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  • Jon regarding voter fraud:
    My point is, it occasionally happens. So what? The vast, vast majority of data shows voter fraud is exceedingly rare
    Utterly wrong. And all conclusions derived from a totally false premise are also totally false. The simple answer is to let the legislature of your state (which is?) pass a law to allow identity-free voting. But you want to say "nothing here, let's move on" or have the courts change the law as is now happening.

    Alexander Solsynetzen always presented his passport when he voted in Philadelphia. I'm with him, to coin a phrase.


    • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post
      Jon regarding voter fraud:

      Utterly wrong. And all conclusions derived from a totally false premise are also totally false. The simple answer is to let the legislature of your state (which is?) pass a law to allow identity-free voting. But you want to say "nothing here, let's move on" or have the courts change the law as is now happening.

      Alexander Solsynetzen always presented his passport when he voted in Philadelphia. I'm with him, to coin a phrase.
      You are completely wrong. Duplicate registrations isn't evidence of fraud. Voting multiple times IS. Nearly everyone who has ever moved has been registered in multiple locations at some point in their lives. That's why there's only been 14 or so cases prosecuted out of millions and millions of votes cast.

      Keep tilting at windmills, Quixote.


      • If you think that NC voter ID was about anything other than vote suppression, I have a bridge to sell you. The guy was on record saying as much.

        But again, I think you were also the one that wanted only "net tax payers" only be eligible to vote.


        • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
          You are completely wrong. Duplicate registrations isn't evidence of fraud. Voting multiple times IS. Nearly everyone who has ever moved has been registered in multiple locations at some point in their lives. That's why there's only been 14 or so cases prosecuted out of millions and millions of votes cast.

          Keep tilting at windmills, Quixote.
          I thought this would be considered obvious? Either that or there is a disturbing conspiracy of people voting in Nebraska and, for some reason, Arizona.

          Or maybe its the "Snowbirds" who change residences to AZ in the wintertime?


          • I just voted. I knew all the ladies in the polling place, and they knew me. I handed them my drivers license, and they handed me a ballot. Easy. Did anyone here think about the poll workers being required to get a photo ID from every voter saves them from the claim of preferential treatment?

            I'm 100% in favor of a biometric confirmation of eligibility for voting. Voting should be totally cost-free, but not effort-free. With socialized health care, the legal questions around biometric identification are lessened. It is becoming increasingly easy to identify individuals. We could put this matter to rest one way or the other with minimal cost, but the Dems always fight for lower requirements. Would the forum favor spending one billion dollars on a one-time biometric registration? That's about $ 7.00 per eligible voter.


            • Not everyone has IDs, rich people do, it's not a problem for them.


              • Geezer.. it's not possible for every polling place to know everyone they hand a ballot. I like the idea, but it's just not practical outside of small town USA. JMO
                Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                  Not everyone has IDs, rich people do, it's not a problem for them.

                  only rich people have ID's... really???
                  Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                  • Biometrics? That's a solution from the echo chamber for a non-existant problem. I do not want the gov't to have any personal info about me (except where to send my refund check), especially biometrics, DNA, etc. How about a zero cost solution - no ID checks? Creating a solution for a non problem is very leftist of you Geez... :^)
                    “Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.” - Groucho Marx


                    • It's astonishing to me that someone in this country doesn't have an ID. As much of an indictment of that person and their circumstances as it is the country itself. This is a third-world problem -- the African countries I work in are grappling with it. There should be, regardless of where your values fall on this issue, a proper amount of money spent at the appropriate level of government. That money will probably come back over time to government and more, as tax collections increase thanks to having more people in the system.


                      • I'm not a fan of bio metrics either..

                        But I do think you should prove you live in the area and are a citizen. I'm indifferent to the answer, but I also know people who have bragged about voting twice or three times.. Not really a fan of that concept. I don't think it is a huge problem, but enough to change tight elections.
                        Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                        • only rich people have ID's... really???
                          Yeah, I thought the same thing. More importantly, you don't necessarily need a fancy, super expensive driver's license. In Ohio (and most states w/ Voter ID), they accept:

                          An original or copy of a current utility bill with the voter?s name and present address;
                          An original or copy of a current bank statement with the voter?s name and present address;
                          An original or copy of a current government check with the voter?s name and present address;
                          An original or copy of a current paycheck with the voter?s name and present address; or
                          An original or copy of a current other government document (other than a notice of voter registration mailed by a board of elections) that shows the voter?s name and present address. ?Other government document? includes license renewal and other notices, fishing and marine equipment operator?s license, court papers, or grade reports or transcripts.
                          Oh no, is that too hard to come up with? Well, never fear! You can cast a provisional ballot by providing the last 4 digits of your social security number. Once that information is confirmed, your ballot is good.

                          Can't do any of that? Well, I'm sure what to say. I'd say you're dumb as bag of hammers, but as these requirements apparently disproportionately affect black folks, I could be setting myself up for accusations of being racist. So, I guess I'll say if you can't do any of that you're a victim of white privilege.
                          Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                          Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            Yeah, I thought the same thing. More importantly, you don't necessarily need a fancy, super expensive driver's license. In Ohio (and most states w/ Voter ID), they accept:

                            Oh no, is that too hard to come up with? Well, never fear! You can cast a provisional ballot by providing the last 4 digits of your social security number. Once that information is confirmed, your ballot is good.

                            Can't do any of that? Well, I'm sure what to say. I'd say you're dumb as bag of hammers, but as these requirements apparently disproportionately affect black folks, I could be setting myself up for accusations of being racist. So, I guess I'll say if you can't do any of that you're a victim of white privilege.
                            That certainly wasn't the case in North Carolina with the acceptable forms of id. It had to be a specific photo ID. I'm not even sure why you keep on bringing up Ohio.


                            • If the parties were really interested in solving problems, this would be an easy fix. I think there are multiple options for people to leverage and I'd even suggest using tax money to help with ID's is fine by me.

                              But.. the parties won't figure it out because compromise is weak. So we have to wait until one party is in control and then you get one sided legislation.
                              Grammar... The difference between feeling your nuts and feeling you're nuts.


                              • Talent mentioned being in Cleveland during the 1960 election which brought back lots of memories. I was in my second year of residency at the Cleveland Clinic and was passionately in favor of Nixon and had no use for Democrats or JFK. On the morning after the vote as the results were coming in I was on rounds with the thoracic surgery team, all staunch Nixon supporters. And the mood was very depressed. We stopped at one bedside and the patient was in the terminal stages of lung cancer, but he was euphoric about the election results. As our team left the room we all joked about the fact that at least that guy will never live to enjoy it.
                                It was only 20 years later that I began to have second thoughts about my politics. This was the time of Reagan policy of a massive defense buildup and the star wars push. Having served in the USAF and learned in detail about the effects of nuclear weapons I was appalled at the going assumption that it was possible for America to fight and win a nuclear war.
                                To his credit Reagan later came to his senses and worked out a rapprochement with Gorbachev. And we learned that the missile gap and our nuclear vulnerability were completely false hype.
                                And as I watch the persistent drift for endless regime changes in the ME I have become staunchly anti-war. And l lament the tragic decision to invade Iraq. Look now what that has done to us. Trillions of expense in war making, the neglect of our national infrastructure, thousands of deaths in the Middle East, and no end in sight! So count me among those who oppose Hillary the Hawk, who takes her instructions from Haim Saban and the Zionist lobby (and please don't call this anti-Semitism; plenty of Jews agree with my position). And I cannot support Trump for obvious reasons. So what are folks like me to do? I guess I’ll hold my nose and vote for that woman as the lesser of 2 evils but what a mess our country is in now!

