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It’s four walls and affordable. I assume the heat works in that Michigan winter and you have water and power and a comfortable easy chair. You’ve seen grandbabies start to grow up and have decorated countless Christmas trees and blown out a million birthday candles. It’s not a mobile home, it’s just a home - a home with wall-to-wall memories. I think you’re a fortunate man (despite your unfortunate college football allegiance, of course).
"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln
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Well, we own it free and clear, and it does have central air and good heat. We're comfortable, and it meets our needs. I guess that's all you can ask. Its one of the better lots in the entire park. When they built this park, they made the lots extra large so you could have a single or double wide, and still have a decent yard. The lots are all oversized, so it looks more like a subdivision, than a trailer park. I kid a lot about being trailer park trash, but I've been called worse. My brothers even kid me about living out here. But at least I don't have a massive mortgage. I'm too old for that."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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There's only 13 Governor's races this year and only two of those, North Carolina and New Hampshire, are considered competitive.
New Hampshire still hasn't held their primary for state offices so there's no polling to indicate who might be favored yet. Sununu declined to run for a 5th term (New Hampshire Governors only serve for two years).
North Carolina is technically a competitive race but the Republicans nominated a candidate so bad (Mark Robinson) that polls there frequently show the Dem with a double digit lead. That wouldn't be a flipped state, however. Except for a 4 year interruption, Democrats have controlled North Carolina's Governorship since 1993.
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Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
Nobody in their right mind would ever live in a double wide in Flint. I live in Owosso. We're normal people out here, and we don't have to dodge bullets every 15 seconds.
My doublewide is okay. The previous owner added on a 2 and 1/2 car garage, and a 12 X 12 tool shed. And I have the best lot in the park at about 1/2 of an acre. We're not jammed in like sardines here.
But still, the resale on these places, no matter how nice they may be, is not good.
I rented a trailer in a park with a buddy when I was 18. It took us about 2 months to get kicked out and we never even had a real
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