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  • Originally posted by AlabamAlum View Post
    I don’t know about a shoe brush, but washing someone’s feet is very biblical. Jesus promoted it. He washed his disciples feet and encouraged them to do the same with others to exhibit humility and a servant’s heart.

    It’s still done in many southern Pentecostal churches.
    What he's describing is ritual humiliation designed to cleanse the shoe shiner of the sins of his forefathers. In this case, the sins are slavery and various isms and phobias. He's not describing this just for the downtrodden or the poor, but for black people, and the shoe shining is symbolic, specifically, because of its past racial connections.

    As a general rule, Christianity is proving to be wholly impotent at combating the Western world's cultural implosion. I wouldn't put a ton of weight these days onto whether somebody is an Evangelical Christian when it comes to their opinions in the culture wars.
    Last edited by Hannibal; May 31, 2023, 09:01 AM.


    • The foot washing ceremony, as I learned about it in Sunday School as a child, was meant to be a ceremony where it is demonstrated that the master is not greater than the servant, and the servant is not greater than the master. A lesson in humbleness and humility. All are equal in the sight of God when it comes to the faith. Some church congregations tie the taking of communion with foot washing. They will not take communion without immediately following with a foot washing ceremony.
      "Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck"


      • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post

        I'm not clear on how much homosexuality can be mentioned other than in an sex ed class which almost everyone only takes once, most likely in junior high.

        Can you read a book in Senior English class that contains a gay character? Can you discuss Harvey Milk or the gay rights movement in a HS history class? Unless you know literally everything there is to know about Florida educational standards it's pretty difficult to say from the law itself.
        See, this is where reading the statute sort of matters. The amendment extended it from K-3 to Pre-K to 8. 9-12 remains age-appropriate.

        So, to answer your question, of course you can teach the gay rights movement in a HS history class. Of course you can read a book in Senior English that contains a gay character. It's not fucking difficult to say. It's only difficult to say if you don't read the goddamn law and then impute the absolute worst case, most irrational reading to the goddamn law you haven't goddamn read.

        Again, as I said, it's pretty easy for The Left to just follow the narrative instead of, you know, reading the bill. Don't be that person, DSL.

        The Parental Rights bill, as amended (amendments are even nicely underlined):
        Last edited by iam416; May 31, 2023, 09:26 AM.
        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


        • Whilst it's clear that froot, DSL and CGVT are LBGTQIALMNOPQRTSTUVWXWZ+...we accept you for who you's ok buddies...-
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by lineygoblue View Post
            The foot washing ceremony, as I learned about it in Sunday School as a child, was meant to be a ceremony where it is demonstrated that the master is not greater than the servant, and the servant is not greater than the master. A lesson in humbleness and humility. All are equal in the sight of God when it comes to the faith. Some church congregations tie the taking of communion with foot washing. They will not take communion without immediately following with a foot washing ceremony.
            Exactly right on the foot washing.

            In the Catholic church it's a thing that's done on Holy Thursday.

            It's certainly not "ritual humiliation" as Hannibal is asserting. How weird.


            • Originally posted by froot loops View Post

              I don't think they should, nowhere have I said that. But you can't bring the government down on a company for saying their peace on the Don't Say Gay law.

              Do you think government retaliation for free speech is correct? I think I'm the past you have in the past indicated that you agree with it, especially in this case.
              Well, you push back against the Parental Rights in Education Bill so hard that one can only assume you vehemently disagree with the main points of the law which is to shield young children from highly objectionable sexual content.

              To your second point, I find DeSantis' actions against Disney as walking a very fine line. Usually I would disagree with government taking action against a specific business but these are unusual times. IMO, Disney fired the first shots by taking the explicit stance that they will do everything in their power to overturn the law. That's a FAR different scenario than issuing a public statement of support for the Alphabet mafia and then having the state come down on them. In that case, I'd side with the private business. But re: the Parental Rights in Education Bill, Disney said they would work to overturn the law, which, IMO, places them in the political arena and that's where the mud flies and everyone gets some on them.

              Since the employee walkout in March of 2022, Disney stock has plummeted from around $140/share to $87 today.

              A lot of this managerial malpractice displayed by Disney, Target, Bud Light, et al. is a result of ESG scoring and the prioritization of looney leftist ideology over sound business practice. These companies serve an important notice to others going forward that maybe, just maybe consumers don't want to be lectured to about their insufficiently woke views on cultural issues.
              Last edited by Mike; May 31, 2023, 09:36 AM.


              • Disney is far more plagued by just terrible products. Trying to desperately squeeze dollars from established franchises with, by and large, soul-less god-awful shit. I mean, the Indiana Jones movie, e.g., will be awful.

                As far as DeSantis goes, he's using Disney against DJT. And it has some modest purchase. It's a win for DeSantis. He needs that to get out of the primary and, as DSL often reiterates, cultural issues matter little in the general -- well, to the voters that matter. So, the "Where Woke Comes to Die" shit is the hand DeSantis HAS to play against DJT in the primary amongst other things.

                It's not going to be enough, but it's going to help him in the primary and not hurt him in the general (on the off chance he gets there). That's a political win.
                Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                • Running on those acronyms can only win the extremely online Twitter primary.


                  • So in a nutshell...the Progs just don't think Florida is gay enough...
                    Shut the fuck up Donny!


                    • Back to Florida, the law says that parent can object to instructional materials on sexual grounds and that the School Board then has to make a determination as to whether the materials are appropriate. So, if some English class is teaching Lolita then a parent can object and the school board will make a determination. The point is to give parents -- obvious squeaky wheels -- some process to object and to limit the effect of crazy through the school board.

                      So, yeah, it's possible that, say, The Great Gatsby might be objected to and that objection might be upheld. It's POSSIBLE. Until it happens though -- gimme a fucking break.

                      It also underscores that HS teachers aren't in some sort of great connundrum -- they can teach whatever they want to. The repercussion is a parental objection and then school board determination and then, worst case scenario, saying, sorry you can't teach that. That's it.

                      Again, if you read the damn law you know this. If you read the NYT you do not know this.
                      Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                      Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                      • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
                        So in a nutshell...the Progs just don't think Florida is gay enough...
                        Nah, they don't think there's enough genital mutilation of 8-year olds.

                        8-year olds, dude.
                        Dan Patrick: What was your reaction to [Urban Meyer being hired]?
                        Brady Hoke: You know.....not....good.


                        • Oh...well then ok...I was worried there for a second...genital mutilation of big whoop...
                          Shut the fuck up Donny!


                          • If it's all very sensible, then why did Ron DeSantis use the power of the government to retaliate against Disney and gloat about it? He should have simply explained it like talent did instead of working in secret with the legislature to surprise Disney with his legislative retaliation.


                            • ...and Disney is as pure as the wind driven snow white...
                              Shut the fuck up Donny!


                              • Originally posted by froot loops View Post
                                If it's all very sensible, then why did Ron DeSantis use the power of the government to retaliate against Disney and gloat about it? He should have simply explained it like talent did instead of working in secret with the legislature to surprise Disney with his legislative retaliation.
                                That's EXACTLY WHAT HE FUCKING DID!

                                LOL, at "surprise Disney". Holy fuck you are intentionally obtuse.

