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Hamas may have just signed their own death warrant. Israel may re-occupy Gaza. Which would actually be the best thing in the long run, because Hamas has been one of the biggest obstacles to a peace agreement, along with Hezbollah
I think reoccupation is a real possibility this time. They lost control of several cities within Israel proper. Supposedly hasn't happened since 1948.
Israel's acknowledging over 100 civilians dead and that number is sure to rise. And they were mainly murdered in the streets or their homes by the roaming terrorists, not from the rockets.
Hamas just gave Israel a reason to do whatever they want in response. Whomever is advising Hamas is not very smart. Dead Israeli children has a direct relationship to the Holocaust. Nothing stirs Israeli anger more than images of the holocaust. Israel has been a politically divided country recently (similar to the US) over Netanyahu and his politics. This will unite the country more than anything since 1967. Bad, bad move by Hamas.
And, of course Iran issues a statement of support for the Hamas 'freedom fighters" and urges them to not stop until "palestine and Jerusalem" are liberated. Which means, total elimination of Israel and the Jewish people. They're not referring to a slice of land in the west bank and gaza, and have no interest in any 'peace agreement'.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
It's not just Biden responsible for the uptick in conflicts that are ostensibly being settled by war. Across the board there is more confrontation and hard lines and less negotiations and conflict resolution through dialogue and compromise - most notably the post WWI institutions set up to prevent conflict have morphed into failures and are approaching irrelevance.
Of course, this seemingly natural trend plays right into the hands of authoritarian governments who, seek a multipolar world with power more evenly distributed, are, in fact, fomenting conflict and then blaming it on western hegemony and colonialism. Note that Abbas, just today, blamed Israeli occupation of the Palestinian state by colonialist oppressors as the cause of the invasion across Israel's boarders by Hamas. It's a similar line that Putin articulates as his reason, among others, for invading Ukraine.
Dangerous times. Similar in some respects to the pre-WWII 1930s but, TBF, quite different.
Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
Over 600 murdered civilians. That will keep rising. Reportedly a couple hundred just at a music festival. 2000 wounded. Perhaps hundreds of hostages. Proportionally yesterday was a worse day for them than 9/11 was for us.
Israel is going to methodically march through Gaza. I can't see them doing anything less than taking back total control at this point.
Bimbo AOC 'called for a cease fire', but offered no support for Israel.
Racist/Jew Hater Ilhan Omar spoke about "unarmed civilians being killed". Which is most likely a statement of support for Gazans. She's never spoken in support of Israel.
Palestinian supporter Tliab has not spoken out yet. If her previous quotes mean anything she supports Hamas' actions. She is for the destruction of Israel, and the elimination of the Jewish race.
"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
Anyone heard the latest from Rashida Tlaib or Illan Omar? I looked but our terrorist allies in Congress are uncharacteristically quiet today.
Rashida emailed me a few days ago. Lots of blabber about supporting the need to support the UAW's suicide pact and how terrible it is that student loans will not be forgiven. Unfortunately, I just deleted it, so I can't tell you what else she said.