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  • Democrats circle the wagon...R's form a circular firing squad.

    Dumb. Mother. Fuckers.
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
      Democrats circle the wagon...R's form a circular firing squad.

      Dumb. Mother. Fuckers.
      Nothing to add to this.


      • Any Republican who voted to oust McCarthy and then voted against Scalise wants the Republican agenda to fail and be the party of permanent opposition. Because it's easier, more profitable, and you never have to take responsibility for anything.


        • But I will agree. It HAS become the Party of Stupid. But not for the reasons YOU think. It's because they turned everything over to dipshit demagogue populists.


          • VAN ORDEN: Kev, looks like Jim’s coming up a bit…..short

            MCCARTHY: Guffaw!
            Attached Files


            • Dem Party...the party of unified loony policies.

              Rep Party...the party of better policy but idiocy when it comes to unity.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                But I will agree. It HAS become the Party of Stupid. But not for the reasons YOU think. It's because they turned everything over to dipshit demagogue populists.
                If that were true, then the Republican Party would be consistently out of line with public polling on issues, but they aren't, other than abortion. The "demagogue populists' that you refer to support overwhelmingly popular positions while the Demcorat Party supports overwhelmingly unpoppular positions. Once again, abortion being the lone exception to this. Admittedly, that's a big one, but it's also the one area where the Cucks like Romney have always sided with the base, so you can't blame that one on the demagogues.

                That the Democrats can achieve electoral success that vastly exceeds the popularity of their positions speaks volumes to the political competence of both parties.

                Edit: the abortion issue is a big fucking problem, and unfortunately the dissident Right and the cuck Right are united on that one. It's frustrating to watch.
                Last edited by Hannibal; October 18, 2023, 01:18 PM.


                • According to DSL, the ideal Republican candidate is George W. Bush. That's who he thinks is "sensible". Froot has expressed this opinion too. It shows how out of touch with reality Democrats are.

                  Anyone who thinks that Trump is the worst thing to ever happen to the Republican Party should crack a gander at the electoral bounty that George W. Bush was for the Democrats. Not only did he adopt a Democrat domestic agenda (other than abortion), he lost the Rs both houses of Congress (overwhelmingly) and he paved the way for the election of Barack Obama. On top of that, he initiated the most catastrophic foreign policy decision in the country's history, and he gleefully opened up the country's borders for millions of future Democrats to guarantee an increasing electoral majority for the Dems. He left office with historically bad approval ratings -- far worse than Trump. You'd be hard pressed to come up with a politician who was more catastrophic for his party than George W. Bush. But the party's Cucks think that those were the good old days, and that is why the Rs are the Party of stupid.


                  • Turning to the war news in Ukraine ...........

                    First, I think it imperative for readers of the war news (Ukraine or Israel) to understand how the western MSM is capable of twisting the news to fit the narrative that the "bad guys" are pushing. Like Mike said, listening to the warped accounts is disturbing. They are carrying Russia's water

                    The MSM is definatley focused on Putin's and Lavarov's country hopping with his allies as if to show he's in complete charge of events surrounding Ukraine ..... the exact picture he wants painted for the world to see. Thank you western media. What you need to hear and will find it hard to get news on these matters is this:
                    • Russian armed forces mounted a spectacularly large offensive directed in the Kharkiv direction from the Luhansk region about three weeks ago. According to ISW, the offensive is failing to make progress despite a huge commitment of Russian manpower and equipment to break through Ukrainian defenses. You won't see news trumpeting that Ukraine's armed forces are repelling repeated Russian advances under almost continuous artillery fire in direct support of this specific Russian ground operation. IOW, the renewed Russian offensive is "culminating" with no substantial territorial gains.
                    • Meanwhile, UAF are strangling the Russians who occupied the bombed out small city of Bakhmut in July and their control of tactical high ground from which the Russians planned to push westward from there. That's not happening. The ground they are holding is being surrounded and cut off from re-supply. You won't read about this in the MSM - its a big deal that casts the UAF in a good light. Not the desired western media's narrative.
                    • You probably are reading that the Ukrainians received ATACAMs - longer range, thought to be around 300kms, truck mounted ballistic missiles - and hit Russian airfields in the western Donbas inflicting a lot of damage to aircraft, esp. helos, supply depots and stored ammunition. But the rejoinder in stories I've read is to focus on Putin warning, "it will just prolong the pain of the Ukrainians." Russia, not unsurprisingly wins the battle for today's narrative. This, despite the fact that the Russian air force has already withdrawn fixed and rotary wing aircraft form airfields that can be reached by ATACAMs complicating using these aircraft in close air support missions.
                    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                    • Similarly, the western media is carrying the water, in this case for the "Axis of Resistance" in framing the war in Israel. It's too late to reverse what's been reported re the Gaza Hospital incident. The damage is already done. The Mullah's in Iran, through the dozen or so Jihadist militia they support and control for their own strategic undertakings, have already told the militia leadership to "rally their membership", along with civilian Palestinians living in the West Bank and Lebanon, to the cause of defeating Israel.

                      The news is rife with reports of "massive protests" already underway in the region condemning the "bombing" of the Gaza Hospital by the IDF. It is masterful shaping of the narrative the Mullah's want: "Rise up against the Israeli occupiers." The targets of this kind of incitement are the young Palestinian men who have nothing else to do but get fired up for killing Jews. The bad guys were first to the news blackboard, got their point across and news of the truth in this matter either won't be heard at all or, ignored in favor of grabbing a weapon and killing some people for Ala.

                      All the Israeli's can do is defend themselves against the coming onslaught driven to action - the collapse of Israel and it's defeat - by lies promulgated by the Iranian's mouth pieces. Outcome TBD.
                      Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                      • flashback to another far left hit job

                        Court docs reveal ‘extreme’ public pressure on prosecutors in George Floyd case | USSA News | The Tea Party's Front Page.

                        During her deposition, Sweasy also discussed a revealing conversation she said she had the day after Floyd’s death when she asked Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker about the autopsy.

                        “I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

                        “He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

                        “He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’


                        • Any party blindly loyal to Trump is catastrophically fucking stupid.

                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Correct
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • disagree

                              trump wouldn't have let iran enrich themselves from 3 billion to 60 billion by ignoring sanctions

                              trump wouldn't have turned over 18 billion worth of arms in afghanistan

                              trump woudn't have paralyzed middle america and the auto industry by converting from petroleum to alternative energy

                              trump woundn''t have let the ukraine russia conflict drag on for months at the cost of thousand and thousands of liives

                              trump woundn't have let us become energy dependent again

                              trump would have finished the wall and cut the number of illegals in half

                              you can say all you want about trump I get it

                              but I don't see any other choice here

                              cant think of too many presidents that did better then trump better for middle america--

                              reagen and clinton are the only 2 that were close

                              so both of ewes STFU and get right with narcissistic CINCs

                              Last edited by crashcourse; October 18, 2023, 05:43 PM.


                              • Case in point ^^^^^

                                ​​​​​​Any party blindly loyal to Trump is catastrophically fucking stupid.
                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

