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  • In Washington, conning the American people is always considered a victimless crime. The latest DC shellshocker is the National Archives blocking release of 5,000+ emails Vice President Joe Biden wrote using a pseudonym to shroud Biden family graft.

    In ancient Rome, the consul Scipio was accused of abusing his power. He stood in front of the Senate, pulled out the written records of his reign and tore them to pieces. Scipio’s reputation was so impeccable that the audience cheered him, regardless of his destruction of evidence.

    Bizarrely, this is the same template the liberal media use to whitewash President Biden. Americans don’t need to know the facts of how Biden has used his power because his intentions are good.

    But the only reason his intentions appear good is because we don’t have the facts.

    Consider the latest wacky revelations on the nom de crook. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the National Archives admitted there are 5,400 emails Biden apparently sent under fake names including, and

    A few of those emails have trickled out from other sources, revealing messages tied to Hunter Biden’s Ukraine hustle. But the Archives is refusing to reveal thousands of other messages despite disclosure demands from the House Oversight Committee. President Joe Biden delivers remarks on lowering healthcare costs in the East Room at the White House President Joe Biden delivers remarks on lowering healthcare costs in the East Room at the White House. REUTERS
    Biden declared in 2019 that there was “an absolute wall” between Biden family foreign schemes and his own role as vice president. Apparently, the “absolute wall” only applied to the specific name “Joe Biden.”

    Did Biden take a class in law school on Incognito Influence Peddling or what?

    This is the second Biden scandal recently exposed. In 2018, Biden bragged to a Council on Foreign Relations audience that he threatened to withhold a billion dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine unless that government immediately fired its chief prosecutor in December 2015.

    Biden claimed the prosecutor was corrupt, yet State Department and other documents released last week reveal that the Ukrainian prosecutor had Washington’s trust. But that prosecutor was closing in on Burisma, threatening the million dollars a year in payoffs pocketed by Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden keeps his head down as he tries to hide from press. Hunter Biden keeps his head down as he tries to hide from press. Garrett Press Photo/ MEGA for NY Post
    If those documents had surfaced during the first Trump impeachment case in late 2019, Donald Trump’s behavior would have appeared less conniving and Biden would have looked more conniving. (Both of them would still have looked like hell.)

    Two years after Biden finagled that firing to purify the US ally, Ukraine was ranked the most corrupt nation in Europe except for Russia.

    Biden owes his 2020 presidential election victory to pervasive, perpetual federal coverups. The Hunter Biden laptop coverup was only the tip of the bureaucratic iceberg. Keep up with today's most important news

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    How many other Biden scandals are scattered like unexploded cluster bombs throughout federal filing cabinets inside the Beltway?

    How many other FBI memos exist on potential Biden bribes that we have not heard about?

    How many Treasury Department Suspicious Activity Reports on massive wire transfers from squirrely foreign entities to Biden Inc. have not surfaced?

    Are there other IRS investigations that were squelched without a trace?

    Federal secrecy and coverups switched more votes in 2020 than Trump’s antics in Georgia and elsewhere ever could have flipped. Biden’s yammering about how his election was “the will of the people” looks more deranged with each new exposé of his pre-election abuses.

    Federal Judge Amy Berman Jackson declared in 2019, “If people don’t have the facts, democracy doesn’t work.” Why bother having a national election if the result merely reveals how many voters were hornswoggled by secrets the feds kept from them?
    What do you think? Post a comment.
    Politics has rarely been an honest business, but the combination of pervasive secrecy and perpetual deceit makes a mockery of every high-school civics-class lesson.

    Will the National Archives go to the barricades to defend the privacy interest of Joe Biden’s imaginary friends? Will dogged investigators, congressional committees and whistleblowers obliterate the tattered remnants of Team Biden’s credibility? Will the liberal media cease invoking the president’s good intentions to expunge his crimes?
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • In Robin L. Peters we trust....

      Hell Hillary has to be laughing....5400 emails? Childsplay....hold my chardonnay!
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • I do think "Artemis Langford" would make a great pseudonym though...awesome name...
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • You know how MAGA will never go away? Because even morons like Wiz nod along in agreement when they whine like pathetic bitches about how the system ain't fair and they are just pitiful victims of mean ol' Prog judges.

          If you're a loser and a piece of shit, your political career tends to be over. But if you convince your base of morons that you never actually lose anything fair and square, then you can keep running the show indefinitely. And chumps like Wiz are helping the losers out by agreeing with this sad sob story of a narrative.

          Oh hey speaking of chump losers, Kari Lake and the Arizona GOP lost more cases recently. Crash hasn't been keeping us up to date on those because, well, he's got nothing good to report.


          • Hey dumbass...I'm not a Trump many fucking times do I have to say it? I don't want the asswipe running...but the fact is he is...and I'll vote for him holding my nose over any piece of shit Dem...why is it that conservatives have to explain ourselves...yet you ignore the corruption of the left? Biden, Obama and Clintons...are all corrupt as fuck and you know it...Trump is a sleazy slimeball...there will be a quiz later...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • Here's a hanky. Go bawl your eyes out in the corner.

              "Life ain't fair". Boo fucking hoo, Petunia. It took you 60+ years to realize that?

              Giuliani's a piece of shit that clearly defamed two random citizens and you're going to the mats for him, knowing nothing about the case or the law. Why? Cuz Hunter's not in jail. No conservative should ever be prosecuted or sued until Joe and his entire family get locked up. Got it, you simpering poofter.


              • Wen have I ever defended Rudy? I never have. He is sleazy too.

                Answer these question though...Mr. Robin Ware lover...

                1. Should Hillary have been prosecuted for at a minimum...obstruction of justice...lying to a FISA judge...among others?
                2. Should anyone on the left be held accountable for the phony "Russiagate" bullshit?
                3. Should Merrick Garland be impeached for lying to Congress?
                4. Should Hunter be in jail as we speak?
                5. Should Biden be impeached?

                No if you are open to corruption and/or scombagishness....then you would want to root out evil on both sides...but of course you don't because you are a Prog HACK.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • 1. No
                  2. If they commited crimes, sure.
                  3. Absolutely not because he didn't lie
                  4. Probably
                  5. No

                  Glad to help.

                  I forgot STFU in my last post but I think it's just doesn't need to be said out loud anymore at this point and is commonly understood to end every post.


                  • BTW...the only charges that have a chance of sticking to Trump upon judicial review (once out of the hands of Prog loonies) the file case at Mar-A-Lago. Everything else is utter bullshit. Trump is a pile of crap yes...and he has said some fucking stupid fucking things...but when we start prosecuting people for saying stupid shit...then you better build one big fucking federal prison for all politicians...on both sides. is that special prosecution going on Hunter? On the Biden document case? Funny how the DOJ moves at LIGHTENING SPEED trying to beat the dates for the upcoming primaries yet they drag their feet when it comes to investigation of the Bidens...I mean jesus how can you with a straight face say that we have equal justice when it comes to the two sides...

                    But again...Prog Hacks are gonna Prog Hack...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                      1. No
                      2. If they commited crimes, sure.
                      3. Absolutely not because he didn't lie
                      4. Probably
                      5. No

                      Glad to help.

                      I forgot STFU in my last post but I think it's just doesn't need to be said out loud anymore at this point and is commonly understood to end every post.
                      I really didn't need your answers because I already knew them.

                      STFU right back.

                      "...when I need you...I hold out my hand and I touch you..."
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • So destroying evidence (33,000 emails, cell phone sim cards, other devices) that are under subpoena is not a crime?

                        Either Garland is lying or which is it?

                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Hillary's crime list:

                          1. Benghazi: “Clinton lied, four Americans died” on her watch & she was at the heart of the cover-up. Said she submitted all documents & four months after request, still more documents are uncovered. During testimony, famously said, “What Difference Does it Make!”
                          2. Travelgate: fired all white house travel staff that had worked for 7 presidents, claiming financial misdeeds. & replaced with her friends, a travel business worth $31M annually. All employees were exonerated by the FBI, GAO, DOJ and others & reinstated.
                          3. Vince Foster’s Death: longtime friend involved in several Clinton scandals, strange circumstances surrounded his death in 1993; investigation ensued & before police could arrive, Clinton staffers removed boxes on Whitewater & Travelgate; she claimed innocence.
                          4. Hillary Care: National outrage on a self-admitted unqualified person in developing Hillary Care; delivered a 1342 page disastrous product. Fed judge threatened to hold them in contempt. It costs taxpayers $32M for the fiasco. Hillary fined $450K for dishonesty, court cost to taxpayers $750K. Voters later put Republicans in charge of house & senate, first time in 40 years due to this fiasco.
                          5. As a Senator: she accomplished nothing, not a single piece of landmark legislation to her name, only 3 small insignificant bills.
                          6. Chronic Habitual Liar: Every scandal surrounding her, she has lied about even under oath. She didn’t land under sniper fire in Iraq as she said, nor was she named after Sir Edmond Hillary. He climbed Mt Everest after she was born—too many lies to even mention.
                          7. Whitewater Investigation: Hillary was the central figure in this fraudulent venture. Only 1st Lady to be subpoenaed by a grand jury. Investigation found pervasive conflicts between her law firm & others. Following their acquittal, the documents magical reappeared in the Clinton’s residence. She denied any knowledge but her fingerprints were all over the documents, cost to taxpayers: $145M.
                          8. Clinton Legal Defense Fund: established to individuals or companies hoping to gain favor with the president could help pay Clinton’s endless legal bills. Also noteworthy: Saudi Arabia is funding 20% of her campaign. Reports, credit card #, passwords of 900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NY Times.
                          9. Filegate: Clinton administration improperly requested & received personal information for her “Enemies List” including background reports, credit card #, & passwords of 900 individuals resulting in 3 investigations in 1996—names a “Congenital Liar” by the NY Times.
                          10. IRS Abuses: She used the IRS to harass her enemies including Republicans, White House Travel Office, NRA, Judicial Watch, & other conservative groups, also Pres Clinton’s female accusers—Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broadrick & Elizabeth Ward Gracen.
                          11. Chinagate: In 1996 Justice Dept investigates campaign fundraising abuses & cover ups regarding: efforts by China to influence U.S. policies, government & military—funneled millions into the Clinton re-election campaign.
                          12. Pardongate: As Pres Clinton left office in 2001—he pardoned 450 people for crimes from cocaine trafficking to kidnapping & terrorism. Several pardons benefitted Hillary & were investigated for direct ties to her NY senate bid, such as Marc Rich, billionaire felon & fugitive on FBI’s 10 most wanted list, his wife funneled millions into her senate campaign and $600K to the Clinton Library. Hillary denied her role in any pardons—list of pardons too long to mention here, but most benefited in some way for the Clintons.
                          13. Cattlegate: her first trade investment of $5K for cattle futures returned $490K. She refused to release her tax info. She insisted she made all investments herself, however it was James Blair with Refco Investments who was outside counsel for Tyson Foods in Arkansas. She received preferential treatment & huge financial returns to influence her husband, then the Governor of Arkansas,
                          14. Clinton Secrets: Presidential Records Act allow unrestricted access to documents after 12 years, 14 years later they still refuse to release them, in spite of 300 Freedom of Information Acts, completely ignored.
                          15. State Dept Scandals: Sexual assaults by security officials in Beirut, endemic engagement of prostitutes by her security detail, solicitation of child male prostitutes by Belgium US Ambassador. She called off internal investigation into her State Dept claiming she had no knowledge of any scandals in her state dept.
                          16. Clinton Foundation Conflicts of Interest: NY Times exposed the “moral & fiscal chaos & shameless fundraising” mired in conflict. Hillary traveled to Moscow to urge the Russian gov’t to purchase planes from Boeing. Two months later, contracts in hand, Boeing donated $900K to the Clinton (Crime) Foundation, now tied to her campaign. Foreign donations increased by 70% in 2008.
                          17. Trashed the White House: During 2001 transition, the US GAO found that Clinton staffers not only left rude messages to the incoming Bush team, but caused THOUSANDS of dollars’ worth of damage to the White House—all done intentionally
                          18. Lootergate: When the Clintons were “dead broke” after leaving the White House, allegations were the dynamic duo sent White House furniture to their personal home in NY. George Bush disregarded the “childish actions.”
                          19. Women’s Rights: Self-declared commitment to human rights for women is a critical lie as she accepts large donations from Algeria, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE, & Saudi Arabia—those countries with the worst human rights for women.
                          20. Military & Law Enforcement: She has been cited in numerous books for her hatred and disdain for the military, law enforcement, & her own secret service protection.
                          21. Filegate II - She destroyed over 33,000 emails under federal subpoena along with numerous electronic devices.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • But let's get Trump!

                            THEY'VE GOT HIM NOW!!!
                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • Corruption....on STEROIDS!!!corruption on steroids.jpg
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • McConnell just had another freeze-up in KY at a public event where he was taking some questions from the press.

