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  • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

    If the Dems bypass Harris they win. Simple as that. But this is a party that is totally devoted to DEI, and ridding themselves of Harris is going to be tough. Even a Biden/Whitmer ticket could win. Biden/Newsom would be a way of getting Newsom into the presidency without him having to have his record highlighted.

    Live by DEI, die by DEI. And that could happen.
    It probably would, and maybe that was the strategy all along. Roll out Biden to shit the bed on a Global stage as an excuse to send him out to pasture. That's a cruel thing for the party of kindness and compassion to do to one of their own, but with the Clintons still around, anything is possible.

    But, then again, they still are the party that elevated Kamala. Getting rid of her at this point - and they're really going to need to- is going to be more problematic. She should probably avoid planes, cars and prison cells.


    • Like the D conspiracy take involving a means to show Joe - who's not likely to drop out on his own accord - the door, Tom

      .......but with the Clintons still around, anything is possible. But, then again, they still are the party that elevated Kamala. Getting rid of her at this point - and they're really going to need to- is going to be more problematic. She should probably avoid planes, cars and prison cells.
      Heh ..... but no laughing matter really.​
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


      • Yeah don't make the mistake of counting out the Clintons in all this. Hillary sincerely believed that it was her turn to be President in 2016, and she still believes she was cheated out of that opportunity. If Joe stands aside and releases his delegates, she's going to be nearby, and so will her financial supporters. With Joe out of the way, Hillary will absolutely bulldoze Karamello if she tries to get in Hillary's way.

        The Clintons will have to give their blessing to any ticket that does not include Hillary. Otherwise the D's will be fractioned like the R's are with Trumpers/Never Trumpers.

        I could see any one of these scenarios coming out of the Democratic Convention, if Joe stands aside and releases his delegates:


        Hillary's problem is going to be that Trump beat her before, and he could probably do it again. He knows all her weaknesses, and knows how to push all her buttons to make her react in bad ways. He's not afraid of her.

        Newsome/Whitmer would be very problematic for Trump. As stone-cold stupid as both of them are, they'd be considered more 'level headed' than Trump.
        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


        • Newsome/Whitmer would be very problematic for Trump. As stone-cold stupid as both of them are, they'd be considered more 'level headed' than Trump.

          You don't like Gretch? Newsome? Nahhhh no way.

          It's takes like these in your posts that prompted my post that you're poster ranking in AA's dubious list of those of us who post regularly here was too low.
          Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


          • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
            Like the D conspiracy take involving a means to show Joe - who's not likely to drop out on his own accord - the door, Tom

            Heh ..... but no laughing matter really.​
            It really isn't funny at all. Reality (based on history) though, does at least make one question if there are limits to how ruthless the Clinton shade of the D party will go. I think it not necessary to provide a list.


            • You don't like Gretch? Newsome? Nahhhh no way.​
              First hand experience in living under a government ruled by Gretch Whitmer allows me to opine as to her raving stupidity. Between her and Gennifer Grandholm, I'd be hard pressed to determine which governor was more self-serving. Its a tight race between the two. One can only imagine how Gretch's propensity to serve herself and her friends might translate to the national level if she ever occupies the Oval Office.

              When it comes to Newsome, I have a hard time believing that America would look at California, and conclude that his results there would be good for us on a national level. But, if he's matched up against Trump, I can see it happening. Newsome is pretty-boy enough to defeat a raving Trump. America loves media-made pretty boys. Obama proved that.
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • Liney to be clear, you're spot on about Whitmer and Newsom - the governance of their respective states and the policies they follow leave a lot to be desired. I was showing a bit of sarcasm in my post.

                Whitmer, as you note, has self serving motives behind most policy decisions she makes. She appears to be a moderate and sensible D but I think we'd see a very different President Whitmer that would likely have boot-licking friends with no background in national or international policy making surrounding her as advisors. That's not a good recipe for American policy, especially abroad, and it's more likely to feature an expansion of the administrative state as she defers national policy decision to departmental bureaucrats. Meanwhile she'll be enjoying the bennies, pomp and circumstance attendant to the American presidency. Where America needs strengths, we'd get a country with4 years of a wishy-washy, equivocation. Newsome sees government like most socialists see it. It's a hard no for me on him as a presidential candidate to replace Joe if he drops out.

                Yes, I get Trump is a jack-ass but America won't get socialism or equivocation if he's elected President in November. TBH, I don't think he'd be the disaster that the typical US press makes him out to be. Biden is a disaster in waiting. My sense that Newsome or Whitmer would be better options says they aren't.
                Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.


                • Heard an interesting point this morning regarding the Biden/Harris campaign war chest. Apparently it's up $150M but if Joe steps aside who would be able to inherit the funds? Seems only Harris would legally be able to because she is part of the campaign that people donated to. There are legal issues with allowing a candidate, other than the one to whom people donated, to access the money. It's one more wrinkle that makes switching out Joe more complicated that one might think.


                  • Happy Bobby Bonilla Day to those who celebrate.


                    • And to you as well!


                      • Once the Chairman has time to digest today's Supreme Court decision he will order Seal Team 6 to take out Trump. However, it being after 4PM, he will accidentally put out a hit on Eric Trump instead. Tragic.


                        • When ESPN mentioned Bobby Bonilla Day, they said the “former slugger was 61-years-old.” Which makes me feel old.

                          And everyone knows the Mets send him just over a million cash annually (through 2035), most don’t know the Orioles send him cash every year, too ($500k through 2028).
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • Over the weekend reading various news reports and listening to the talking heads on TV, sounds like a lot of Democrats are leaning towards hunkering down with Biden and hoping that he can pull this thing out after all. Now, this could be just posturing and looking good for the party and all that but some of them sounded pretty sincere to me. But then again I'm pretty gullible.
                            "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                            • Trump case mostly remanded to the district court to decide if Trump was acting in an official or unofficial capacity in the various allegations. I think his biggest exposure is all the fake elector stuff and interactions with state officials. If anything's going to be found beyond his official duties, it's likely that.

                              The social media lawsuits got kicked back down to lower courts too. Although it leaves injunctions against the Florida & Texas laws in place. A unanimous-ish decision for a lot of different reasons.


                              • Jill is doubling down so any hope they might have had is out the window. The Bidens are hell bent on crashing the plane into a mountain it seems. There is 0% chance Biden wins the election. If they switch him out, that number increases a lot. Perhaps even above 50%. But with Biden at the top of the ticket the number is 0.00.

