For any progressive who doesn't want to answer my question about price-gouging when you sell your own home, here's another invitation to participate:

                          Can you say anything at all -- ANYTHING! -- about Kamala's proposal for price controls without mentioning Trump? Do you have the ability to speak or write about something Kamala has proposed without speaking or writing about Trump?

                          If you can actually comment on Kamala's price controls, the floor is yours. Feel free to write anything you want. If you think her proposed price controls are a good idea, you may use this space to promote her campaign for President. Go ahead. I ask only that you write about Kamala and her policies, not about Trump.

                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • But......JOY!
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • If you think her proposed price controls are a good idea, you may use this space to promote her campaign for President. Go ahead. I ask only that you write about Kamala and her policies, not about Trump.
                              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                              • EFZ
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

