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RFK dropping out with endorsement today. mauybe put him in charge of CIA--get some of those JFK files and epstein files open for the public.
Ah yes...and the Dems claim the theme of the DNC is "looking forward"...I guess that means looking forward by looking to the past and blaming Trump for all their massive failures...heh...
It's actually understandable why the Dems would want to turn the page...because the last 4 years has been an unprecedented disaster...but oddly...noooo....they look back at their massive failures and blame Trump...heh...
So tonight, the "got to see" speakers at the DNC convention will be Gretch the Wretch and Stupidnow Jr = Slotkin. Really powerful stuff there.
If Slotkin wins all she's got to do is the same Stupidnow has done for about 2 decades. Stand behind Harry Reid and Chuck Shumer and nod "yes". Oh, and vote however he tells you to. That's it. Job complete.
Gretch is going to tout her expert handling of the Covid crisis in Michigan. Where she arbitrarily shut down businesses that have still not been able to reopen,... went after an 80 year old barber, who just wanted to cut hair ..(and still to this day not one case of Covid was ever traced back to his shop.. he's 84 now). She took away his license, but he sued and got it back.
Over 150 senior citizens died of Covid in Michigan due to her insistance that Covid patients be moved into nursing homes, to "isolate" them from the public. That stupid decision led to several nursing home outbreaks of Covid. The most vulnerable of all, in the early stages of the virus. Great job, Gretch. Of course, Detroiters overwhelmingly voted to place her back in office,
because ... abortion is the most important of all issues.
She's the most self centered and self serving governor this state has ever had. When interviewed on TV last night about Trump visiting Howell, she maintained the Democrat line by agreeing with the interviewer that evil people live in Howell, because back in the 70's and 80's, Robert Miles lived there. (Former KKK Grand Dragon) Bob died in the 90's. Instead of praising the good people of Livingston County and standing up for the 99.999999999% of people in the county that have NOTHING to do with the Klan, she toed the DNC company line, and agreed that Trump going there was a sign of his racism.. Really now.
These people are your future, America. Gretch will be running for President in '28 if Giggles loses. So the next two Dem nominees are Giggles and Gretch. What a country.
Last edited by lineygoblue; August 21, 2024, 03:53 PM.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
Stan tosses a grenade into the room and Wizzy jumps on it.
Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.