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  • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
    Most of the media got a lot wrong about the Amanda Gorman poetry book. It wasn't banned, it was reclassified to be only age-appropriate for junior high and older.

    Doesn't change the fact that the initial objection that sparked the need for a review was fucking dumb and very much wanted the poetry banned for all grades K-12. The lady who filed it didn't even get the author right -- she thought Oprah wrote it.

    Should we treat every complaint like this with total respect and patience? I guess the schools are better off doing it to avoid future headaches but man, I have never had respect for this "the customer is always right!" approach going back to the old shoe selling days. No, the customer is frequently a fuckstick.

    So, the law works as it's intended to work in a way that makes a lot of sense. Parent objects -- obvious squeaky wheel -- school board listens, acts as the sanity check, basically rejects most of it, but says, ok, we'll make it 7-12.

    And this is somehow leading to the bizarre assertion that high school teachers won't know if they can teach the history of gay rights to HS seniors or literature that includes a gay character to HS juniors.

    Anyway, I think the point has been made. You're too smart and generally curious not to read a law that takes all of 10 minutes to read including looking up the cross-references.
    Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
    Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


    • Yeah, DeSantis and Florida opted to treat Disney like any other company instead of giving them special breaks. Typically, Ds are in favor of not giving special exceptions to BIG [INSERT EVIL SUBJECT MATTER].

      It's not like DeSantis ginned up some sort of Attorney General lawsuit against political enemies like they do in, you know, New York.

      They're in litigation and they will certainly lose at the District Court level, but the claims are at least credible.
      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


      • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
        It has nothing to do with drinking.

        I think government retaliation is wrong. I thought your answer was nonsense and I wanted better clarification, you said it it walked a very fine line but these are unusual times.. That's weak sauce. It's a non answer at best, at worst you are saying you agree with the government retaliation if they speak out against something you are in favor but against retaliation if it are not in favor of.
        Speech is fine. I said that. Disney took it a step further and said they would do everything in their power to overturn Florida law. IMO, that crossed the line from protected speech to actively engaging in the political process in the state of Florida and in so doing, put themselves in the political arena. Ultimately, I expect the court to side with Disney but I don't really care one way or the other. What I like is that DeSantis used all the tools at his disposal to fight back against false narratives, misinformation, and far left ideology.

        I couldn't have been more clear the first time. Hopefully a second post on the matter clears it up for you.


        • Originally posted by Da Geezer View Post

          DeSantis explained the bill perfectly. What needs to be emphasized here is that the "retaliation" against Disney was about special treatments by the state that were unavailable to any other company. Governmental autonomy for Disney World was off-the-charts beneficial. Imagine allowing a private company to set its own tax structure for its own property.

          I'd love to hear the legislative history of the enabling statute that gave massive subsidies to Reedy Creek. I'll bet part of the pitch was the perception of Disney as a purveyor of high-quality G-rated entertainment. That company has become one that now tries to sexually groom the young into Prog weirdos. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and Disney should have kept its mouth shut.
          Why didn't they go after the Orlando Community Redevelopment Agency if it was about special breaks? Why only Reedy Creek?

          LOL at DaGeezer complaining about a corporation getting incentives and or tax breaks. The dude is always arguing for them. Another guy arguing in favor of government retaliation for free speech.

          As far as the history, it's not that hard. Florida enticed Disney to come to sleepy Orlando to build Disney world and it has been a great fucking deal for the state of Florida.


          • The Loons are out on full display...the ignorance is astonishing...
            Shut the fuck up Donny!


            • When is Geezer always arguing for corporate tax breaks? I mean, maybe he favors them but I don't recall that being his calling card.


              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                When is Geezer always arguing for corporate tax breaks? I mean, maybe he favors them but I don't recall that being his calling card.
                I can't believe you're tilting at the windmills, man.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Look...I get their sacred cow Disney is now being held to the same standards as other corporations now...and that pisses off Progs...I get's not hard to understand...
                  Shut the fuck up Donny!


                  • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                    Speech is fine. I said that. Disney took it a step further and said they would do everything in their power to overturn Florida law. IMO, that crossed the line from protected speech to actively engaging in the political process in the state of Florida and in so doing, put themselves in the political arena. Ultimately, I expect the court to side with Disney but I don't really care one way or the other. What I like is that DeSantis used all the tools at his disposal to fight back against false narratives, misinformation, and far left ideology.

                    I couldn't have been more clear the first time. Hopefully a second post on the matter clears it up for you.
                    Saying it's a very fine line but these are unusual times is wishy-washy language to make what you are saying unclear.

                    I don't see the imaginary line you do from free speech to trying to get a law overturned. You are creating an imaginary line to give yourself permission to say it's OK to use the government to retaliate. Actively engaging in the political process is no different than using your right to free speech. It's the same thing, that is what the first amendment is about.


                    • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
                      Yeah, DeSantis and Florida opted to treat Disney like any other company instead of giving them special breaks. Typically, Ds are in favor of not giving special exceptions to BIG [INSERT EVIL SUBJECT MATTER].

                      It's not like DeSantis ginned up some sort of Attorney General lawsuit against political enemies like they do in, you know, New York.

                      They're in litigation and they will certainly lose at the District Court level, but the claims are at least credible.
                      I believe Florida is trying to get the case reassigned to a different judge. But Disney’s case is no joke from everything I’ve read. The contract law accusations being more serious than the free speech stuff.


                      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                        Look...I get their sacred cow Disney is now being held to the same standards as other corporations now...and that pisses off Progs...I get's not hard to understand...
                        Do you think it's appropriate for the government to retaliate for free speech as well?


                        • And I believe that's how the courts will rule.

                          What were your thoughts on the government in say, the state of Michigan, deciding which business were "essential" during the pandemic and forcing thousands of them into extinction? Was it OK for the governor and AG to send the state police to arrest an elderly barber for trying to feed himself? Are you OK with that level of government intrusion into free enterprise?


                          • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

                            I believe Florida is trying to get the case reassigned to a different judge. But Disney’s case is no joke from everything I’ve read. The contract law accusations being more serious than the free speech stuff.
                            This is correct. Well, the substance. Disney has a good case. They outflanked DeSantis at the death. Pretty tough for the State to rescind contracts. The State tried through the democratic process -- I mean, they passed a bill, I think. But, again, ex post facto recission is a tough one.

                            The "free speech" stuff is not serious. It's for the daft.
                            Last edited by iam416; May 31, 2023, 10:55 AM.
                            Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                            Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

                              Do you think it's appropriate for the government to retaliate for free speech as well?
                              I dunno...let's ask Merrick Garland, The Chairman and Christopher Wray...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Speaking of special favors to Disney, fun time to remind y’all that DeSantis gave Disney a special exception to his very unconstitutional social media law. The law doesn’t apply to any social media company that also runs a theme park. Fun! That was before the marriage turned south.

