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  • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
    They’re playing in the National Park (home of the Gnats). It’s really about the same level of baseball.
    Since we’re talking road trips, that’s worth visiting for a game if you haven’t been yet. Sounds like you go to DC fairly often. Sooooi much better than I imagine the games at RFk were.


    • I’ve been to RFK and Nationals Park. There is a Marriott Courtyard right there at Navy Yard within walking distance of the stadium. And the hotel is a block away from a Metro station.
      "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


      • The real baseball fans in the DC area go to Camden Yards.


        • Originally posted by Tom W View Post
          The real baseball fans in the DC area go to Camden Yards.
          I don't know about that, but I've been to Camden. It is a great venue
          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


          • I’ve been to Camden, too. It was supposed to be Cal’s 2000th straight, but the Mariners had to postpone some games for some reason.
            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


            • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
              Love thy neighbor. Woke
              tTreat others as you would like to be treated. Woke
              fFeed the hungry. Woke
              Heal the sick. Woke
              Care for the needy. Woke
              The meek shall inherit the earth. Woke

              Should I go on?

              Jesus was woke.
              I know most of this is intended to get a rise out of me, because you know I disagree, and I think you and I both know you are wresting scriptures out of context. All, in order to get me to respond.

              I know the Sunday School lesson is not popular here, so I'll just let you have your silly 'woke' argument, but leave you with this:

              Matthew 23:13-39.

              Some of that, you will claim, supports your 'woke' argument. Fact is, if Jesus were here among us today, and made a speech like that, CNN and MSNBC would call for Him to be jailed for 'hate crimes". He'd be considered "intolerant". Some might even call him "hitler" or "nazi". Which is absolutely laughable.
              "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


              • Originally posted by CGVT View Post

                I don't know about that, but I've been to Camden. It is a great venue
                Been to Camden for an O's-Bravos game...was awesome.
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post

                  I know most of this is intended to get a rise out of me, because you know I disagree, and I think you and I both know you are wresting scriptures out of context. All, in order to get me to respond.

                  I know the Sunday School lesson is not popular here, so I'll just let you have your silly 'woke' argument, but leave you with this:

                  Matthew 23:13-39.

                  Some of that, you will claim, supports your 'woke' argument. Fact is, if Jesus were here among us today, and made a speech like that, CNN and MSNBC would call for Him to be jailed for 'hate crimes". He'd be considered "intolerant". Some might even call him "hitler" or "nazi". Which is absolutely laughable.
                  Jesus was Woke. Just deal with it liney.
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Yeah, I know, Wiz.

                    I don't think he'd support men sticking their penises into another man's anus and calling it 'love', but then I'm intolerant.
                    "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                    • You are going to get on CGVT's bad side...
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Millions of Americans don’t understand — at least, not fully — that their own government has been transformed into an unelected progressive bureaucracy that has one main purpose: To promote and protect the interests of the unelected progressive bureaucracy.

                        [The naive and gullible among us still believe the purpose of government bureaucracies is to end poverty, end drug abuse, protect vulnerable citizens from rapacious business owners, restore health to forests, make sure vaccines and other medicines are perfectly safe, provide free housing, health care, and education, etc.]

                        The few members of the federal government who are elected serve the interests of the millions of unelected bureaucrats, not the other way around.

                        What will open the eyes of Americans so that they can see what their own government has become?

                        Suggestion: Watching the federal bureaucracy selectively charge, prosecute, and punish a political opponent while consistently giving passes to political allies and crony friends of the bureaucratic state.

                        For the long-term health of our constitutional republic, it might be a good thing for Donald Trump to be prosecuted and convicted of the same crimes for which high-level Democrats have been given passes.

                        Sure, partisan Democrats will gloat about the short-term victory of seeing the political opponent they currently fear and hate most, being punished. (I’ve said all along that the one unforgivable sin Trump committed, for Democrats, was changing his political affiliation from D to R.)

                        But the public spectacle of seeing the full force of an entrenched, bloated, privileged bureaucratic class bearing down on a political opponent — who is at the moment a mere private citizen — will, hopefully, open the eyes of millions of freedom-loving Americans to see the unconstitutional progressive government leviathan that we’ve allowed to metastasize, like a cancerous tumor, for decades, right in front of us.

                        And that, perhaps, will persuade those same Americans that it’s finally time to bring the long American nightmare experiment in progressive central planning to an end, and restore some semblance of individual liberty, property rights, and genuine self-government.

                        What say you?​
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • Rudy Giuliani is now reporting that the alleged witness that allegedly knew the alleged wife of some alleged owner of the alleged Ukrainian company and who allegedly had the "smoking gun" of alleged evidence allegedly proving Joe Biden and his alleged son Hunter Biden allegedly took bribes has now allegedly died under allegedly mysterious circumstances (cue Hillary Clinton the Drawing Room with a Candle Stick).
                          Last week, when asked to produce this witness, Rudy said she'd "disappeared."
                          Now he says she died.
                          He is also unable to produce her actual name. Allegedly.
                          Two days ago, Republican Senator Charles Grassley claimed an unnamed “foreign national” has two recordings of phone calls with Biden "proving" the bribery allegations.
                          Except, Grassley is unable to produce either the foreign national or the alleged recordings and according to the Washington Post, the senator's assertion is apparently based on a 2020 (note: Trump Administration) FBI report that describes that the "witness" is in reality “a secondhand allegation from a single source…” and not actual evidence at all. And very likely this "foreign national" is likewise the alleged deceased source that Rudy Giuliani can't produce let alone even name.
                          Meaning this elaborate conspiracy theory of Biden's alleged bribery comes from one shady unreliable source, Rudy Giuliani.
                          Which probably goes a long way towards explaining why Republicans, despite all their confident outrage, can't convince a Grand Jury to indict ... well, anyone.​
                          I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                          • Republicans beat the Democrats 16-6.
                            "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                            • Did Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray play for the Dems like they do at work?
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • 7.3K views, 407 likes, 55 comments, 71 shares, Facebook Reels from Jason Whitlock: Kenyan President Refuses to Accept LGBTQ Agenda. Jason Whitlock · Original audio
                                "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"

