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  • I mean, big cities and counties are almost always the last ones to finalize their counts no matter what state you live in. There's way more voters (Oakland County has almost 1.3M people compared to Gogebic County's 14,000) AND there's way more races to count. I looked at Oakland County's 2020 ballot and there were 149 different municipal races to count PLUS another 49 school district races.

    One of the recommendations in the Republican-written report is that the dropboxes either be eliminated or allowed to get picked up and closed before 8PM election night. They were th e thousands of ballots that arrived in the night (but the number has probably been wildly exagerrated).

    SMPO_2020ElectionReport.pdf (


    • Just remember...if you don't vote for ain't black/female/Asian!!!
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Progressives are deeply concerned that if Trump wins, he won't leave office when his term is over.

        They are deeply worried about the prospect of a demagogic despot or tyrant. Just listen to them talk.

        And they have no idea what to do. They assume they're the first ones to think about the problem of despotism and tyranny because, ya know, history is boring.

        They have no clue that the American Founders studied, wrote, and talked at length about the problems of despots and tyrants, and that the central purpose of the Constitution the Founders designed was to prevent despotism and tyranny by limiting the powers of government, separating those powers, and directing those powers toward the protection of the equal individual rights of citizens.

        Maybe it's too much to expect progressives to know this, however. After all, most progressives don't actually study the Founders—they simply mock and ridicule and denounce the Founders, knowing little about them—while ignoring the Founders' Constitution most of the time (except for those rare moments the Constitution can be weaponized and used for Democratic partisan purposes).

        Still, the fact of the matter stands: Want to protect the United States from despots and tyrants? Bind down every member of the government with the chains of the Constitution and strictly enforce the Constitution's limits on government power, across all three branches, consistently.

        Or, don't.

        Have your "living Constitution" that progressives have promoted for over a century. Ignore the Constitution. Violate and betray the Constitution. Redefine the Constitution to mean the opposite of its words and purpose. Demand that equal protection is unequal protection; commerce among states includes commerce within a state and all human activities; legislative power vested in a Congress means regulatory power vested in executive branch unelected agencies; enumerated and delegated powers are unenumerated and plenary powers; etc.

        And then you should worry about despotism and tyranny because you've helped to destroy the greatest bulwark of individual liberty ever devised by human minds.​
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • Well, some of those guys owned slaves.. and the other ones didn't denounce them for it.

          So, from a progressive point of view, they were the original Nazis!
          Last edited by Tom W; July 30, 2024, 05:05 PM.


          • Pretty sure we're going to see a full scale conflict erupt in the ME with Lebanon - Hezbollah's strong hold - bearing the brunt of it. The IDF targeted Fouad Shukr, also known as Al-Hajj Mohsen, in the strike, according to three security sources familiar with the operation. Shukr is a senior adviser on military affairs to Hasan Nasrallah, secretary-general of Hezbollah. He also had a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture, via the U.S. government. "The IDF targeted the commander responsible for the rocket attack on a soccer pitch in the Golan and murdered children playing soccer there in Majdal Shams," ​​The IDF claimed that Shukr was killed in the strike.

            The bull-shit from the terrorists has already started know what it is and sounds like. Of course, Israel is the aggressor and innocent Lebanese (Children) are being killed. Notably, according to Lebanese sources, the strike was meters away from a hospital. Never mind Hezbollah, like Hamas uses these facilities as command posts or to protect the residences of terrorist commanders. The picture below shows what I analyze as a highly surgical strike with little collateral damage. The ordnance used, likely a laser guided air dropped munition looks like it flew right into Shukr's living room window. Good by fucker.

            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


            • Warms my heart.


              • Israel taking out the #1 of Hamas with an airstrike while he's in Tehran to party at the inauguration is a "holy shit" moment. Top man in Hamas and one of the top 2-3 in Hezbollah dead within 24 hours.

                And whoever runs Iran's air defense probably just punched their ticket to the execution grounds.


                • Iran is in a huge bind. The Axis of Resistance has to respond in some significant way to blunt the impact of the assassinations of Shukr and Haniyea. However, the religious power center in Iran is weak and though it is ostensibly controlling Iran's Revolutionary Guard, there's been constant tension between the two. Western pressure on Iran to stop supporting Hamas and Hezbollah has been effective but this is going to change the dynamic. Hard to say how Iran will react. Blinken as already said the US will come to Israel's aid if it is attacked.
                  Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                  • I saw a few posts yesterday that US ships were moving close to Lebanon. Haven't seen confirmation.


                    • Finally, some good news to read about.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Fuck yeah! Get some!


                        • Killl 'em all. Kill 'em dead.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Will war be this elections years "covid"? Killing Trump didn't work.


                            • Wag The Dog!
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • I don't think a war would be beneficial to Harris electorally. Democrats are probably weeping in the streets as we speak over the Haniyeh assassination.

