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  • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
    Any Elvis fans in the building?

    BLM new target this week is Graceland

    Black Lives Matter aim to 'shut down Graceland' during Elvis Week
    Seems pretty shitty, but I don't go to war until they target Springsteen.


    • Trump has bolstered the campaign staff by hiring Kelly Anne Conway and the chairman of Breitbart.


      • But the summer of Trump could easily turn into an Alamo moment for the press. There are reporters who are quietly promising themselves they'll go back to being independent and above the fray in November, after we're past the threat of a Trump presidency.
        LOL. The Rolling Stone article is nice and all, but as I would expect from Rolling Stone, it's mostly kid gloves with the liberal press while FOX IS EBIL! The idea that reporters were independent before Trump is hilarious. The ultimate conclusion that you have polarized media outlets that no one really pays attention to is correct. But don't be shy, man...MSNBC is awful, I mean awful...and the NYT is a giant shill.

        I also can't help but think of Rolling Stone showing their own ass with the ludicrous Virginia "rape" story. So, I mean, the article hits on some truths, but Bill O'Reilly hits on some truths when talks about the media, too. Sometimes it's a challenge to get past the messenger.

        Finally, there is no more embarrassingly awful show on news channels than Hannity. He's generally awful, but his Trump shilling is beyond the pale. Now, I don't doubt that Hayes or Maddow could be as awful, but PAH ain't their horse. If Sanders had someone won the nomination then I could them being every bit as terrible.

        Not sure what the National Review line is about. But, whatever.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Historically, I think the norm has been the press as it is. Antebellum American press was absolutely partisan and wickedly so. I'm not sure when the notion of the "fair and impartial" journalist gained traction - probably when journalism became a subject for higher education. My guess is the early 20th C or so. I'm sure hack can speak to that. I'd say for roughly the past 75-100 years the model has been more "neutral." Whether you think the model was successful or not, meh...that was, at least, the goal.

          But that still leaves 100-125 years of absolutely partisan press.

          Finally, one more point -- the RS article talks about the press typically being more "liberal" than "Democrat" in its writing -- advocating ideas not electioneering. That strikes me as a rather remarkable splitting of a hair as their idea advocacy lines up with party politics most of the time. I will give them some credit in some recent efforts to take illiberal campus policies to task. They should be doing more, but it's clear which side they've chosen and it's the right side.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
            LOL. The Rolling Stone article is nice and all, but as I would expect from Rolling Stone, it's mostly kid gloves with the liberal press while FOX IS EBIL! The idea that reporters were independent before Trump is hilarious. The ultimate conclusion that you have polarized media outlets that no one really pays attention to is correct. But don't be shy, man...MSNBC is awful, I mean awful...and the NYT is a giant shill.

            I also can't help but think of Rolling Stone showing their own ass with the ludicrous Virginia "rape" story. So, I mean, the article hits on some truths, but Bill O'Reilly hits on some truths when talks about the media, too. Sometimes it's a challenge to get past the messenger.

            Finally, there is no more embarrassingly awful show on news channels than Hannity. He's generally awful, but his Trump shilling is beyond the pale. Now, I don't doubt that Hayes or Maddow could be as awful, but PAH ain't their horse. If Sanders had someone won the nomination then I could them being every bit as terrible.

            Not sure what the National Review line is about. But, whatever.

            CNN was just busted for manipulating what a certain person said.. they deleted the last portion of her quote to make it sound like she called for peace. They're all the same..

            Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


            • Trump is going to go down in flames, but at least he's taking some of the media with him. A "peel back the curtain" moment is long overdue.


              • The Black Lives Matter movement blindsided its Jewish supporters with the recent unveiling of its social and political policy agenda, a far-left manifesto that strays well beyond police brutality and accuses Israel of “genocide” and “apartheid.”

                BLM anti Israel platform
                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                • CNN was just busted for manipulating what a certain person said.. they deleted the last portion of her quote to make it sound like she called for peace. They're all the same
                  Heh. Yeah, the sister of the felon shot in Milwaukee by an African-American police officer? It takes giant fucking brass balls to do that edit -- which is virtually the exact opposite of what she was saying.

                  I wish the media were covering Milwaukee a little more. It is the essence of BLM and their regard for truth vs the "narrative." They are, what RS says FOX has become...they have near zero ability to persuade because they have such little credibility amongst non-radicals.
                  Last edited by iam416; August 17, 2016, 08:38 AM.
                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • Fox has never been worse than CNN, but they are less effective because from day 1, people have pegged them as the Conservative network, so anyone non-partisan watches it with a filter. Despite the low trust for CNN, The New York Times, etc, people still believe what they see from those sources until they see definitive proof that they shouldn't. That is why the Left still has a huge strategic advantage, even though the ratings numbers say that they shouldn't.


                    • Originally posted by WingsFan View Post
                      Any Elvis fans in the building?

                      BLM new target this week is Graceland

                      Black Lives Matter aim to 'shut down Graceland' during Elvis Week

                      I actually was in Memphis last year Packy, visited the gates of Graceland but no further. Things have changed dramatically in his old neighborhood. Apparently, Elvis gave his parents 100K, they bought Graceland which at the time consisted of sprawling hills and countryside in the 50s.

                      Now a ghetto encircles the entire property, and it's essentially a dump.

                      Present ownership wants to develop the attraction along the lines of a "Disney-like" theme park but have met resistance from militant blacks in the area looking to extort some cash.

                      I guess they want a piece of the action for being Elvis' former neighbors?
                      "Whole milk, not the candy-ass 2-percent or skim milk."


                      • Isn't it their right to "extort" cash for their property, in a capitalistic system?

                        "Location, location, location" right?


                        • A lot of elitism evident in the discussion about FOX News today, particularly from those who have sworn off watching that channel. One wonders how accurate the criticisms can be when they contain regurgitations of DNC pre-approved content.

                          This was out yesterday:

                          Just the facts boys. Fox has more viewers than MSNBC and CNN combined. Of course, most of those viewers are regular people who don't really count to the Coastal Elites.

                          As an aside, I've gone to watching Fox Business a little more rather than my old stand-by CNBC. My choice is made solely upon which channel helps me make more money. For example, today FBN had a discussion of how to cheaply mirror George Soros' bet against the market. The interviewee recommended SH as a way to play a down market without dealing in options.


                          • Its also fact that FNC viewers test out as the least-informed of cable-news subscribers. Even less than people who do not subscribe to cable news at all.

                            But....we know. Bias.

                            Last edited by Wild Hoss; August 17, 2016, 10:49 AM.


                            • Fox News will be vindicated when PBO finally discloses his true birth place. Long live Roger Ailes!


                              • Some impressive non sequiturs even by liberal snark standards.
                                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.

