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  • I think you’re 100% wrong in your conclusion. And, in fact, in Grutter it was about white students (which obviously means the case was filed). And there are numerous conservative interest groups who would have gladly filed on their behalf if they were getting assfucked like Asian students. I really can’t disagree with an opinion more.

    In any event, dreaming up hypothetical impossible to prove or disprove scenarios in the aftermath of an incredibly decisive opinion is not my game. My game is what is. The opinion as forceful and side-stepped absolutely fucking nothing. If you wanna feel aggrieved knock yourself the fuck out.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • stf,u


      • Talent -- when it comes to admissions standards and getting screwed by them, Whites are far closer to Asians than they are to the mean.

        Yes, Asians are discriminated against worse. Very slightly worse. If you honestly think that the few percentage points of admissions rates for Asians vs Whites was the true difference maker in whether or not a lawsuit was brought on their behalf, then I I think that I have given you too much credit for knowing what is going on in the world.

        Grutter was filed 27 years ago if I am not mistaken, and it did not lead to any lasting changes, so i don't know what point you're trying to make there.

        there are numerous conservative interest groups who would have gladly filed on their behalf if they were getting assfucked like Asian students.
        Were that the case, the courts would be clogged right now with lawsuits challenging the diversity quotas in corporate America. And statistically speaking, Whites do get assfucked only slightly less egregiously than Asians when it comes to university admissions. The real difference maker is that Asians are a sympathized-with minority. Whites aren't. The ADL and the SPLC would classify any group bringing that type of lawsuit to the courts as a "hate group".

        Last edited by Hannibal; July 3, 2023, 02:53 PM.


        • In the words of Andew Dice Clay..." can blind those people with dental floss you don't give them keys to a car..."
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • You want to fix affirmative action start educating kids who go to shit elementry and high school programs so they don't need affirmative action to jack up their numbers.

            Quit teaching trans sexual habits and how to blame whitey for everything and concentrate on preparing kids to make a living and having something those kids sorely lack--Book Smarts


            • War is brutal even without the unprecedented coverage afforded to citizens of the world who aren't directly involved. That both the Russians and the Ukrainians are engaged in massive efforts to shape the information space makes this war brought right into the homes and cell phones of everyone. For me, the brutality of it has been horrifying because I am following it so closely. My problem.

              Westerners have an undeniable bias. Some of this is due to the fact that our perceptions of Russia's war in Ukraine are being shaped by available coverage that is, more often than not, one sided favoring Ukraine. However, I've come to believe that Putin, who controls all the levers of power and action in Russia, is completely detached from the horrors he is inflicting on Russian soldiers and airmen along with the entirety of the Ukrainian nation. He is blinded to reality by his immoveable belief in the restoration of the Russian empire to include the territory of Ukraine that was never a sovereign state in Putin's view and belongs, always has, to Russia. He sees himself in a historical context as one of Russia's great conquerors, leaders and Czars including Joseph Stalin.

              And so, the madness of the death and destruction in Ukraine continues with no end in sight. This is becoming a disturbing reality. The harder the west puts the screws to Putin, the worse the brutality and repression he orders, inside Russia and in Ukraine, becomes. The worse Russian spokespersons fabricate Russian victories on the battlefield that don't exist and the more lies they weave about the underlying reasons for Putin's bare-knuckled aggression he has framed as a necessary "special operation" in Ukraine, the worse Ukraine hardens it's stand and fights back. Ukraine, armed with western high tech, highly lethal weapons, strikes back often with devastatingly lethal effect

              .....and yet the Russians are not retreating like they did from Kharkiv a year ago. Unlike their positions in Karkive, they've had a year to dig themselves in. The front resembles Verdun. We've all seen the pictures of that. The Ukrainians, in the current offensive, pulled back from large scale combined arms, brigade size tank and artillery heavy assaults to platoon size, surreptitious advances at night to face Russian soldiers in hand to hand combat in the trenches they are getting routed from. Early in June of this year when Ukraine started its counter-offensive, armored, brigade size attacks incorporating tanks and mobile artillery, along with the soldiers operating them became victims of land mines and withering direct fires from hidden Russian defenses. The tactics they are employing now permit better conservation of resources while allowing incremental advances with fewer losses of men and equipment. That's not to say it's pretty. It's not.

              There is no serious talk of peace with both leaders refusing to abandon goals in any sort of compromises that might be negotiated. This war is a stubborn, festering wound, refractory to settlement on any terms. It is a matter of who blinks first and that portends a years long lethal battle resulting in the destruction of most of Ukraine's cities and villages. That outcome is completely consistent with Putin's apparent stand that if I can't have it (Ukraine), no one will have it.
              Last edited by Jeff Buchanan; July 3, 2023, 03:00 PM.
              Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. JH chased Saban from Alabama and caused Day, at the point of the OSU AD's gun, to make major changes to his staff just to beat Michigan. Love it. It's Moore!!!! time


              • The Ukraine will fight to the last US dollar.


                • The point about Grutter is that a case was filed. You apparently think such a case wouldn’t be filed today. We disagree. That’s that. (and it lost b/c Court was different).

                  In any event, find grievance wherever you shall. That’s not my game.

                  Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                  Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                  • My game is to observe reality and then develop Occam's Razor models that accurately describe that reality so that the future can be reasonably predicted.

                    If your model of reality is true, then there should be more to show for White racial self interest than one lawsuit filed last century, especially given how open and egregious Corporate America now is when it comes to discriminating against White males. But there isn't. And there would also be at least one Washington politician willing to condemn a system as being unfair to White people, instead of apologetically couching it in terms of how it actually hurts non-Whites by discriminating against Whites. But there isn't. Not a single one. My model of the world explains these phenomena. Yours doesn't.
                    Last edited by Hannibal; July 3, 2023, 03:08 PM.


                    • The other alternative is lacking injury — as was the case in Harvard, the white applicants were marginally injured. And as far as corporate America goes, you need to prove up your case.

                      And, furthermore, they had to overturn Grutter which they couldn’t do until the Court composition changed. Why on earth would you file anything until that happened. And this case was filed almost as soon as that happened because it was a slam dunk. And it won. A massive victory.

                      We’ll be on the same side of some issues, but, man…neither one of us will like it.
                      Last edited by iam416; July 3, 2023, 03:31 PM.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by crashcourse View Post
                        You want to fix affirmative action start educating kids who go to shit elementry and high school programs so they don't need affirmative action to jack up their numbers.

                        Quit teaching trans sexual habits and how to blame whitey for everything and concentrate on preparing kids to make a living and having something those kids sorely lack--Book Smarts
                        Hire crash to be a substitute teacher. He;ll teech them kids like they they shoulda been teached a long time.ago. Three ares. Readin, riting, and readin.


                        • Sowndz plawsibull.
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                            The other alternative is lacking injury — as was the case in Harvard, the white applicants were marginally injured. And as far as corporate America goes, you need to prove up your case.

                            And, furthermore, they had to overturn Grutter which they couldn’t do until the Court composition changed. Why on earth would you file anything until that happened. And this case was filed almost as soon as that happened because it was a slam dunk. And it won. A massive victory.

                            We’ll be on the same side of some issues, but, man…neither one of us will like it.
                            You think that what separates the Harvard Asians case from everything else is solely the presence of injury? And that you can’t easily prove injury against corporations who literally advertise on their web pages that they actively discriminate against White males?

                            I mean, really? You honestly think this?


                            • Well, now the gates are wide open. There are dozens of conservative advocacy groups who file all sorts of lawsuits on behalf of conservative causes way more controversial than this. That’s indisputable. And now the path is cleared. The only thing holding them back is the ability to prove up your Title VII case in court, which, apparently is a piece of cake. So the landslide should commence with the changed law.

                              And we’ll see. And that’s all I have on this with you and your, IMO, ridiculous grievance politics. Like I said, we may end up on the same side, but we’ll both hate it,
                              Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                              Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                              • I did finish Blood Meridian and it really was very good. I’m not sure I will ever revisit it. Falls into the same small category of art like “Requiem for a Dream” where I’m glad I saw it, and once is enough.

