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  • thanks for the condolences. if anything positive about it does give you a chance to see and hear from peeps you haven't touched base with in years. if anything negative about it it does give you a chance to see and hear from peeps you haven't touched base with in years.


    • It's nice to see CFB discussions have moved two major global hot conflicts to the back page. The story in Ukraine is the potential for the US congress to fail to approve more spending. Just recently, the R's are trying to move forward on a bill that ties Ukraine funding to decreased immigration through the US southern boarder. I don't like it but it's good politics.

      It's approaching the deep cold of the winter months in Ukraine and, of course, Putin targets the electrical infrastructure of cities with drones that the Ukrainians claim most of them get shot down. I'd call it unprecedented in the post WWII era that the level of lethal and highly destructive warfare that continues in eastern Europe has gone on for nearly 2y without any signs that the combatants have had enough.

      Putin has survived as Russia's president by returning Russia to a Stalinist state but more isolated from global power centers than ever. Sanctions are believed to having a much under-reported impact on the Russian consumer economy and the DIB. It has not stopped Putin's generals from hurling troops without armor, artillery or air support towards Ukrainian defenses. Results are predictable as large personnel losses overshadow minimal territorial gains. The RAF have advanced in NE Ukraine and fortified positions where in early to mid fall, Ukraine was having some success. The UAF OTH are having moderate success in the south around Kherson and are legitimately threatening to cut off GLOCs from Crimea that extend into portions of eastern Ukraine. They've crossed the Dinipro and established a foothold on the left bank putting parts of Crimea and Melipitol in range of UAF Artillery. Those two places are major supply points and the UAF continue to put attacking rear areas at the top of their goals and to conserve manpower and equipment.

      Israel has just agreed to extend the cease fire with Hamas two more days with more hostage/prisoner releases in the offing. The little news we get features the "unacceptable" civilian casualties attendant to Israeli air attacks in northern Gaza and to a limited extent elsewhere in southern Gaza and the West Bank. I've read two limited assessments that Hamas' leadership is despondent with several important political and military leaders killed by Israeli strikes. The death of the Hamas Military Brigade commander was confirmed yesterday and Israel noted today he was killed before the cease fire. But the consensus is that Israel cannot entirely eliminate Hamas even though they "control" the surrounds that make up the city of Gaza which allows control of the entirety of northern Gaza. Israel has said it will chase down and eliminate remnants of Hamas that have fled into southern Gaza. They'll be restrained as the civilian deaths associated with doing that will weaken the legitimacy of pursuing the goal of preventing Hamas from ever again governing.​
      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


      • Comment

        • trump needs to stick with sporting events
          Donald Trump makes appearance at Clemson-Carolina halftime (


          • stfu
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Lol Trump or bust


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                • lol Jebus Christmas. Enjoy voting for this fascist toddler, Klondike

                  Attached Files


                  • More to come, you say?? I'm on pins and needles over here!


                    • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                      More to come, you say?? I'm on pins and needles over here!
                      Much more, Mike. MUCH more!

                      Republican National Convention GIF by Election 2020


                      • LOL


                        • Easy, people didn't see the need to attend church because things were going so great. Unlike now.


                          • Now instead if church people go to Hama's rallies, Defend the Police rallies, Transtesticle events, homeless shitholes and disastrous border towns.

                            BIDEN BOOM!
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                              Now instead if church people go to Hama's rallies, Defend the Police rallies, Transtesticle events, homeless shitholes and disastrous border towns.

                              BIDEN BOOM!

                              Those people weren't going to church in the first place. The decline in church-going is due to MAGA chuds discovering a new god to worship.


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post


                                Those people weren't going to church in the first place. The decline in church-going is due to MAGA chuds discovering a new god to worship.
                                I suspect that this is true.

                                My wife is a life-long church goer. She quit going because of the hypocrites with Trump flags and stickers on their cars filling the church parking lot while their owners sit in the pews pretending to be good Christians.
                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

