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    • And in other legal news, George Santos' ex-Campaign Treasurer took a guilty plea this morning. Probably doesn't bode well for poor Georgie


      • WHICHHUNT!!


        • Biden is going to build a wall in Texas LOL! The Democrats will say how great he it taking action! Trump


          • OLD NEWS!!


            • fokkers are off by over by a decade --62

              Saw jesse waters yesterday discuss all the pork in the upcoming 2024 budget

              The top 64 are all republican congressman before your first dem comes along

              and the usual millions and millions for stuff your average construction guy could do for 10%.

              Yeah lets see what a change in leadership might do at the speaker level. really surpsied the republicans are that much into earmarks

              Susan collins leads the way in the senate asking for 600million of pork


              • STFU
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Texas is building the border wall. This is today near Brownsville.




                  • Not when D's build it no.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Innovative. Forward thinking. Problem solver.

                      Biden 2024


                      • BIDEN BOOM!!!!!!!
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • NYET!
                          LOL - Next war we are losing...

                          Ukraine's Transgender Spokesperson Returns, Announces Book Deal

                          Transgender spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo has been reinstated after being suspended last month and promoting a new book deal.



                          • It's in the news but not front page ...... Putin, speaking to a leadership conference reported that hand grenade fragments were found in the bodies of those killed in the plane crash that killed Prigozhen. Obviously, this would suggest an internal, not external explosion doomed the aircraft. He stated further that drugs and alcohol may have been consumed by the passengers and that an external explosion has been ruled out.

                            Putin also reiterated the boiler plate rhetoric justifying his invasion of Ukraine. There is a shift in that rhetoric away from "denazification" of Ukraine and a threat from NATO expansion as reasons for the invasion to the need to replace failing post WWII institutions that form the frame work of the current world order. This, in order to establish a new multipolar world order.
                            Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


                            • I don't remember if this has been mentioned but Trevor Bauer has been completely exonerated. For those who don't know, he was a decent to good starting pitcher in Cleveland for several years. He had a breakout season in the shortened 2020 Covid year and signed a big 3 year/$102M contract with the Dodgers prior to the 2021 season.

                              He was accused of sexual assault/battery by a woman shortly after and was suspended by MLB for 324 games! He lost over $54M (!) in salary and was subsequently released by the Dodgers. His name was mud. I guess he's played a little in Japan since then.

                              Turns out the whole thing was an extortion attempt.

                              Lindsey Hill Lawsuit Against Trevor Bauer Is Settled For $0, Former MLB Star Shows Alleged Receipts To Prove Extortion Plot

                              Of the alleged messages from Hill stated, “Need daddy to choke me out,” another “Being an absolute WHORE to try to get in on his $51 million.

                              Who does Trevor Bauer see about getting his $54 MILLION DOLLARS?


                              • It is justified due to white supremacy.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

