lol…poor Comer Pyle….
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Miscellaneous And Off Topic Subjects
I know Fox News isn't considered a serious source of news, but in this article, Bill Maher sums up the 'palestinian" situation very well. For a liberal, he nails the conservative side better than anyone I've heard recently.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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I've always like Maher's stuff. Yes, the decades long Palestinian intransigence that's prompted 3, now 4 wars - all of the first three lost and the 4th surely to also be lost - is aggravating to those of us who sort-of like a peaceful world. Maher points out the hard truth for Islamic extremists that incite violence by rallying around the entirely unachievable "river to the sea" bull-shit.
I've found the position of some Muslim leaders, Egypt's Sissi in particular but there are others, who urge Palestinians living in Gaza to stay in place to be particularly objectionable. The call is based on the implication that Israel's true goal is the elimination of all Palestinians as a race, not just Hamas. I'd argue that call has caused thousands of unnecessary Palestinian deaths at the hands of SIssi's unwillingness to let Palestinians flee through Rafah to the Sinai and responsibility for those deaths lies squarely at the feet of the leadership of Muslim countries of the ME.Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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Hunter Biden not only paints...he writes children's books?FB_IMG_1702759986860.jpgShut the fuck up Donny!
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