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  • I don't know how in the hell they do this but there are quite a few of these restored old televised NFL games and they look incredible. The HD doesn't do a ton for them but they are also 60 FPS.

    Edit: i wish that the industry had pursued 60 FPS as a standard instead of 4K. We didn't need higher resolution.


    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
      It's 100% dead in the Senate and it wouldn't surprise me if over half the Senate Republicans are against it. It might not clear the House for that matter -- none of the R's in Biden districts want to vote for it, for sure.

      Performative bullshit.
      As were both of Trump's impeachments.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
        If you click on the Tweet in question, you will see a community note stating that 400 Jews died on 9/11, and the claim is sourced. And almost every response to it is hostile. Anyone who spends 30 seconds in that thread will see a lot of opposing viewpoints. That's how free speech and the town square are supposed to work.

        It's not as if that's the only controversial topic on Twitter. There are people on the site who advocate for lowing the age of sexual consent. Calls to violence against White people are commonplace, but nobody is calilng for advertisers to boycott the site as a result. Why does the ADL get veto power on other peoples' free speech? Nobody has ever voted for them.
        Last edited by Hannibal; September 12, 2023, 08:07 AM.


        • There is plenty of "there" to warrant an impeachment inquiry. My question though is....what is the goal? An actual impeachment? That won't pass the Senate no way no how. If it is simply to expose and embarrass Biden....well...ok. There is no way....unless something really jaw dropping comes out that I have not seen...that impeachment will have enough support...but I think the R's goal is simply to expose Biden and the D's for what they are....corrupt bunch of fucking liars who use the DOJ as their little gestapo...
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • As a point of order, I don't think I ever post here in lieu of spending time with friends and family or doing anything I really like to do. Nor do care, at all, about impressing any of you fucks.

            I do, however, post here during, ummmm, office hours and do enjoy sassing the fuck out of you fucks,

            And I've certainly had DSL's thoughts re the silliness of sports and such. Especially during the disastrous CRD era. And, I'm now way more likely to, e.g., be on bike ride during the first half of a shitty OSU noon game or be out to dinner for the back half of a shitty OSU 330 game.
            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


            • Hannibal

              That's awesome. I also think the Falcons should return to those uniforms and the Eagles should absolutely still be Kelly Green and gray.
              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                If you click on the Tweet in question, you will see a community note stating that 400 Jews died on 9/11, and the claim is sourced. And almost every response to it is hostile. That's how free speech and the town square are supposed to work.

                It's not as if that's the only controversial topic on Twitter. There are people on the site who advocate for all kinds of crazy stuff. Why does the ADL get veto power on other peoples' free speech? Nobody has ever voted for them.
                At the time I posted that there was no community note and the post had been up for 24 hours. The guy is a "verified user" cuz he pays his $10 a month or whatever it is now and a benefit of the blue check is Elon's algorithm boosts your posts and if there's enough "engagement", positive or negative, Daddy Elon cuts you a check.

                Anyways that's what Elon wants his website to be. A place where raging antisemites can express their views and earn some side cash as a bonus. Advertisers don't need to be told by the ADL that they probably shouldn't want their products associated with that shit and Elon knows that. He's using the ADL as a scapegoat.


                • If Twitter shut down tomorrow none of us would have less "free speech" than the day before. We didn't lose access to the "Town Square" when MySpace, or Vine, or AIM all shut down either.


                  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                    Anyways that's what Elon wants his website to be. A place where raging antisemites can express their views and earn some side cash as a bonus. Advertisers don't need to be told by the ADL that they probably shouldn't want their products associated with that shit and Elon knows that. He's using the ADL as a scapegoat.
                    Why should raging anti-Semites not be allowed on the platform when far worse raging anti-Whites and pedos who call for the age of consent to be lowered are also allowed unfettered access to the platform? Do you think that advertisers might be embarrassed by that? Who decided that "anti-Semitism" is the Rubicon that must not be crossed and who gets to judge what "anti-Semitism" actually is? The ADL would have you banned for saying that Ball Park Franks taste better than Hebrew Nationals.

                    The ADL is arguably the most powerful NGO in the country. They have a hotline to the FBI and to every social media platform, and historically when the ADL has said "jump", those other entities have dutifully replied "how high?" The ADL's website appears at or near the top of any search results if you Google a topic that they want to have a say on. They actually get involved in FBI agent training. Who elected these assholes? Nobody. A backlash against them is long overdue.
                    Last edited by Hannibal; September 12, 2023, 08:35 AM.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post

                      That's awesome. I also think the Falcons should return to those uniforms and the Eagles should absolutely still be Kelly Green and gray.
                      It's amazing, isn't it? Or at least it is to me, because as best I can tell, those restorations are not officially associated with the NFL or one of the major networks. I wonder if some sort of AI technology would ever exist that would allow for the mass production of old games in 1080p and 60 FPS. Lord knows I'd love to revisit the John Cooper in glorious, beautiful HD.


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                        I don't know how in the hell they do this but there are quite a few of these restored old televised NFL games and they look incredible. The HD doesn't do a ton for them but they are also 60 FPS.

                        Edit: i wish that the industry had pursued 60 FPS as a standard instead of 4K. We didn't need higher resolution.
                        The commercials are great, too.


                        • To steal a phrase from DSL....

                          "it's HAPPENING!!!!!!!!111111"
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                            The ADL would have you banned for saying that Ball Park Franks taste better than Hebrew Nationals.
                            Well that opinion would well earn you a ban hammer in any forum run by ME, I can tell you that.

                            If Twitter wants to ban people that say Israel did 9/11 and that they sent secret messages to all the Jews of NYC to warn them, Twitter has every right to do so. EVERY right. They own the platform. Of course they are NOT doing that. They give those people a checkmark and invite them to make money off outrage farming. Then blame the Jews for advertisers leaving.

                            Anyways I hope you're aware enough to at least know Elon's huffing and puffing about suing the ADL for "defamation" is going nowhere.
                            Last edited by Dr. Strangelove; September 12, 2023, 10:37 AM.


                            • Wiz, what's happening?


                              • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                                To steal a phrase from DSL....

                                "it's HAPPENING!!!!!!!!111111"
                                An inquiry that does not lead to an impeachment vote is meaningless. No voters in the middle will give a fuck. It will only be a weight on the R moderates and endanger them in 2024.

                                It's stupid but the R's are eternally stupid these days. Stop trying to please the rotten 35% (who will NEVER be satisfied) that is your base and start trying to reach out to moderates, you fucking idiots.

