Jemele Hill is now walking back her demand Spotify hand $100 million to somebody who is Black” or Joe Rogen money lol
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This is the kind of crap that you are voting for every time you vote for a Republican.
Are you Ohio guys ok with this?
Ohioans vote on Issue 1 on Aug. 8. What does it say?
Ohio Ballot Board passes controversial language for controversial proposal to make it harder for voters to pass amendments
I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on
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Originally posted by WingsFan View PostJemele Hill is now walking back her demand Spotify hand $100 million to somebody who is Black” or Joe Rogen money lol"Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"
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Originally posted by CGVT View PostThis is the kind of crap that you are voting for every time you vote for a Republican.
Are you Ohio guys ok with this?
Ohioans vote on Issue 1 on Aug. 8. What does it say?
Ohio Ballot Board passes controversial language for controversial proposal to make it harder for voters to pass amendments
Constitutions exist, in part, to protect against the whims of the day.
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There’s a lot to the Ohio story than just 60/40 or 50/50.
In any event, I consider it less bad than, say, reparations, which what you vote for every time you vote D. And mutilating children. Every, Time. You. Vote. D.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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There's more to the left having the media in their back pocket......I have subscriptions to two online media sources - the Economist and the NYTs (talent, STFU 😁). They are, admittedly as talent has made the point, the writers are on the left. Their editors are socialists. The Opinion section is, to put it generously, left leaning. No subscriptions to NRO or the like because I can get to what I want to read that's not pay walled and talent frequently posts links to conservative opinion pieces. Obviously, I'm following the war in Ukraine closely and have 4 good sources for that. I try to be open minded, convinceable when an argument makes sense - left or right.
What I notice from my effort to form balanced views is that I see way more selection/exclusion of facts to support a left leaning POV in NYT's, to lesser extent the Economist's, journalism. It can be, not always, subtle but effective in minimizing facts in support of a conservative POV the journalist or editor of these two news and opinion sources don't want to be associated with. Characterizing Biden's performance as president is one example. The NYTs grossly eliminates facts that support Biden's performance as poor. The Economist did do several pieces on that subject that pulled no punches, gave Biden and how the US Government functions (or doesn't) no quarter.
But WIzzy's point is spot on. The media megaphones some of the most egregiously ridiculous utterings of any lefty that gets a soap box to spout their nonsense from. The net impact is that such utterings become facts. Huge problem that certain media sources are responsible for creating.Mission to CFB's National Championship accomplished. But the shine on the NC Trophy is embarrassingly wearing off. It's M B-Ball ..... or hockey or volley ball or name your college sport favorite time ...... until next year.
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NYT/WaPo is useful for Prog perspective. I read them.
The other night I told my daughter — who is very liberal (and also extremely rational in a lawyer way) — make my argument for me. We were talking about Justice Thomas. And she was miming the Left shit. Fortunately for her, I treat her with kid gloves, much like I do Buchanan due to his “borderline” senility.
Anyway, I told her — make my argument; what am I going to say? She couldn’t do it. And I told her my rule of thumb is if you can’t make the opposite argument then you haven’t REALLY thought about it. I’m hoping that has some purchase with her. I, e.g., could make almost any of DSL’s arguments.* It’s not that I agree, but I do have to understand. Hence reading the NYT (or watch the young Turks (Egads)).
*I say almost because no rational human people can defend Cornell as anything other than a middle-tier Patriot League school built on the modest local reputation earned through its School of Bellhoppery and College of Tilling.Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.
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