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  • Trump is now the equivalent of Bin Laden. JFC.

    I'm sure CGVT and DSL agree...but where does the lunacy end with Progs?
    Shut the fuck up Donny!


    • loony.jpg
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Ultimate white privilege....driving 172 mph...smoking a Porsche given to him...with prostitutes in the car...on the way to Vegas...and taking pictures of it!

        I'm sure he is just misunderstood. Joe just loves his son. He didn't do anything wrong.hunter white privelege.jpg
        Shut the fuck up Donny!


        • IRS plans to unveil in 2025 it's new "paperless filing" system...which makes filing returns easier...and also employs A.I. for scanning for tax cheats. They also announced the software will include a "Biden Exception" written in the code.
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • I think if your knees hurt every day and causes you to limp for 2 years when you go anywhere more then 50 yards its time to get it replaced. Its definitely the worse of the joint replacement. Trying to keep the oxycodone to only before bedtime. Tylenol and aleve take care of the days. walking without a cane inside the house.

            Having these weeks off at home has caught me up on a few things. MSNBC is garbage. NBC is garbage. CBS s at least showing both viewpoints. Fox still not a fan of gutfeld or hannity. the 5 is pretty good and Watters makes some valid points.

            bingewatching netflix ww2 in color from 2021 had some stuff i never saw. glass onion was worth a few hours. looking forward to guardians later this week.

            I think Ms crash is on to me and i wont be able to milk this much farther. shew has caught me walking today without assistance. The week of no chores/honeydos and being served the last 7 days hand and foot spoiled crash. unfortunately comes at a price--haven't had any hard liquor or a good cigar in 3 week either.

            anyway as far as trump goes I really don't see how you can convict him of anything based on that raffenberger conversation. one isolated conversation with an statement that "I need only 11K more find me 11K" I"d have to see some type of threat or quid pro quo before you can label that he was up to something nefarious

            And I'll say it again--If you have a government that is willing to uses censorship of mass media, use the FBI to raid houses of a former president, use the DOJ to go after opponents, lie about a viral pandemic to the american public to push vaccines, mask and economic shutdown, etc etc etc. Then why is it so hard to believe you would not find ways to circumvent elections. I'll maintain until the day I die Biden may have got 81 million votes but no way in hell do 81 million voters know they voted for him

            Now excuse me Ive been told I have some chores to do


            • Denier. MEGA MAGA deplorable.
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post
                Median home price is now a whopping 5.5X the median income. A full 2X worse by now than the '06-'07 housing bubble.

                Last time it was blamed all on Wall Street and greedy bankers. Going to need a different scapegoat this time.
                That's easy: Trump, Climate Change and Racism- in no particular order.


                • We have the most robust economy in history according to Biden and Yellen. That's all I need to hear.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • BTW...I'm still waiting for fraud charges to be filed against the 51 former intelligence people who signed a document claiming Hunter's laptop was Russian disinfo...and not real. Waiting for fraud charges on Adam Schiff for his continuing the lie about Russiagate....fraud charges on Hillary for the fake Steele dossier....and her deleting of 33,000 subpoenaed emails...

                    Fraud is fraud baby. Git R Done DOJ....
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                      We have the most robust economy in history according to Biden and Yellen. That's all I need to hear.
                      Yes. Yellow Truck is going bankrupt because loads are at 25% of PRE-pandemic levels. Truckers everywhere are being laid off. Economy absolutely booming.


                      • Biden says we have more money in our pockets. But I think he meant him and Hunter.
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Is not The Chairman guilty of defrauding the American voters by claiming dozens of times he never spoke with his son...or brother...or any family members...about their international business dealings...then in the debate claimed that 51 intel officials signed off on the laptop being fake....when he knew damn well it was that not fraud???

                          Answer: No because he is not Trump.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • I cracked a Hamms pretty early. Watching the Trump circus. Stay tuned later for some drunkin idiotic posts from me; you evil bastards....


                            • Now that will be classic....
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Trump is a bigger threat to our country than Bin Laden and he did much more damage.
                                I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on

