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  • I think the Iranians got wise and will simmer down for a while as I’m sure it has been communicated to them that their nuclear program can be decimated whenever Israel wishes. The Israelis, in the meantime, should just keep taking out terrorist after terrorist.


    • Correct.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • In ISW's daily update on Iran they assessed that Iran is sending purposely mixed signals from various levels of their government to sew discord in Israel between political factions. That is a credible strategy as Netanyahu's tenuous hold on power could evaporate if the hard right faction, who would opt out of the current coalition's government should Netanyahu take any other stance than the complete destruction of Hamas.

        I posted yesterday that I thought the "gobbledegook" coming from Iran was nothing more than a realization by their government that a strong retaliatory response would come should they lead in any attack on Israel. Today, the messaging basically saying, we won't negotiate or we will if a cease-fire is reached is coming from two disconnected branches of government adding to the purposeful confusion of who's in charge of deciding how and when an attack on Israel will come.

        The assessment also states that the Biden administration is in a tough spot facing an overwhelming view among Americans and in general most of the world that think Israel has gone too far and should negotiate a peace deal (thank you liberal left press for your "balanced" reporting). OTH, the US has been clear that it will defend Israel if Iran or it's proxies attack Israel directly. To demonstrate that commitment CENTCOM is being assigned an impressive array of assets capable of offensive operations with the additional benefits of interlocking ballistic, cruise and anti-ship defenses.

        These tend to be long and difficult reads. I've summarized the link above.

        Iran is likely trying to expand divisions within Israel and between Israel and the United States ahead of a possible Iranian drone and missile attack. Three anonymous senior Iranian officials speaking to Reuters on August 13 claimed that Iran and
        Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


        • October surprise could be a biden resignation giving kamala another boost

          so she coasts until the convention. get a convention boost--stay quiet til october then get the presidental first woman ever boost

          and never establish any policies or answer any questions from the media

          sounds about right

          She gets in I retire--trumps tax cuts gone, --taxes on unrealized gains, medicare for all, more green new deals,

          quit and just post over here all day


          • No way The Chairman resigns...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Rightwing hacks screaming KAMALA CRASH last Monday probably a bit crestfallen and disappointed the deep depression appears to have been canceled.

              Retail sales July 2024: (


              • Yes things are just peachy keen...and Bidenomics....errrrr nirvana....

                Trump is toast. It's over.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                  Yes things are just peachy keen...and Bidenomics....errrrr nirvana....

                  Trump is toast. It's over.
                  Got to be depressing news for you and the other America-hating chucklefucks as you gather in the morning to sob over your croissanwiches.


                  • I prefer McGriddles sir.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Michael Scott No GIF

                      I dont understand any of you twat waffles.

                      If Kamala wins, America loses. If Trump wins, America loses. How is this election exciting anyone into a vigorous “my side is better!” debate?

                      When Saban retired, if the Bama AD had narrowed Nick’s replacement down to Mike Dubose and Mike Shula, the only appropriate response is “The Office” meme above.
                      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                      • DuBose or Shula are light years better than Kamala....and marginally better than Trump.

                        Yes Trump is an egotistical buffoon...but he will secure the border and fix the energy shit....and that is why he needs to win.

                        That and the prog judges that Kumalot and Tampon Tim will appoint...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                          Got to be depressing news for you and the other America-hating chucklefucks as you gather in the morning to sob over your croissanwiches.
                          Like I've said many times...if you wanna hang your hat on yer economic triumphant results...have at it hoss...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • gee what a surprise--good reporting NYT how bout another Pulitzer



                            • There was a lot that The Chairman wasn't aware of...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


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