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  • I always figured Obama being a Mulsum was a factor, but both administrations seem to kiss up to Iran. Jeff, do you have any insight on this?
    Since the Regan presidency US Foreign Policy (FP) has pursued a course of accommodation and dialogue to defuse threats to US national interests. At the same time a carrot and stick approach was the norm with a good deal of emphasis on carrots. Europeans believed that engaging potential adversaries in trade would mitigate against armed conflict occurring. This comported with the concept of the "Global Village" made popular by the Clintons.

    We're witnessing the cost of that failed approach with the emergence of an axis of authoritarians that do not fear the potential for a strong US military response to actions taken by these nations. There reasoning is that the benefits of a particular undertaking outweighed the risk of American intervention. When Obama drew a red line in the sand telling Assad that if he used chemicals weapons in his pursuit of wiping out opposition to his regime and when he did just that, Obama did not order a military response. That created a staggering loss in global perceptions of US willingness to intervene anywhere. It continues today and likely had an impact on the Hamas and Iranian leadership in their risk/benefit calculations for launching the terror attack in Israel from Gaza.
    Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


    • 8190743941ee0337.png


      • No surprise there.


        • Racism
          Difficulty filling out the "Gender" box
          Climate Change

          Any other reasons?


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              • Don't know how it is around you guys but gas prices near me have noticeably dipped recently. Getting tantalizingly close to falling below $3


                • I saw $2.99 yesterday! It's the switch over to winter gas.


                  • Sorry to backtrack a bit, but Israeli intelligence is the reason we were able to track and kill Soleimani. Who cares if they didn't pull the trigger? They literally taught us how to follow him. And praising Hezbollah's intelligence?

                    Trump's such a colossal piece of shit. He's almost certainly still butthurt that Bibi recognized Biden as the winner of the election the day after every single network called it.


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                      • Lot of that going around. I wonder if the Harvard idiots are starting to have any regrets about blaming the Jews for getting themselves killed.


                        • US crude oil production hits record high for a quarter

                          U.S. crude oil production surges to record high in Q3 2023, EIA reports (


                          • Won't they think of the children?


                            • Wait I thought the biggest threat to the world was climate change? Or was it white supremacy? Or was it Covid? Or MAGA?

                              I'm confused. So many threats. So little time.
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Whatever it is, it definitely isn't terrorism, a nuclear exchange, or WWIII. It's probably transphobia.

