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  • Anyways I think the SS lady should resign but I've seen her resume.

    27 years with the secret service. Spent time as Pepsi's Director of Global Security. Give those qualifications to a doughy white guy that looks like Elon Musk and no conservative here would be questioning if he had the right experience for the position. But anyways...


    • Who cares about her experience? She fucked up. Fire her lame ass. Tell her to go secure the sugar warehouse again.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • I have a glaring example of her being bad at her job, though.

        And really, the person most responsible is the ranking officer on site at the rally. So whoever that it is should have been gone Saturday night. If the SS Director can't even make that very easy decision, then it calls into question her ability to lead a large organization.
        Last edited by Mike; July 19, 2024, 09:53 AM.


        • You see Progs think we are pissed that DEI hires people of color, different lifestyles, gender, sexual orientation. No. Don't care. We are pissed because that seems to be the main concern of the DEI supporters. Qualifications are secondary and you must fill those quotas! It leads to unqualified and less than qualified people filling jobs they are not qualified for. Don't know if this is the case here but she clearly f'd up and should be fired and I guarantee you if this was a 50 year old white dude he would have been gone by Sunday.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • If your first reaction to someone fucking up is to scream DEI you are trying to draw attention to their race or sex, not their incompetent acts. And criticism of DEI centers on unqualified people getting positions they aren’t trained for. This woman appears to have been highly qualified but whatever.


            • "When, not it". This pretty much confirms what we've assumed is currently taking place behind the scenes.

              The president’s family members have discussed how he would want to end his re-election bid on his own timing and with a carefully calculated plan in place.

              About the possibility any announcement is imminent, a person close to the Bidens said, “We don’t even know what we’re doing tomorrow.”
              Last edited by Mike; July 19, 2024, 10:58 AM.


              • The SS lady didn’t screw up her job. She performed her duties just fine. Her job was to let the assassin get off some clean shots at Trump. Or, at least, it was her people.


                • salient point Hanni
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Comment

                    • Imagine that.
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • If the Deep State wanted Trump dead they would use an actual pro. Not some fucking dishwasher who can’t hit a target at 150 yards.

                        ”Oh they have to make it look good”. Why? Why do they have to make it look “good”? They have no qualms about killing a President but tremble at the thought of mastubatory internet “sleuths” declaring it all highly suspicious from their gaming chairs?


                        • I don't think they tried to intentionally take him out, it's just another data point in the incompetence of the organization. I'd imagine Trump's risk of getting shot has only been rivaled or surpassed by Obama in recent American history yet DHS thought it would be fine to roll out the rookie squad.
                          Last edited by Mike; July 19, 2024, 12:46 PM.


                          • Incompetence is always a likelier explanation than malevolence.

                            On the other hand the SS has to maintain a perfect 100% while the boob would-be assassins just need to get lucky once.


                            • I 100% agree on both points. But the failure of the USSS (I have to stop referring to them as the "SS", it's cringy) in this instance is nothing short of staggering. The fact that it was just some scrawny 20 year-old with no military training underscores that point. It's not like they were dealing with some ex-Delta Force guy who shot from 500 yards away.


                              • Just imagine if this was the Trump Administration and the Dem nominee getting shot at. Holy shit there would be some fun rhetoric going on...
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

