Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_
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I'm not a sympathetic person. Because of that I tend to not feel moved by the overwhelming narrative, backed up by purposely grotesque photos of dead civilians and injured children, of the deaths of "thousands" of Palestinians(according to Hamas and, of course, without evidence, at the hands of IDF bombings.
That is the core of story of current reporting. It is the core of the feckless UN's position. Israel has charged the UN with unmitigated bias in favor of Hamas that helps support Hamas tactics. Israel has correctly restricted visas for UN officials who are aiding and abetting Hamas.
War is cruel. Hamas could immediately stop the deaths of civilians it is allegedly governing by not hiding among civilians, abandoning their tunnels to launch surprise attacks on IDF soldiers and surrendering to the IDF - the entity that has pursued the noble goal of destroying an enemy whose sole reason for existence is the elimination of the Israeli state. Butr Hamas does not care about the loss of life of those they claim to govern. Where is that story?
It should surprise no one that such a pursuit by the IDF, under the circumstances Hamas has dictated such pursuit will be undertaken, is going to entail civilian deaths. It is Hamas that should be examined for the horrendous number of civilian deaths, not the IDF. But, here we are.Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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Ahhh... This is starting to make sense now.
A marked lack of sympathy and/or empathy can indicate ASPD (or NPD). While, being a psychopath isn’t really a true diagnosis with DSM-5-TR, it is something to be concerned about if you have other associated symptoms.
"The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln
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Continuing my post above where I admit, I'm not a sympathetic person, the NYTs published an investigative piece documenting the brutality directed against Jewish women by Hamas militants as they attacked a gathering of young people for a rave party and several Kibbutzes. There are no punches pulled in this piece. It is a graphic verbal account of what happened to several women raped and carved up by these animals. Heads severed, breasts cut off, genitals mutilated.
It's paywalled so you're spared but fuck Hamas, it's military and political wings who ordered and carried out this atrocity. The UN, carrying the water for Hamas, says nothing about this sort of thing that reportedly, the killing, mutilation and rape, went on for hours, was encouraged by Hamas military commanders and sheds a light on how Hamas is defined and by extension Islamic extremism in all its elements.
If I had any concerns about the civilian casualties in this completely justified Israeli war to crush Hamas and eliminate its leadership, they are gone after reading the NYTs investigative piece. Palestinian civilians who are dying in this war voted Hamas into power and unfortunately are being killed as a result of that vote, what it's elected leadership espouses and the clarion call to eliminate Hamas completely in the name of humanity. There are wars worth fighting despite the violence, destruction and death, when one side conducts itself in battle in ways that shock the senses. This is such a war.
This is the first public disclosure of Hamas atrocities carried out purposefully on innocent Israeli citizens. Such atrocities were undoubtedly known by Israeli's War Cabinet and if there was ever a causes belli to wipe out the perpetrators and their leadership, this is it. It explains why the Israeli's don't care about calls for a ceasefire before it's war aims are achieved. I whole heartedly support them.Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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Germany backed the wrong guy and he led them into total destruction of their country. Thousands of civilians in Germany died because of their lunatic leader, and those who gave him his power. Germany suffered as a divided country for nearly 50 years after WWII ended, because of what they did to the rest of the world. Like Jeff says, war sucks, and it sucks even more when your country starts it, and then they get their asses kicked. This is what Hamas and Gazans are learning today. This whole thing is their fault."Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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