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  • The progressives WANT more migrants. It's part of their platform and they are in charge. The previous president, for all his faults and stupidity, was FOUR TIMES BETTER than Biden on this issue. Biden is the president. There is no law preventing him from doing his job.

    And the proposed legislation allows for nearly 2 million border crossings before the triggers kick in. It's moronic nonsense.


    • Trump average: 494,802/year
      Biden average: 1,980,170/year

      Not counting the highest pace yet for FY24 that is EXACTLY 4 times the amount of illegal immigration under Biden than Trump. How again is it Trump's fault?

      Screenshot 2024-02-06 174646.png


      • To be clear, the Senate has some sort of agreement. It’s not a solution. There remains an easy solution to get things back to DJT levels. No D wants that.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • I’m fine with that but returning to what Trump did only makes the problem manageable. It doesn’t actually fix the problem. That requires legislation and Republicans have a track record of being cowards and unreliable on that. They’ve run away from deals three times in a decade. They’ve demanded the border be tied to Ukraine, then reversed themselves and demanded Ukraine be separated. They spent months writing legislation only to decide, last minute, that no legislation is needed.

          does Trump want the problem fixed before Election Day? It’s pretty obvious he does not. He’s on record that he’s hoping for a stock market crash before November too. Soooo yeaaah….


          • Oh and Mayorkas impeachment fails because GOP leadership can’t count. By one vote.


            • And aid to Israel fails as well because they couldn’t get to 2/3

              Speaker Johnson reportedly left the Capitol at a brisk sprint and leaped into a car that sped away.


              • Democrats believe in what they’re doing more because they believe government serves a purpose. Republicans have contempt for government, contempt for most institutions, and contempt for their base. Contempt for humanity, really. So you recruit loads of wannabe actors (failed theater kids) posing for cameras and who have no clue how a bill gets passed. They want fame and money. Ideology matters very little. “Conservatism” in the Trump Age.


                • Meanwhile I have endless contempt for this shitpile of a political movement. LOL at these MAGA influencers immediately following The Boss’s lead and urging their brain dead followers to go buy cases of Bud Lite. LMAO just fuckin hilarious, turning on a dime. But blowing The Boss comes before pride.


                  • The Ds don’t want a “solution” — they don’t even want DJT levels. I mean, if they did then that’s what we’d have.

                    As for the more general point, if I’m given a choice between a government “solving” an “ostensible” problem or not, then I’m taking NOT. Because it’s way more likely than not, IMO, they’re gonna make it worse. The Ohio General Assembly, e.g., legislates on lot of shit. You, as a believer in the almighty government to solve all problems must love that. I generally think, with some exceptions, they fuck up shit solving problems that don’t exist. Like most governments.

                    (I realize, of course, you’re all in favor of YOUR people telling people what to do and that’s how’d you distinguish Ohio. I’m massively skeptical of any government action (I have my test, which I articulated) and that’s very much the case for Ohio).
                    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                    • The ironic thing about us is I’ve never had a public sector job beyond mowing city parks one summer when I was 19 and you’re essentially Ron Swanson.


                      • How do you think he knows how fucked up government is?!


                        • I’m not Ron Swanson, but I understand bureaucracies and human nature. And I therefore understand why government “solve” so many problems that don’t exist and typically fuck up things along the way.

                          Prove to me there’s a problem. Prove up that your proposal will solve or otherwise reduce the problem. Prove up that the policy is narrowly tailored to address the problem.

                          That’s not how government works. And I’m perfectly fine saying that’s not how Ohio state government works. And you can dodge the Ohio point all you want, but you only want government to act if they’re your people. I view them all as political bureaucrats and run them all through the above set of questions.
                          Last edited by iam416; February 6, 2024, 10:19 PM.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Comment

                            • You're allowed to drink Bud Lite again, boys. Da Boss sez so!


                              • Huh. My points being made by a Republican.

