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  • What the word "democracy" means to Democrats it that everyone in a given district can vote. Saving democracy is all about having no limitation on who can vote.

    If the Republican Party had any brains, the Congress would propose a constitutional amendment locking in the number of Supreme Court Justices at nine. Polls show this is what a vast majority of voters want and might drive moderate people to the polls. When the Dems come out against that type of amendment, it would show the ambivalent where we are headed.

    Would you favor such an amendment DSL?


    • As long as the amendment stated that a vote be held for any Justice submitted by any President

      Of course the horse is already out of the barn on that one.
      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


      • I don’t necessarily think the number must be fixed forever at nine. There are 11 circuits plus the DC circuit so I tend to think there should be 11.

        And it wouldn’t take a constitutional amendment to do that. Just an act of Congress. But the only way that could happen is if the bill only took effect after the next presidential election.

        I also personally don’t like that we fixed the number of Reps at 435 but again, that’s an issue that could be solved by Congress. Not changing the Constitution.


        • Team Loon.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Yeah sure. Believing that IVF is okay makes me a loon. Believing that 11 year old rape victims should not be forced by law to raise their rapist’s kid also makes me a loon.

            And dipshit Republicans wonder why women are abandoning their party.


            • Originally posted by Mike View Post
              Those progressives sure do care about minorities and poor folks.​
              Only because there's money to be made in exploiting them.


              • XVQ5L7UJ7NAFBDIXZ24RAKL7UE.jpg


                • This Truth Bomb got Doonesbury removed from all Gannett newspapers

                  View the comic strip for Doonesbury by cartoonist Garry Trudeau created February 18, 2024 available on

                  Screenshot 2024-02-22 10.31.02 AM.png

                  Screenshot 2024-02-22 10.31.24 AM.png
                  I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                  • Team Loon is alive and well.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • This is rich: Russian authorities won't release Navalny's body to his mother unless she agrees to a "secret Funeral."
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post
                        This is rich: Russian authorities won't release Navalny's body to his mother unless she agrees to a "secret Funeral."
                        Yeah but have you seen that subway station that Stalin built? AMAZING!


                        • Two more fertility clinics shut down in Alabama as the legislature tries to figure out a way to save IVF in the state.

                          Alabama senator planning to file bill that could protect in vitro fertilization - Alabama Reflector
                          Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; February 22, 2024, 01:45 PM.


                          • They should be able to fix it through legislation. From what I gleaned from skimming a couple articles about the court's ruling is that the law they were evaluating doesn't make any clear distinction. It's too vague so that led to the ruling they made. If the legislature passes something that tightens up the language it SHOULD suffice but you never know because Alabama.

                            Speaking of Alabama, happy 52 day anniversary of the 2024 Rose Bowl!


                            • Originally posted by Jeff Buchanan View Post

                              Does it matter? Putin's killing, imprisoning or otherwise neutralizing his opponents puts him among the worst perpetrators of conduct so offensive, so illiberal that I can't understand why any democrat that values freedom tolerates him being seated at any table where world leaders of democratic nations sit.

                              My post was concerning the nerve agent being undetectable after 2 weeks as the reason the russians wouldnt release the body until 2 weeks was up


                              • I think Hurs testimony in a few weeks might be the last straw for Joes campaign

                                mainstream media has certainly covered the written version. Now that Hur will supply details of his conclusions and information he may have left out the pressure will ratchet up for Joe to get out

