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  • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
    300k per month is 3.6 mil for the year...which would be an annual record. They are forecasting almost double that.
    3.6 million alone would blow past the total number of people in the entire San Diego metropolitan statistical area. If it goes double that amount we would import a number of migrants in one year that exceeds the entire metros of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Washington D.C. and would equal the Houston metro area.

    Can someone explain how that benefits our country?


    • Progs love I've said...they thrive in chaos.
      Shut the fuck up Donny!


      • Originally posted by iam416 View Post
        The Wizard and STFU walk into a bar....

        ....all humanity hopes it is eaten by sharks, blows up, is cast into an active volcano and then shot into outer space.
        STFU would not be caught dead in public with that jag.


        • STFU
          Shut the fuck up Donny!


          • Originally posted by THE_WIZARD_ View Post
            300k per month is 3.6 mil for the year...which would be an annual record. They are forecasting almost double that.
            Or to put it another way: The combined population of Los Angeles and Chicago (proper) is roughly 6.7 million. That might be how many migrants we take in this year. If it's ONLY 3.6 million that would equate to the 3rd largest city in the country behind only NYC and LA.


            • Correct. Mass hysteria. Cats and dogs living together. Thanks to Dickless turning off the power grid...dickless.jpg
              Shut the fuck up Donny!


              • ...
                Attached Files
                Shut the fuck up Donny!


                • I tried to go through this pretty carefully and unless I missed something I only see three Biden family members called out by name as having received money from Robinson Walker LLC, which is the overseas influence company Hunter started up with partners. Those three are James Biden, Hunter Biden, and Hallie Biden. The first two have been known to be involved for years.

                  Bank-Memorandum-5.10.23.pdf (

                  Hallie Biden is Beau's widow who started a relationship with Hunter after he died which led to Hunter's first marriage collapsing. Like Hunter, she's a drug addict. Apparently one of Hunter's sisters blames Hallie for getting Hunter hooked on crack. Anyways, I doubt this woman ever did any real work. There's stuff in this article that suggests Hunter was paying out of his portion of the company for her expensive stints in rehab, gifts, and basically to support her for a number of years. They broke up for good around the start of 2019.

                  Hallie Biden's toxic relationship with Hunter and father-in-law Joe | Daily Mail Online​​


                  • Originally posted by Mike View Post

                    3.6 million alone would blow past the total number of people in the entire San Diego metropolitan statistical area. If it goes double that amount we would import a number of migrants in one year that exceeds the entire metros of Philadelphia, Atlanta, Washington D.C. and would equal the Houston metro area.

                    Can someone explain how that benefits our country?
                    Stop being racist. These people are coming to build spaceships to take us to Proxima Centauri, using the technology that the White Man stole from them.


                    • BFCS
                      Shut the fuck up Donny!


                      • Originally posted by Hannibal View Post

                        Stop being racist. These people are coming to build spaceships to take us to Proxima Centauri, using the technology that the White Man stole from them.
                        Ever notice how Progs LOVE these massive flows of migrants...until it hits their location...
                        Shut the fuck up Donny!


                        • IMO If anyone was doing shady shit it was Hunter and James. The money paid out of Hunter's LLC to his two wives and Hallie can be explained as alimony, rehab, gifts, family expenses, etc.

                          If a mob lawyer pays his alimony out of the same account that Don Corleone pays his salary, that does not mean the ex-wife is working for the mob too.

                          And FWIW Hunter's two wives don't appear to be mentioned in the memo that was released yesterday, just Hallie. Not sure where that's coming from? Maybe earlier info?


                          • Isn't this the same loon that said Guam was going to "capsize"???

                            Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson on Wednesday wildly accused Republicans of wishing slavery still existed as he argued that more immigrants were needed in the US to keep Americans from starving.

                            Johnson lobbed the accusation during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on a bill seeking to make assaulting a law enforcement officer a deportable offense, which he called a GOP attempt to “demonize immigrants.”

                            “Those folks coming across are the ones who are helping to put food on our table – without them, we’re not able to eat,” Johnson argued. “If all of them were turned away and this legislation passed making it easier to get at people who are already here legally, and you have no immigration, then we would have no food on our plates.”

                            “We would have nobody taking care of the building, the construction of our homes. We wouldn’t have anybody cleaning up in the hospitals, you know, honest work that deserves an honest day’s pay,” the Georgia Democrat added.

                            Johnson said Republicans “like to see” immigrants “lined up at the border because they know that’s a stream of labor ready to be exploited with cheap, if any, compensation.”

                            “I mean, if you could get back to slavery you would gladly do so,” Johnson told his Republican colleagues. “But if you could pay people $1 an hour, you’d settle for that. That’s the race to the bottom that we have with immigrants lined up at the border and trying to get in and go to work.”

                            Johnson’s jaw-dropping remark was met with outrage by conservatives.

                            Shut the fuck up Donny!


                            • The most interesting case (out of 5) released by the Supreme Court today was a victory for California regulators who put restrictions on how pigs must be raised. Very convoluted decision with lots of Justices writing their own little remarks. But ultimately the main opinion was an alliance of Gorsuch, Thomas, and Barrett with Kagan and Sotomayor. Jackson sided more with Roberts, Kav, and Alito.

                              21-468 National Pork Producers Council v. Ross (05/11/2023) (


                              • Originally posted by Dr. Strangelove View Post
                                IMO If anyone was doing shady shit it was Hunter and James. The money paid out of Hunter's LLC to his two wives and Hallie can be explained as alimony, rehab, gifts, family expenses, etc.

                                If a mob lawyer pays his alimony out of the same account that Don Corleone pays his salary, that does not mean the ex-wife is working for the mob too.

                                And FWIW Hunter's two wives don't appear to be mentioned in the memo that was released yesterday, just Hallie. Not sure where that's coming from? Maybe earlier info?
                                I have not read the entire memo...having a hard time finding the entire memo if you have a link please share. I did watch the entire Comer PC...and yes I agree there is more work to do to link Joe to the money but again...there is so much evidence of cover up and secrecy it's fucking unbelievable...and they are pretty much just getting keep saying they have had this info for years...yes...the FBI had the fucking laptop and CONCEALED IT...and the CIA/FBI and that POS Blinken made sure it was labeled as "Russian Disinformation"...hell...Hillary bought and paid for a dossier to obtain a FISA warrant on Trump with far less smoke than this...and it was all fucking bunk...Trump was impeached for that and then for the alleged quid pro on withholding foreign aid...but this doesn't even draw any legal scrutiny by our nations law bodies (FBI/DOJ)...and none from Congress until the R's took the House. It's a fucking joke. The kid was caught with the hand in the cookie jar and tried to deny deny deny until he couldn't deny he says well yeah but taking the cookies was not illegal...

                                It's a fucking joke. You know damn well if this was Trump it would have been an immediate hanging.
                                Shut the fuck up Donny!

