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  • Here is an 11 year old boy doing a sexualized dance for gay men and getting tipped with dollar bills.

    DSL, Froot, and CGVT will not condemn it. They will only condemn you for not being OK with it.

    This boy is a famous child drag queen who has been on Good Morning America. Here he is dressed like a hooker.

    Here he is being used on a kids' youtube show to groom other children.

    Last edited by Hannibal; June 1, 2023, 06:37 PM.


    • People like CGVT, DSL, and Froot think that this man should have access to kids.

      People like Mike, LInesey, Talent, and myself ask why he is so eager to have access to kids.


      • For every one of those, I can find you a hundred of these...

        I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


        • DSL, CGVT, and Froot think that it's OK for this man to twerk for little kids at Drag Queen story hour. If they didn't, they wouldn't hate you for not being OK with it.


          • You would not believe how many Progs think this Ron Desantis Nazi rally is real (not staged). Don't remember Malcolm X being a Nazi?? (and brand new flags)



            • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

              Newsflash. There are no good people on the Left.

              From race riots to open borders to child grooming to Covidstan to post-birth abortion to Drag Queen Story hour to corporate DEI programs, there has not been one single dissenting voice on the Left.. Not a single one. Ever.

              That's why there are no brakes on the insanity train. It's up to us to stop it and then make sure that it never happens again.
              I think sometimes one becomes so embroiled in watching the lunatic fringe that it drowns out the rest. The Fringe gets all the press, but there are shades on the Left (and the Right). Not everyone on the Left burned cities after George Floyd’s death (or supported it) and not everyone on the Left is ignorant of what an issue the border is becoming.

              My best friend (I was best man at his wedding and he at mine) is far Left. A Bernie Bros, in fact. I would trust him with my life and while we don’t always agree, I know he wants a strong and fair America. Likewise, Talent’s wife, despite being a poor evaluator of life partners, I’m sure is a good and kind person and wants the best for the Nation. Throw DSL and a few others here in that boat. And politically, there are those with (D) behind their name who are reasonable.

              We have to work together, the Left and Right, and pull our Fringes from the edges and work to diminish their influence. It seems we are two warring tribes in one land and loyalty to that tribe sometimes clouds what’s best for the Nation. We become factions (as George Washington feared), and that tribalism hurts the country.
              "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


              • In better news looks like Biden (maybe) tripped over that sandbag (not that he will keep falling in the future).



                • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                  Luckily he only landed on his head and didn't hurt anything important.
                  Perhaps it was one of liney/AA/Talent's sandbags??
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                    Oh bullshit.

                    America is greater than it has ever been.

                    But I guess in the conservative mind, it was better when a woman couldn't get a credit card or open a bank account without her husband's approval. You know, like the good old days, back in the 60s when America was great.

                    Or it was better when we were able to keep those pesky colored folks out of our swimming pools or in the back of the bus.

                    Got it.
                    Well 71% of Americans disagree with that.
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • The polls always say that the country is going in the wrong direction. Always.

                      You can retire that one. It's as irrelevant as Nebraska football.
                      I feel like I am watching the destruction of our democracy while my neighbors and friends cheer it on


                      • I honestly wish someone who loves and cares for Mr Biden would do what Barry Goldwater did to Nixon, and go to him, and say, "Sir, its over, you're done".

                        I don't want him to have a health event that forces him to leave. I want him to retire gracefully, and get on with his life with his family and friends. He doesn't need to be trying to lead the country.

                        Even though that would give us Giggles McStupid for the rest of his term, I doubt that she'd do anything that would get her nominated and re-elected.
                        "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


                        • Elon is right about approaching AI cautiously.

                          The US Air Force tested an AI enabled drone that was tasked to destroy specific targets. A human operator had the power to override the drone—and so the drone decided that the human operator was an obstacle to its mission—and attacked him.

                          Further, years from now, once we assign AI as sentient, they will become “people” and be given rights. It sounds SciFi-ish, but it is absolutely an inevitability.
                          "The problem with quotes on the Internet is that it is sometimes hard to verify their authenticity." -Abraham Lincoln


                          • I honestly wish someone who loves and cares for Mr Biden would do what Barry Goldwater did to Nixon, and go to him, and say, "Sir, its over, you're done".

                            I don't want him to have a health event that forces him to leave. I want him to retire gracefully, and get on with his life with his family and friends. He doesn't need to be trying to lead the country.

                            Even though that would give us Giggles McStupid for the rest of his term, I doubt that she'd do anything that would get her nominated and re-elected.​
                            The left wants to just keep him in the basement as long as possible. No debates, and try not to have him talk, it's the left's best chance of stopping Trump or the new 'Hitler' every 4 years - Bad business, cruel game - that's politics in 2023.



                            • Originally posted by CGVT View Post
                              Yep. In spite of that. We need to fix it.

                              Wait. So you’re signing on to the notion that the United States is a “white supremacist” country?


                              • Well when those 5 black Police officers killed that kid in Memphis - It was because of “white supremacy"

