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  • Meanwhile, it seems pretty clear the Ds will follow the Progs lead and fully align themselves with Hamas by the time November is here. It's almost like they're trying to get DJT re-elected.

    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • When it comes to politics, Talent = Hannibal from 10 years ago. Give it another 10 years and he will be throwing up Roman salutes and saying "Heil Hitler".


      • Meanwhile Trump says no real Jew can possibly vote Democrat, as Israel is the true homeland for all Jews everywhere. His low-IQ grifter acolyte, Mr. Charles O. Kirk, says something similar about Christians.

        The angry, pasty, and overweight crowd is not sending their best. But perhaps they don't have one.


        • I would think, at this point, it's pretty fucking clear that the Ds ought not be taking their cue from the Prog elites. It seems to me that apologizing for calling an illegal alien murders an "illegal", blaming the Rs for the border (lol) and/or generally pooh-poohing immigration as a non-issue is bad politics. It seems to me that telling voters, "hey, you idiots, the economy is awesome" seems like bad politics. It seems like saying, "hey, Israel, bow to Hamas terror and hostage-taking NOW!!!" seems like bad politics.

          Now, maybe all those things play extrememly well in Prog elite states. I get that. But it seems to me that The Chairman needs to win some states that aren't Prog elite states and right now Georgia looks like a lost cause, Arizona is dicey and Wisconsin/M are issues.

          They're stuck with their drifting-quickly-toward senility candidate because they went full-on identitarian over competence for VP. There's no getting out of that. HOWEVER, they certainly don't have to make things considerably harder, but here we are.

          The only question is whether DJT will match or exceed that incompetence -- and it's very much an open question.
          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


          • My wife, god bless her, can't watch this D shitshow. She's absolutely aghast that DJT can very credibly win another term. She can't believe how goddamn silly the Ds are and how terrible The Chairman is.

            IF the Rs were anywhere close to the "Party of Reagan" she might actually be contemplating independence, at least. But, there is no real R option for her so she'll continue hoping the D Middle rises up to put the Progs in their place. LOL.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
              Meanwhile Trump says no real Jew can possibly vote Democrat, as Israel is the true homeland for all Jews everywhere. His low-IQ grifter acolyte, Mr. Charles O. Kirk, says something similar about Christians.

              The angry, pasty, and overweight crowd is not sending their best. But perhaps they don't have one.
              Both the Republicans and Democrats are equally adept at giving Israel a massively oversized role in American politics. In the history of the world, I don't think that a country has ever influenced the political affairs of another country 30 times its size more than Israel does with the United States. Whenever I see a Washington politician repeat for the 100th time about how Israel is our "greatest ally" I feel like I am watching a hostage video. And maybe I am.


              • The R's had way more options than the Dems had this election. He's the incumbent who's not ready to leave. Dems have always respected incumbency more than R's do.

                The R's chose the only path that could possibly lead to suicide. Anyone else would win by 10 points. The stupid ill-informed dipshits (we politely call them "infrequent voters") who want politics to be an entertainment alternative to the WWE and who only vote once every 4 years and ONLY if they can vote for Trump are NOT a good long-term investment.


                • Most of the other options would not win by 10 points. That includes Haley, who would depress R turnout big time.


                  • However many of the "ONLY TRUMP" crowd you would lose with a Haley or DeSantis nomination you would pick up double the numbers in middle ground suburbanites who despise Trump but want to vote Republcan.

                    And suburbanites (or seniors) are way more valuable voters in the long run than the freak shows organizing MAGA boat rallies.


                    • Haley — definitely not.

                      Desantis — maybe — but he really damaged his chances with the Florida abortion ban.


                      • The Rs aren't in any danger of losing ground because the Ds aren't in any danger of approaching the middle.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Yeah well, here's the thing. The Dems don't have to approach the middle. All that they have to do is import more voters. That's literally all that they have done since 1965 and it works.


                          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                            Yeah well, here's the thing. The Dems don't have to approach the middle. All that they have to do is import more voters. That's literally all that they have done since 1965 and it works.
                            I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                            • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                              The Rs aren't in any danger of losing ground because the Ds aren't in any danger of approaching the middle.
                              The Ds have no incentive to move to the middle when the opposing party has no desire to move towards electability.


                              • And there’s the rub.

